После awk
может помочь вам в том же.
awk -F"," '
split($1,a,"[- ]");
$1=a[1] a[2] a[4];
1' OFS="," Input_file
Объяснение кода:
awk -F"," ' ##Setting field separator as comma here or lines.
BEGIN{ ##Starting BEGIN section for awk here.
num=split("jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sept,oct,nov,dec",array,",");##Using split to create a month names array and its length is stored in num variable.
for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Starting a for loop from variable value i=1 to till value of num here.
month[array[i]]=sprintf("%02d",i)} ##Creating an array month whose index is array value with index i and value is variable i.
{ ##Starting main section here which will be executed during Input_file reading by awk.
split($1,a,"[- ]"); ##Using split to split $1 into array a whose delimiter are space and - in that line.
a[2]=month[tolower(a[2])]; ##Setting 2nd value of array a to value of month array, to get months into digit format.
$1=a[1] a[2] a[4]; ##Re-creating first field with values of first, second and third values of array a.
gsub(/:/,"",$1) ##globally substituting colon with NULL in first colon.
1 ##Using 1 here to print the current line.
' OFS="," Input_file ##Setting output field separator as comma and mentioning Input_file name here.