РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Поскольку OP изменили образец рассматриваемого Input_file, поэтому добавьте код в соответствии с новым образцом сейчас.
awk -F";" '
length($2)==8 && !($3=="1" && $4=="00"){
($3=="1" && $4=="00"){
$2=val OFS $2;
' OFS=";" Input_file
В основном проверка длины2-е поле из 8-го и 3-го и 4-го полей НЕ являются условиями 1
и 0
, а не проверяют ;1;0
Если ваш фактический Input_file такой же, как показано в примерах, тогдаможет помочь вам.
awk -F";" 'NF==5 || !/pay;$/{flag=""} /1;00;$/{val=$2;$2="";sub(/;;/,";");flag=1} flag{$2=val OFS $2} 1' OFS=";" Input_file
awk -F";" ' ##Setting field separator as semi colon for all the lines here.
NF==5 || !/pay;$/{ ##Checking condition if number of fields are 5 on a line OR line is NOT ending with pay; if yes then do following.
flag=""} ##Setting variable flag value as NULL here.
/1;00;$/{ ##Searching string /1;00; at last of a line if it is found then do following:
val=$2; ##Creating variable named val whose value is $2(3nd field of current line).
$2=""; ##Nullifying 2nd column now for current line.
sub(/;;/,";"); ##Substituting 2 continous semi colons with single semi colon to remove 2nd columns NULL value.
flag=1} ##Setting value of variable flag as 1 here.
flag{ ##Checking condition if variable flag is having values then do following.
$2=val OFS $2} ##Re-creating value of $2 as val OFS $2, basically adding value of 2nd column of pay; line here.
1 ##awk works on concept of condition then action so mentioning 1 means making condition TRUE and no action mentioned so print will happen of line.
' OFS=";" Input_file ##Setting OFS as semi colon here and mentioning Input_file name here.