Как преобразовать геометрию в геойсон из php и insrt полигона в postgis - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 22 января 2019

Я очень новичок в postgis и geojson,

Я должен извлечь каждую геометрию из geojson и сохранить ее в базе данных postgis как полигоны

Для каждой записи в geojson я хотел бычтобы иметь возможность хранить свою геометрию в базе данных отдельно, как в json

В базе данных тип геометрии:

ALTER TABLE public.a_final ADD COLUMN geometry geometry (Polygon, 4326);

Что я сделал до сих пор:

<code>$geojson = file_get_contents("o/1.geojson");
//echo $geojson;
$array = json_decode($geojson, TRUE);

echo "<pre>";
echo "
"; foreach ($ array ['features'] как $ type) {$ layer = $ type ['properties'] ['Layer']; $ SubClasses = $ type ['properties'] ['SubClasses'];$ ExtendedEntity = $ type ['properties'] ['ExtendedEntity']; $ Linetype = $ type ['properties'] ['Linetype']; $ EntityHandle = $ type ['properties'] ['EntityHandle']; $ Text= $ type ['properties'] ['Text']; $ geometry = $ type ['geometry'];}


    [type] => FeatureCollection
    [features] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [type] => Feature
                    [properties] => Array
                            [Layer] => Green Area
                            [SubClasses] => AcDbEntity: AcDbPolyline
                            [ExtendedEntity] =>
                            [Linetype] =>
                            [EntityHandle] => 6B
                            [Text] =>

                    [geometry] => Array
                            [type] => LineString
                            [coordinates] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => 708305.979
                                            [1] => 385139.794

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [0] => 708433.3
                                            [1] => 384989.4

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [0] => 708434.8
                                            [1] => 384987.7

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [0] => 708400.454
                                            [1] => 384958.526

                                    [4] => Array
                                            [0] => 708259.989
                                            [1] => 385100.729

                                    [5] => Array
                                            [0] => 708305.979
                                            [1] => 385139.794




            [1] => Array
                    [type] => Feature
                    [properties] => Array
                            [Layer] => Green Area
                            [SubClasses] => AcDbEntity: AcDbPolyline
                            [ExtendedEntity] =>
                            [Linetype] =>
                            [EntityHandle] => 6C
                            [Text] =>

                    [geometry] => Array
                            [type] => LineString
                            [coordinates] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => 702461.518
                                            [1] => 381980.706

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [0] => 702436.783
                                            [1] => 381924.255

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [0] => 702427.496
                                            [1] => 381927.398

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [0] => 702452.871
                                            [1] => 381985.312

                                    [4] => Array
                                            [0] => 702461.518
                                            [1] => 381980.706




1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 28 января 2019

Вам не нужно выполнять всю тяжелую работу по переводу GeoJSON в SQL, вы можете просто выбросить его в PostgreSQL, используя ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(). Затем вы просто делаете что-то вроде:

//load GeoJSON
$geojson = file_get_contents("o/1.geojson");
//Translate that into JSON-compliant array of features
$features = json_decode($geojson, TRUE)->features;
//Connect to your database
$connection = pg_connect(....);
//Iterate over features within FeatureCollection
foreach($features as $feature) {
    //Extract necessary attributes
    $layer = $feature->properties["Layer"];
    $subClasses = $feature->properties["SubClasses"];
    //Extract geometry attribute as a string
    $geomJson = json_encode($feature->geometry);
    //Make up SQL-query
    $sql = "insert into mytable (layer, subclasses, ...., geom) values ('".$layer."','".$subClasses."',..., st_geomfromgeojson('".$geomJson."')";
    //Execute the query
    pg_query($connection, $sql);