<title>Test of Timer function..</title>
<div id="number_of_points_div" style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 20px;">
# of Points: <input type="text" size="3" id="number_of_points_id" value="13" />
# of Runs: <input type="text" size="3" id="number_of_runs_id" value="5" /><span id="info_span" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; margin-left: 10px; background: yellow; cursor: pointer;" onclick="prefill();">Click Here!</span>
<canvas id="main-canvas" style="border: solid #000000 1px;" onclick="console.clear();"></canvas>
var TAU = Math.PI * 2;
var main_canvas_width = 1000;
var main_canvas_height = 500;
var main_canvas = document.getElementById("main-canvas");
main_canvas.width = main_canvas_width;
main_canvas.height = main_canvas_height;
var ctx_main = main_canvas.getContext("2d");
var run_number = 0;
function prefill() {
ctx_main.fillStyle = "white";
ctx_main.fillRect(0, 0, main_canvas_width, main_canvas_height);
var N = document.getElementById("number_of_runs_id").value;
var NC = document.getElementById("number_of_points_id").value;
var R0 = 20;
var X0 = 25;
var Y0 = 250;
var R0_inc = 50;
var X0_inc = 100;
var Y0_inc = 0;
do_chryzoids(N, NC, R0, R0_inc, X0, X0_inc, Y0, Y0_inc);
function do_chryzoids(N, NC, R0, R0_inc, X0, X0_inc, Y0, Y0_inc) {
for (run_number = 0; run_number < N; run_number++) {
do_chryzoids_one_run(N, NC, R0 + run_number * R0_inc, X0 + run_number * X0_inc, Y0 + run_number * Y0_inc);
} // end of do_chryzoids(7) function
// end of do_chryzoids(7) function
function do_chryzoids_one_run(N, NC, R0_given, X0_given, Y0_given) {
for (var i = 0; i < NC; i++) {
// do the lines on the circumference of the preview
draw_chryzoids_circumference_line(NC, X0_given, Y0_given, R0_given, i, 1, "red");
for (var j = i + 1; j < NC; j++) {
draw_chryzoids_inner_line(NC, X0_given, Y0_given, R0_given, i, j, 1, "blue");
} // end of do_chryzoids_one_run(1) function
// end of do_chryzoids_one_run(1) function
function draw_chryzoids_circumference_line(NC_given, X0_given, Y0_given, R0_given, i_given, lineWidth_given, current_color_given) {
draw_line(X0_given + R0_given * Math.cos(i_given * TAU / NC_given),
Y0_given + R0_given * Math.sin(i_given * TAU / NC_given),
X0_given + R0_given * Math.cos((i_given + 1) * TAU / NC_given),
Y0_given + R0_given * Math.sin((i_given + 1) * TAU / NC_given), lineWidth_given, current_color_given);
} // end of draw_chryzoids_circumference_lines(6) function
// end of draw_chryzoids_circumference_lines(6) function
function draw_chryzoids_inner_line(NC_given, X0_given, Y0_given, R0_given, i_given, j_given, lineWidth_given, current_color_given) {
draw_line(X0_given + R0_given * Math.cos(i_given * TAU / NC_given),
Y0_given + R0_given * Math.sin(i_given * TAU / NC_given),
X0_given + R0_given * Math.cos(j_given * TAU / NC_given),
Y0_given + R0_given * Math.sin(j_given * TAU / NC_given), lineWidth_given, current_color_given);
} // end of draw_chryzoids_inner_line(7) function
// end of draw_chryzoids_inner_line(7) function
function draw_line(x_from, y_from, x_to, y_to, lineWidth_given, current_color_given) {
ctx_main.strokeStyle = current_color_given;
ctx_main.moveTo(x_from, y_from);
ctx_main.lineTo(x_to, y_to);
} // end of draw_line(1) function
// end of draw_line(1) function