Почему React JS во время выполнения в Visual Studio 2017 выдает ошибки?
Привет всем, мне интересно, почему при запуске React js в моей визуальной студии 2017 (15.8.9) я сталкиваюсь с кучей ошибок, и реакция js не начинается!
Это просто дает ошибки, которые ниже:
(Плюс, я также отключил антивирус и брандмауэр)
1>npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: yargs@3.10.0 (node_modules\handlebars\node_modules\yargs):
1>npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY : error : EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'F:\C#\Exercises\WebApplication5\WebApplication5\ClientApp\node_modules\.staging\yargs-80910015\CHANGELOG.md'
1>npm ERR! path F:\C#\Exercises\WebApplication5\WebApplication5\ClientApp\node_modules\.staging\acorn-e9fc9845\README.md
1>npm ERR! code EPERM
1>npm ERR! errno -4048
1>npm ERR! syscall unlink
1>EXEC : npm ERR! error : EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'F:\C#\Exercises\WebApplication5\WebApplication5\ClientApp\node_modules\.staging\acorn-e9fc9845\README.md'
1>npm ERR! { [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'F:\C#\Exercises\WebApplication5\WebApplication5\ClientApp\node_modules\.staging\acorn-e9fc9845\README.md']
1>npm ERR! cause:
1>EXEC : npm ERR! { error : EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'F:\C#\Exercises\WebApplication5\WebApplication5\ClientApp\node_modules\.staging\acorn-e9fc9845\README.md'
1>npm ERR! errno: -4048,
1>npm ERR! code: 'EPERM',
1>npm ERR! syscall: 'unlink',
1>npm ERR! path:
1>npm ERR! 'F:\\C#\\Exercises\\WebApplication5\\WebApplication5\\ClientApp\\node_modules\\.staging\\acorn-e9fc9845\\README.md' },
1>npm ERR! stack:
1>npm ERR! "Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'F:\\C#\\Exercises\\WebApplication5\\WebApplication5\\ClientApp\\node_modules\\.staging\\acorn-e9fc9845\\README.md'",
1>npm ERR! errno: -4048,
1>npm ERR! code: 'EPERM',
1>npm ERR! syscall: 'unlink',
1>npm ERR! path:
1>npm ERR! 'F:\\C#\\Exercises\\WebApplication5\\WebApplication5\\ClientApp\\node_modules\\.staging\\acorn-e9fc9845\\README.md',
1>npm ERR! parent: 'WebApplication5' }
1>npm ERR!
1>npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
1>npm ERR! It's possible that the file was already in use (by a text editor or antivirus),
1>npm ERR! or that you lack permissions to access it.
1>npm ERR!
1>npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
1>npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
1>npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator (though this is not recommended).
1>npm WARN tarball tarball data for react-router-bootstrap@0.24.4 (sha512-kEwk3ml4wvE3IbJvRVjx0zBBBxW4JLhD0wyy0hBdlWSdfjvgoHVvlxx9gBPxvEs5VwWlbFvNRyUghLZ2AMcmzg==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.