Вы можете вызывать несколько аналитических функций внутри вашего внутреннего запроса, с разными предложениями по разделению вместо одной; а затем поработайте над ними - прочесав аналитическое ранжирование оценок и шагов в выражениях падежа.
Поскольку у меня нет ваших базовых таблиц, я дал фиксированные значения из вашего образца в качестве дополнительного внутреннего запроса, чтобы продемонстрировать идею, с одним дополнительным значением, чтобы показать вторую строку вывода:
select position_num,
max(case when grade_num = 1 then grade_name end) as grade1,
max(case when grade_num = 2 then grade_name end) as grade2,
max(case when grade_num = 3 then grade_name end) as grade3,
max(case when grade_num = 1 and grade_step_num = 1 then step_name end) as Grade1Step1,
max(case when grade_num = 1 and grade_step_num = 2 then step_name end) as Grade1Step2,
max(case when grade_num = 1 and grade_step_num = 3 then step_name end) as Grade1Step3,
max(case when grade_num = 2 and grade_step_num = 1 then step_name end) as Grade2Step1,
max(case when grade_num = 2 and grade_step_num = 2 then step_name end) as Grade2Step2,
max(case when grade_num = 2 and grade_step_num = 3 then step_name end) as Grade2Step3,
max(case when grade_num = 3 and grade_step_num = 1 then step_name end) as Grade3Step1,
max(case when grade_num = 3 and grade_step_num = 2 then step_name end) as Grade3Step2,
max(case when grade_num = 3 and grade_step_num = 3 then step_name end) as Grade3Step3
from (
dense_rank() over (order by position_code) position_num,
dense_rank() over (partition by position_code order by grade_name) as grade_num,
dense_rank() over (partition by position_code, grade_name order by step_name) as grade_step_num
select 'PRGUSPOS084' as position_code, 'Salary05' as grade_name, 'Step01' as step_name from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary05', 'Step02' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary05', 'Step03' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary06', 'Step01' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary06', 'Step02' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary06', 'Step03' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary07', 'Step01' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary07', 'Step02' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS084', 'Salary07', 'Step03' from dual
union all select 'PRGUSPOS085', 'Salary06', 'Step02' from dual
group by position_num, position_code;
, который получает:
------------ ----------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
1 PRGUSPOS084 Salary05 Salary06 Salary07 Step01 Step02 Step03 Step01 Step02 Step03 Step01 Step02 Step03
2 PRGUSPOS085 Salary06 Step02
Таким образом, ваш реальный запрос может выглядеть примерно так:
select position_num,
max(case when grade_num = 1 then grade_name end) as grade1,
max(case when grade_num = 2 then grade_name end) as grade2,
max(case when grade_num = 3 then grade_name end) as grade3,
max(case when grade_num = 1 and grade_step_num = 1 then step_name end) as Grade1Step1,
max(case when grade_num = 1 and grade_step_num = 2 then step_name end) as Grade1Step2,
max(case when grade_num = 1 and grade_step_num = 3 then step_name end) as Grade1Step3,
max(case when grade_num = 2 and grade_step_num = 1 then step_name end) as Grade2Step1,
max(case when grade_num = 2 and grade_step_num = 2 then step_name end) as Grade2Step2,
max(case when grade_num = 2 and grade_step_num = 3 then step_name end) as Grade2Step3,
max(case when grade_num = 3 and grade_step_num = 1 then step_name end) as Grade3Step1,
max(case when grade_num = 3 and grade_step_num = 2 then step_name end) as Grade3Step2,
max(case when grade_num = 3 and grade_step_num = 3 then step_name end) as Grade3Step3
from (
dense_rank() over (order by hapf.position_code) position_num,
pg.name as grade_name,
pgsfv.name as step_name,
dense_rank() over (partition by hapf.position_code order by pg.name) as grade_num,
dense_rank() over (partition by hapf.position_code, pg.name order by pgsfv.name)
as grade_step_num
hr_all_positions_f hapf
join per_valid_grades_f pvgf on hapf.position_id = pvgf.position_id
join per_grades pg on pvgf.grade_id = pg.grade_id
join per_grade_steps_f_vl pgsfv on pgsfv.grade_id = pg.grade_id
where hapf.position_code = 'PRGUSPOS084'
and hapf.effective_end_date = date '4712-12-31'
group by position_num, position_code;
Я позволил себе переключить ваш внутренний запрос на использование современного синтаксиса соединения; и сравнивать вашу effective_end_date
с фактической датой, а не преобразовывать ее в строку - что, как правило, является плохой идеей, поскольку не позволяет использовать индекс для этого столбца.