Я создаю страницу вычисления формы на основе HTML / CSS и Java, и мне нужно отобразить значение параметра, выбранного из раскрывающегося списка SELECT, рядом с раскрывающимся списком, а также имя параметра внутри ячейки как есть.
Я не очень много пробовал, так как не знаю, с чего начать, и не могу найти точный ответ онлайн
Ниже приведена скрипка, я использовал основную форму для торта, которая есть в сети, и удалил всеполя, которые мне не нужны (простите лишнюю JAVA, не хочу удалять, если она не работает)
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#wrap input[type="text"]:active {
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This source is shared under the terms of LGPL 3
You are free to use the code in Commercial or non-commercial projects
//Set up an associative array
//The keys represent the size of the cake
//The values represent the cost of the cake i.e A 10" cake cost's $35
var cake_prices = new Array();
cake_prices["Round6"] = 20;
cake_prices["Round8"] = 25;
cake_prices["Round10"] = 35;
cake_prices["Round12"] = 75;
//Set up an associative array
//The keys represent the filling type
//The value represents the cost of the filling i.e. Lemon filling is $5,Dobash filling is $9
//We use this this array when the user selects a filling from the form
var filling_prices = new Array();
filling_prices["None"] = 0;
filling_prices["Lemon"] = 5;
filling_prices["Custard"] = 5;
filling_prices["Fudge"] = 7;
filling_prices["Mocha"] = 8;
filling_prices["Raspberry"] = 10;
filling_prices["Pineapple"] = 5;
filling_prices["Dobash"] = 9;
filling_prices["Mint"] = 5;
filling_prices["Cherry"] = 5;
filling_prices["Apricot"] = 8;
filling_prices["Buttercream"] = 7;
filling_prices["Chocolate Mousse"] = 12;
// getCakeSizePrice() finds the price based on the size of the cake.
// Here, we need to take user's the selection from radio button selection
function getCakeSizePrice() {
var cakeSizePrice = 0;
//Get a reference to the form id="cakeform"
var theForm = document.forms["cakeform"];
//Get a reference to the cake the user Chooses name=selectedCake":
var selectedCake = theForm.elements["selectedcake"];
//Here since there are 4 radio buttons selectedCake.length = 4
//We loop through each radio buttons
for (var i = 0; i < selectedCake.length; i++) {
//if the radio button is checked
if (selectedCake[i].checked) {
//we set cakeSizePrice to the value of the selected radio button
//i.e. if the user choose the 8" cake we set it to 25
//by using the cake_prices array
//We get the selected Items value
//For example cake_prices["Round8".value]"
cakeSizePrice = cake_prices[selectedCake[i].value];
//If we get a match then we break out of this loop
//No reason to continue if we get a match
//We return the cakeSizePrice
return cakeSizePrice;
//This function finds the filling price based on the
//drop down selection
function getFillingPrice() {
var cakeFillingPrice = 0;
//Get a reference to the form id="cakeform"
var theForm = document.forms["cakeform"];
//Get a reference to the select id="filling"
var selectedFilling = theForm.elements["filling"];
//set cakeFilling Price equal to value user chose
//For example filling_prices["Lemon".value] would be equal to 5
cakeFillingPrice = filling_prices[selectedFilling.value];
//finally we return cakeFillingPrice
return cakeFillingPrice;
//candlesPrice() finds the candles price based on a check box selection
function candlesPrice() {
var candlePrice = 0;
//Get a reference to the form id="cakeform"
var theForm = document.forms["cakeform"];
//Get a reference to the checkbox id="includecandles"
var includeCandles = theForm.elements["includecandles"];
//If they checked the box set candlePrice to 5
if (includeCandles.checked == true) {
candlePrice = 5;
//finally we return the candlePrice
return candlePrice;
function insciptionPrice() {
//This local variable will be used to decide whether or not to charge for the inscription
//If the user checked the box this value will be 20
//otherwise it will remain at 0
var inscriptionPrice = 0;
//Get a refernce to the form id="cakeform"
var theForm = document.forms["cakeform"];
//Get a reference to the checkbox id="includeinscription"
var includeInscription = theForm.elements["includeinscription"];
//If they checked the box set inscriptionPrice to 20
if (includeInscription.checked == true) {
inscriptionPrice = 20;
//finally we return the inscriptionPrice
return inscriptionPrice;
function calculateTotal() {
//Here we get the total price by calling our function
//Each function returns a number so by calling them we add the values they return together
var cakePrice = getCakeSizePrice() + getFillingPrice() + candlesPrice() + insciptionPrice();
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');
divobj.style.display = 'block';
divobj.innerHTML = "Total Price For the Cake $" + cakePrice;
function hideTotal() {
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');
divobj.style.display = 'none';
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Cake Form</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/formcalculations.js"></script>
<link href="styles/cakeform.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<body onload='hideTotal()'>
<div id="wrap">
<form action="" id="cakeform" onsubmit="return false;">
<div class="cont_order">
<legend>Make your cake!</legend>
<select id="filling" name='filling' onchange="calculateTotal()">
<option value="None">Select Filling</option>
<option value="Lemon">Lemon($5)</option>
<option value="Custard">Custard($5)</option>
<option value="Fudge">Fudge($7)</option>
<option value="Mocha">Mocha($8)</option>
<option value="Raspberry">Raspberry($10)</option>
<option value="Pineapple">Pineapple($5)</option>
<option value="Dobash">Dobash($9)</option>
<option value="Mint">Mint($5)</option>
<option value="Cherry">Cherry($5)</option>
<option value="Apricot">Apricot($8)</option>
<option value="Buttercream">Buttercream($7)</option>
<option value="Chocolate Mousse">Chocolate Mousse($12)</option>
<div id="totalPrice"></div>
<input type='submit' id='submit' value='Submit' onclick="calculateTotal()" />
<!--End of wrap-->
Когда выбран параметр, мне нужно значение этого параметраотображается справа от выпадающего списка.То есть, если кто-то выбирает «Ананас» (5 долларов), мне нужно, чтобы «Ананас» (это значение) отображался справа от выбора