Я использую следующий скрипт для создания функции
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fninsertreceipttransaction(
accountid1 integer,
customerid1 integer,
receiptid1 integer,
retailerid1 integer,
planid1 integer,
enteredat1 timestamp without time zone,
cardtype1 character varying,
last4digits1 integer,
receiptnumber1 character varying,
totalreceiptspend1 double precision,
transactiondate1 timestamp without time zone,
storeid1 integer,
title1 character varying,
message1 character varying,
enteredby1 character varying)
RETURNS typcounter
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
counter typcounter;
planId1 int;
cardid1 int;
spendtargetmax1 double precision;
-- insert receipt data
update tblreceipts
ReceiptIssuedAt = transactiondate1,
IsDownloaded = 't',
IsProcessed = 't',
IsVerified1 = 't',
IsVerified2 = 't',
DownloadedAt = current_timestamp,
ProcessedAt = current_timestamp,
VerifiedAt1 = current_timestamp,
VerifiedAt2 = current_timestamp,
DownloadedBy = 'user1',
ProcessedBy = 'user1',
VerifiedBy1 = 'user1',
VerifiedBy2 = 'user1'
where accountId = accountId1 and receiptId = receiptId1;
-- Check if there is active plan
-- when changing plan status, update actualCompletion date
-- Also update EOD process to include receipts
-- this should change depending on plan start and end condition
-- add transaction
select cardid into cardid1 from TblAccountCards
where accountid=accountid1
and cardtype=cardtype1
and last4digits=last4digits1;
update TblTransactions
RetailerId = retailerId1,
StoreId = storeid1,
TransactionAt = transactiondate1,
EnteredAt = enteredat1,
UpdatedAt = current_timestamp,
Subtotal = totalreceiptspend1,
CardId = cardid1
where accountId = accountId1 and receiptId = receiptId1;
-- roll up transactions to plan spent
update tblcustomerplans
set currentAmountSpent = (select sum(subtotal) from TblTransactions where
accountId = accountId1 and planId = planId1)
accountId = accountId1
and customerId = customerId1;
select spendtargetmax into spendtargetmax1 from tblcustomerplans
where accountid=accountid1
and customerid=customerid1
and planid=planid1;
update tblcustomerplans
set status = 'MarkComplete'
accountId = accountId1
and customerId = customerId1
and planId = planId1
and currentamountspent >= spendtargetmax1;
select cast(1 as bigint) into counter;
return counter;
И выполнение функции с помощью следующего запроса
PERFORM fninsertreceipttransaction(31, 24, 56, 10001, 53, '2018-11-16 20:03:28', 'Mastercard', '3434', '203', 200, '2018-11-17 00:00:00', 1,
'Receipt Trnasaction', 'Transaction Successfully Processed', 'Admin');
END $$;
Ошибка при получении:
ОШИБКА: функция fninsertreceipttransaction (целое, целое, целое,
целое число, целое число, неизвестно, неизвестно, неизвестно, неизвестно, целое число,
неизвестно, целое число, неизвестно, неизвестно, неизвестно) не является уникальным
Я также отслеживал все запросы, используя статические данные
update tblreceipts
ReceiptIssuedAt = '2018-11-17 00:00:00',
IsDownloaded = 't',
IsProcessed = 't',
IsVerified1 = 't',
IsVerified2 = 't',
DownloadedAt = current_timestamp,
ProcessedAt = current_timestamp,
VerifiedAt1 = current_timestamp,
VerifiedAt2 = current_timestamp,
DownloadedBy = 'user1',
ProcessedBy = 'user1',
VerifiedBy1 = 'user1',
VerifiedBy2 = 'user1'
where accountId = 31 and receiptId = 53;
select cardid from TblAccountCards
where accountid=31
and cardtype='Mastercard'
and last4digits=3434;
update TblTransactions
RetailerId = 10001,
StoreId = 1,
TransactionAt = '2018-11-17 00:00:00',
EnteredAt = '2018-11-16 20:03:28',
UpdatedAt = current_timestamp,
Subtotal = 200,
CardId = 1
where accountId = 31 and receiptId = 53;
update tblcustomerplans
set currentAmountSpent = (select sum(subtotal) from TblTransactions where
accountId = 31 and planId = 53)
accountId = 31 and customerId = 24;
select spendtargetmax from tblcustomerplans
where accountid=31 and customerid=24 and planid=53;
update tblcustomerplans
set status = 'MarkComplete'
accountId = 31
and customerId = 24
and planId = 53
and currentamountspent >= 550;
Но не знаю, почему проблема возникает при выполнении функции