Итак, я запускаю приведенный ниже код в R Studio и получаю эту ошибку:
Ошибка в UseMethod ("tbl_vars"): нет применимого метода для 'tbl_vars', примененного к объекту класса"персонаж"
Я не знаю, как это исправить, потому что нет функции tbl_vars!Может кто-нибудь помочь?
for (i in 1:ceiling(nrow(reviews)/batch)) {
row_start <- i*batch-batch+1
row_end <- ifelse(i*batch < nrow(reviews), i*batch, nrow(reviews))
print(paste("Processing row", row_start, "to row", row_end))
reviews[row_start:row_end, ] %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text) -> reviews_subset
reviews_subset$row <- 1:nrow(reviews_subset)
reviews_subset %>%
anti_join(stopwords) %>%
arrange(row) -> reviews_subset
write_feather(reviews_subset, path = paste0("reviews", i, ".txt"))
Ps: dplyr установлен.Также другие установленные пакеты: pacman, feather, data.table, devtools, tidyr, tidytext, tokenizer, tibble
Я использую его для работы с набором данных Yelp.
Большое спасибо,Carmem
ps2: пример набора данных (отредактировано и упрощено, чтобы соответствовать здесь):
> dput(as.data.frame(review))
structure(list(user_id = 1:10, review_id = 11:20, business_id = 21:30,
stars = c(2L, 2L, 5L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 5L, 4L), text = c("Are you the type of person that requires being seen in an expensive, overly pretentious restaurant so that you can wear it as a status symbol? Or maybe you're a gansta who dresses like CiLo Green and wants to show the hunny's (yes, a group of them out with one man) a night on the town!",
"Today was my first visit to the new luna, and I was disappointed-- both because I really liked the old cafe luna, and because the new luna came well recommended",
"Stayed here a few months ago and still remember the great service I received.",
"I came here for a business lunch from NYC and had a VERY appetizing meal. ",
"Incredible food with great flavor. ",
"OMG, y'all, try the Apple Pie Moonshine. It. Is. Seriously. Good. Smoooooooth. The best rum that I've sampled so far: Zaya.",
"Caitlin is an amazing stylist. She took time to hear what I had to say before jumping in",
"Oh yeah! After some difficulties in securing dinner, my dad and I found ourselves at one of the billion Primanti's locations for a quick feast",
"I've been going to this studio since the beginning of January",
"The best cannoli, hands down!!"
)), .Names = c("user_id", "review_id", "business_id", "stars",
"text"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")