Я только начал с python и работал над проектом, в котором я получаю сообщение «ОШИБКА: приведение к Unicode: нужна строка или буфер, экземпляр найден», изо всех сил пытаясь это исправить, но я продолжаю получать эту ошибку.
Получение ошибки в этой строке кода:
recognise.recognizeTestDirectory(dirname, recogn, classnames, classcolors)
[ObjectRecognition] ERROR: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, instance found
[ObjectRecognition] Exception: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>;
File: ObjectRecognition.py;
Ниже приведены классы python и функции, которые я вызываю для передачи параметразначения для функции (признать, прямой путь)
1) ObjectRecognition.py.# вызов функции в этом классе
train = None
recogn = None
classnames = []
classcodes = []
classcolors = []
dirname = "/Users/raj/Desktop/Pill/images/Train"
train = Training("Recogn_"+dirname, dirname, Training.AUTO_TRAINING)
recogn, classnames, classcodes = train.learning()
if classnames:
classcolors = create_random_colors(len(classnames))
dirname = "/Users/raj/Desktop/Pill/images/Test"
recognise = FileRecognizer()
recognise.recognizeTestDirectory(dirname, recogn, classnames, classcolors)
raise Exception("No pattern has been processed.")
2) FileRecognizer.py.# распознавание определения функции Directory
def recognizeTestDirectory(dirname, classifier,
classnames = [], rect_colors = [],
show_stats=True, show_images=False,
debug = False):
if not dirname or not os.path.isdir(dirname):
raise IOError("Directory not found '{}'...".format(dirname))
success = 0
failures = 0
filecounter = 0
dircounter = 0
for base, directories, files in os.walk(dirname):
for dirs in directories:
d = os.path.join(base, dirs)
s, f, fc = FileRecognizer.recognizeDirectory(d, classifier, dircounter, classnames, rect_colors, False, debug)
success += s
failures += f
filecounter += fc
dircounter += 1
if show_stats:
print("{:.<42}{:3d}{:>10}".format("-- @@ Processed files:",filecounter, "--"))
print("{:.<42}{:3d}{:>10}".format("-- @@ Found and processed objects:", success + failures, "--"))
print("{:.<42}{:3d}{:>10}".format("-- @@ Matches:", success, "-"))
print("{:.<42}{:3d}{:>10}".format("-- @@ Errors:", failures, "-"))
total = (success + failures)
if total != 0:
total = (success / total) * 100
total = "ERROR"
print("{:.<42}{:6.2f}%{:>6}".format("-- @@ Porcentaje de aciertos:", total, "--"))
return success, failures, filecounter
3) Training.py
def learning(self, debug=False):
#-> (Recognizer, [], []):
if self.__training_path is None or not os.path.isdir(self.__training_path):
raise IOError("Directory not found '{}'...".format(self.__training_path))
return self.__letsTrain()
except IOError as ioe:
sys.stderr.write("\n[Training] I/O Error: {}.\n".format(ioe))
return None, [], []
except OSError as ose:
sys.stderr.write("\n[Training] OS Error: {}.\n".format(ose))
return None, [], []
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("[Training] Exception: {0}.".format(e))
return None, [], []
letsTrain (): -
def __letsTrain(self, debug=False):
clsfr = Recognizer()
codes = []
samples = []
for base, directories, files in os.walk(self.__training_path):
c = 0
for dirs in directories:
filecount = 1
for base2, subdir, subfiles in os.walk(os.path.join(self.__training_path, dirs)):
print(">>> {} <<< Processing Directory '{}':".format(c, base2))
print(" Files to be processed: {}".format(len(subfiles)))
proc_img = None
clsname = ""
if self.__mode == Training.AUTO_TRAINING:
clsname = dirs+"-[Cod. "+str(c)+"]"
clsname = self.__getNewClassName(subfiles, base2)
if clsname:
num_of_samples = 0
filecount = 0
for imagefile in subfiles:
(fname, fext) = os.path.splitext(imagefile)
if fext.lower() == ".jpg" or fext.lower() == ".png" or fext.lower() == ".bmp":
f = os.path.join(base2, imagefile)
if debug:
print("\n({0}.{1})-> Processing image {2} .... \n".format(dirs, filecount+1, f))
img = cv2.imread(f)
proc_img = ip.ProcessedImage(img)
for pattern in proc_img.descriptors:
pattern.classification = clsname
pattern.code = c
sample = pattern.getFeatures()
if sample:
num_of_samples += 1
print(" !! [Training] File '{}': \ n \ t \ t \ tA object was found from which a pattern could not be extracted ...(Value: {})".format(f, sample))
filecount += 1
print(" !! [Training] The file '{}' it's not image (png, jpg y bmp).".format(imagefile))
print(" !! [Training] The subdirectory '{}' has not been processed: a valid class name has not been entered.".format(subdir))
c += 1
print("\n# They have been processed {} subdirectory files '{}'.".format(filecount, base2))
print("# Assigned class '{0}': {1} processed training patterns.\n".format(clsname, num_of_samples))
if not proc_img is None:
sys.stderr.write("\n[Training] No directory training patterns have been obtained '{}'.\n".format(dirs))
if samples and codes:
clsfr.train(samples, codes)
print("--> The KNN classifier has been trained with {} training patterns.".format(len(samples)))
print("--> A total of {} classes have been created: \n {}".format(len(clsfr.classnames), clsfr.classnames))
# We return the classifier and the names and codes of the classes
return clsfr, self.__classnames[:], self.__classcodes[:]
Необходимо как можно быстрее исправить эту ошибку, любая помощь будет оценена.