Я получаю следующие ошибки при использовании filezilla для доступа к ftp-серверу, который настроен через узел ftpd и развернут на контейнере Docker:
Со стороны filezilla я получаю:
Error: The data connection could not be established: ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server
Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
и из контейнера я получаю:
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 230 User logged in, proceed.
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << OPTS UTF8 ON
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: OPTS UTF8 ON
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 200 OK
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << PBSZ 0
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: PBSZ 0
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 200 OK
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << PROT P
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: PROT P
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 200 OK
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << PWD
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: PWD
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 257 "/" is current directory
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << TYPE I
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: TYPE I
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 200 OK
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << PASV
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: PASV
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> Setting up listener for passive connections
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> Passive data connection beginning to listen
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> Passive data connection listening on port 1025
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,18,0,6,4,1)
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> << LIST
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> FTP command: LIST
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> Directory has 2 files
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> >> 150 Here comes the directory listing
livedatawriter_1 | <::ffff:> Currently no data connection; expecting client to connect to pasv server shortly...
Все порты открыты, и у меня не работает ни один брандмауэр.Интересно, если это проблема с запросом, возвращающимся для внутреннего сетевого адреса докера, а не для localhost, поскольку я делаю запрос от локального хоста, но ответ приходит от внутреннего адреса.Странно то, что это работает при развертывании на сервере с DCOS.
Составной сегмент выглядит следующим образом:
file: docker-compose-aws.yml
service: aws
build: ../LiveDataWriter
- "9004:9004"
- "7002:7002"
- "1025-1050:1025-1050"
- "51343:51343"
entrypoint: ["npm", "run", "debug"]
- postgres
- auth
- redis
- kafka
- auth
HOST: "auth"
POSTGRES_HOST: "postgres"
REDIS_HOST: "redis"
KAFKA_BROKER_IPS: "kafka:9092"
FTP_PORT: 7002
DATA_SERVICE_URL: "proxy:8081"