После того, как я установил новую версию Ubuntu (18.04) и установил sshittle, я больше не мог подключиться к своему серверу с помощью sshuttle.
Кроме того, я проверил, что версия (0.78.4) была такой же, как и на другом устройстве, и это было нормально.
Вы можете увидеть ошибку массажа ниже:
$ ./sshuttle --dns -r leto@example.com 0/0 -vv
Starting sshuttle proxy.
Binding: 12300
Listening on ('', 12300).
DNS listening on ('', 12300).
[local sudo] Password:
Sorry, try again.
[local sudo] Password:
firewall manager ready.
c : connecting to server...
c : executing: ['ssh', 'leto@example.com', '--', 'P=python2; $P -V 2>/dev/null || P=python; "$P" -c \'import sys; skip_imports=1; verbosity=2; exec compile(sys.stdin.read(764), "assembler.py", "exec")\'']
c : > channel=0 cmd=PING len=7 (fullness=0)
server: assembling 'cmdline_options.py' (29 bytes)
server: assembling 'helpers.py' (693 bytes)
server: assembling 'ssubprocess.py' (13702 bytes)
server: assembling 'ssnet.py' (5100 bytes)
server: assembling 'hostwatch.py' (2242 bytes)
server: assembling 'server.py' (2380 bytes)
s: latency control setting = True
s: available routes:
s: > channel=0 cmd=PING len=7 (fullness=0)
s: > channel=0 cmd=ROUTES len=17 (fullness=7)
s: Waiting: 1 r=[4] w=[5] x=[] (fullness=24/0)
s: Ready: 1 r=[] w=[5] x=[]
s: mux wrote: 15/15
s: mux wrote: 25/25
s: Waiting: 1 r=[4] w=[] x=[] (fullness=24/0)
c : connected.
c : Waiting: 3 r=[3, 5, 9] w=[9] x=[] (fullness=7/0)
c : Ready: 3 r=[9] w=[9] x=[]
c : < channel=0 cmd=PING len=7
c : > channel=0 cmd=PONG len=7 (fullness=7)
c : < channel=0 cmd=ROUTES len=17
firewall manager: starting transproxy.
>> iptables -t nat -N sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -F sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT 1 -j sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -j sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j RETURN --dest -p tcp
>> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j REDIRECT --dest -p tcp --to-ports 12300 -m ttl ! --ttl 42
>> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j REDIRECT --dest XX.7.43.10/32 -p udp --dport 53 --to-ports 12300 -m ttl ! --ttl 42
>> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j REDIRECT --dest XX.7.33.10/32 -p udp --dport 53 --to-ports 12300 -m ttl ! --ttl 42
c : mux wrote: 15/15
c : mux wrote: 15/15
c : Waiting: 3 r=[3, 5, 9] w=[] x=[] (fullness=14/0)
Write failed: Broken pipe
c : Ready: 3 r=[9] w=[] x=[]
firewall manager: undoing changes.
>> iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -j sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -F sshuttle-12300
>> iptables -t nat -X sshuttle-12300
c : fatal: server died with error code 255