Это шорткод, который принимает идентификатор поста и уровень заголовка - h2, h3, h4 - и выводит заголовок поста, завернутый в HTML для заголовка, коды комментируются.
файл index.js
const {registerBlockType} = wp.blocks; //Blocks API
const {createElement} = wp.element; //React.createElement
const {__} = wp.i18n; //translation functions
const {InspectorControls} = wp.editor; //Block inspector wrapper
const {TextControl,SelectControl,ServerSideRender} = wp.components; //WordPress form inputs and server-side renderer
registerBlockType( 'caldera-learn-basic-blocks/post-title', {
title: __( 'Show a post title' ), // Block title.
category: __( 'common' ), //category
attributes: {
id : {
default: 1,
heading: {
default: 'h2'
//display the post title
const attributes = props.attributes;
const setAttributes = props.setAttributes;
//Function to update id attribute
function changeId(id){
//Function to update heading level
function changeHeading(heading){
//Display block preview and UI
return createElement('div', {}, [
//Preview a block with a PHP render callback
createElement( ServerSideRender, {
block: 'caldera-learn-basic-blocks/post-title',
attributes: attributes
} ),
//Block inspector
createElement( InspectorControls, {},
//A simple text control for post id
createElement(TextControl, {
value: attributes.id,
label: __( 'Post Title' ),
onChange: changeId,
type: 'number',
min: 1,
step: 1
//Select heading level
createElement(SelectControl, {
value: attributes.heading,
label: __( 'Heading' ),
onChange: changeHeading,
options: [
{value: 'h2', label: 'H2'},
{value: 'h3', label: 'H3'},
{value: 'h4', label: 'H4'},
] )
return null;//save has to exist. This all we need
файл post-title.php
* Handler for [cl_post_title] shortcode
* @param $atts
* @return string
function caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title_shortcode_handler($atts)
$atts = shortcode_atts([
'id' => 0,
'heading' => 'h3',
], $atts, 'cl_post_title');
return caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title($atts[ 'id' ], $atts[ 'heading' ]);
* Register Shortcode
add_shortcode('cl_post_title', 'caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title_shortcode_handler');
* Handler for post title block
* @param $atts
* @return string
function caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title_block_handler($atts)
return caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title($atts[ 'id' ], $atts[ 'heading' ]);
* Output the post title wrapped in a heading
* @param int $post_id The post ID
* @param string $heading Allows : h2,h3,h4 only
* @return string
function caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title($post_id, $heading)
if (!in_array($heading, ['h2', 'h3', 'h4'])) {
$heading = 'h2';
$title = get_the_title(absint($post_id));
return "<$heading>$title</$heading>";
* Register block
add_action('init', function () {
// Skip block registration if Gutenberg is not enabled/merged.
if (!function_exists('register_block_type')) {
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$index_js = 'index.js';
plugins_url($index_js, __FILE__),
register_block_type('caldera-learn-basic-blocks/post-title', array(
'editor_script' => 'caldera-learn-basic-blocks-post-title',
'render_callback' => 'caldera_learn_basic_blocks_post_title_block_handler',
'attributes' => [
'id' => [
'default' => 1
'heading' => [
'default' => 'h2'
Этот шорткод работает нормальнов редакторе Гутенберга, и я думаю, это то, что вы ищете.