Это мой вывод на консоль:
| Summary for cert 2.96.1 |
| development | false |
| force | false |
| username | correctappleid@gmail.com |
| keychain_path | /Users/bartek/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db |
| platform | ios |
[09:01:23]: Starting login with user 'correctappleid@gmail.com'
[09:01:27]: Successfully logged in
[09:01:28]: Certificate 98TLCZS7BR (iOS Distribution) can't be found on your local computer
[09:01:29]: Found the certificate 6K5C2MFHUL (iOS Distribution) which is installed on the local machine. Using this one.
[09:01:30]: Verifying the certificate is properly installed locally...
[09:01:30]: Successfully installed certificate 6K5C2MFHUL
[09:01:30]: Use signing certificate '6K5C2MFHUL' from now on!
[09:01:30]: --------------------------------------
[09:01:30]: --- Step: get_provisioning_profile ---
[09:01:30]: --------------------------------------
| Summary for sigh 2.96.1 |
| adhoc | false |
| development | false |
| skip_install | false |
| force | false |
| app_identifier | my.app.identifier |
| username | wrongname@company.com |
| team_id | CSTEAMID |
| ignore_profiles_with_different_name | false |
| cert_id | 6K5C2MFHUL |
| skip_fetch_profiles | false |
| skip_certificate_verification | false |
| platform | ios |
| readonly | false |
[09:01:30]: Starting login with user 'wrongname@company.com'
Please provide your Apple Developer Program account credentials
The login information you enter will be stored in your macOS Keychain
You can also pass the password using the `FASTLANE_PASSWORD` environment variable
See more information about it on GitHub: https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/credentials_manager
Почему fastlane пытается получить инициализации с неверной учетной записью пользователя?
Как заставить его изменить его?
Где этоопределяется?