Я выполняю запрос куста (Версия 1.2) на Tez, и мой запрос всегда возвращает данные из-за перекрестного продукта.
Я уже пробовал некоторые из этих свойств улья.
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
--set hive.execution.engine=mr;
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
set hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled=true;
set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled = true;
set hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled = true;
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=true;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
set hive.stats.fetch.partition.stats=true;
SET hive.exec.parallel=true;
Set hive.auto.convert.join=false;
set hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.groupby.enabled = true;
Есть какие-нибудь указатели о том, как оптимизировать запрос?
create table schema.table_integ_all stored as ORC as
concat(substr(base.process_dt,1,4),'-',substr(base.process_dt,5,2),'-',substr(base.process_dt,7,2)) as process_dt,
COALESCE(base.agent_active_flag, 1) as agent_active_flag,
COALESCE(base.pif_count,0) as pif_count,
COALESCE(base.iif_count,0) as iif_count,
COALESCE(base.renewal_count,0) as renewal_count,
CASE WHEN base.lob='LIFE' THEN COALESCE(BB.life_wrtn_prem_agent,0.0) ELSE COALESCE(base.written_premium ,0.0) END as written_premium,
COALESCE(BB.earn_prem_agent,0) as earned_premium,
CASE WHEN base.lob='LIFE' THEN COALESCE(BB.life_orig_face_amt,0.0) ELSE 0.0 END as life_orig_face_amt,
COALESCE(CC.cnt_plcy_newbuss,0) as new_policy_count,
COALESCE(DD.cnt_item_newbuss,0) as new_item_count,
COALESCE(base.total_claim_count,0) as total_claim_count,
COALESCE(base.total_claim_loss,0) as total_claim_loss,
COALESCE(AA.transfer_pifcount_in,0) as transfer_pifcount_in,
COALESCE(AA.transfer_pifcount_out,0) as transfer_pifcount_out,
COALESCE(AA.transfer_pifcount_out,0) as block_transfer,
COALESCE(round(((AA.transfer_pifcount_out/(AA.transfer_pifcount_out+base.pif_Count))*100),2),0.0) as transferpif_percentage_out,
COALESCE(CC.cnt_plcy_attrited,0) as plcy_attrited,
COALESCE(DD.cnt_item_attrited,0) as item_attrited
from schema.table_prdcr_clm_wrtn_full_join base
left outer join
schema.table_transferpif_out_in_mthly AA
on base.process_dt=AA.process_dt
and base.agreement_partic_key=AA.agreement_partic_key
and base.lob = AA.lob
left outer join
schema.table_earn_prem_mthly BB
on base.process_dt=BB.process_dt
and base.agreement_partic_key=BB.agreement_partic_key
and base.lob = BB.lob
full outer join
schema.table_plcy_attrited_mthly CC
on base.process_dt=CC.process_dt
and base.agreement_partic_key=CC.agreement_partic_key
and base.lob = CC.lob
full outer join
schema.table_item_attrited_mthly DD
on base.process_dt=CC.process_dt
and base.agreement_partic_key=CC.agreement_partic_key
and base.lob = CC.lob;
Я видел проблемы, когда запросы выполнялись дольше из-за пропущенного предложения "ON" и вместо этого выполнялись с использованием фильтра "где", но мой запрос, похоже, решил эту проблему.
Warning: Shuffle Join MERGEJOIN[20][tables = [base, AA, BB, CC, DD]] in Stage 'Reducer 3' is a cross product
Plan not optimized by CBO due to missing statistics. Please check log for more details.
Vertex dependency in root stage
Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 4 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 5 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Map 6 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
Reducer 3 <- Map 7 (SIMPLE_EDGE), Reducer 2 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
Fetch Operator
Reducer 3
File Output Operator [FS_14]
Statistics:Num rows: 4933855 Data size: 2955807047 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
table:{"input format:":"org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat","output format:":"org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat","serde:":"org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe"}
Select Operator [SEL_13]
Statistics:Num rows: 4933855 Data size: 2955807047 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_20]
| condition map:[{"":"Outer Join 0 to 1"}]
| filter predicates:{"0":"{(VALUE._col1 = VALUE._col35)} {(VALUE._col2 = VALUE._col36)} {(VALUE._col3 = VALUE._col37)}","1":""}
| keys:{}
| outputColumnNames:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col20","_col21","_col29","_col30","_col31","_col38","_col39","_col46","_col47"]
| Statistics:Num rows: 4933855 Data size: 2955807047 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
|<-Map 7 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
| Reduce Output Operator [RS_25]
| sort order:
| Statistics:Num rows: 694521 Data size: 200006384 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
| value expressions:cnt_item_newbuss (type: bigint), cnt_item_attrited (type: bigint)
| TableScan [TS_4]
| alias:DD
| Statistics:Num rows: 694521 Data size: 200006384 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
|<-Reducer 2 [SIMPLE_EDGE]
Reduce Output Operator [RS_10]
sort order:
Statistics:Num rows: 4485323 Data size: 2687097258 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
value expressions:_col1 (type: varchar(8)), _col2 (type: varchar(50)), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: varchar(120)), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: varchar(10)), _col7 (type: bigint), _col8 (type: bigint), _col9 (type: bigint), _col10 (type: double), _col11 (type: double), _col12 (type: double), _col20 (type: bigint), _col21 (type: bigint), _col29 (type: double), _col30 (type: double), _col31 (type: double), _col35 (type: string), _col36 (type: varchar(50)), _col37 (type: string), _col38 (type: bigint), _col39 (type: bigint)
Merge Join Operator [MERGEJOIN_19]
| condition map:[{"":"Left Outer Join0 to 1"},{"":"Left Outer Join0 to 2"},{"":"Outer Join 0 to 3"}]
| keys:{"0":"UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)","1":"UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)","2":"UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)","3":"process_dt (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)"}
| outputColumnNames:["_col1","_col2","_col3","_col4","_col5","_col6","_col7","_col8","_col9","_col10","_col11","_col12","_col20","_col21","_col29","_col30","_col31","_col35","_col36","_col37","_col38","_col39"]
| Statistics:Num rows: 4485323 Data size: 2687097258 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
|<-Map 1 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
| Reduce Output Operator [RS_21]
| key expressions:UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
| Map-reduce partition columns:UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
| sort order:+++
| Statistics:Num rows: 1359189 Data size: 814271879 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
| value expressions:process_dt (type: varchar(8)), agent_name (type: varchar(120)), agent_active_flag (type: int), agent_end_dt (type: varchar(10)), pif_count (type: bigint), iif_count (type: bigint), renewal_count (type: bigint), written_premium (type: double), total_claim_count (type: double), total_claim_loss (type: double)
| TableScan [TS_0]
| alias:base
| Statistics:Num rows: 1359189 Data size: 814271879 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
|<-Map 4 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
| Reduce Output Operator [RS_22]
| key expressions:UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
| Map-reduce partition columns:UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
| sort order:+++
| Statistics:Num rows: 81179 Data size: 30863019 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
| value expressions:transfer_pifcount_out (type: bigint), transfer_pifcount_in (type: bigint)
| TableScan [TS_1]
| alias:AA
| Statistics:Num rows: 81179 Data size: 30863019 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
|<-Map 5 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
| Reduce Output Operator [RS_23]
| key expressions:UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
| Map-reduce partition columns:UDFToString(process_dt) (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
| sort order:+++
| Statistics:Num rows: 697301 Data size: 206401096 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
| value expressions:earn_prem_agent (type: double), life_wrtn_prem_agent (type: double), life_orig_face_amt (type: double)
| TableScan [TS_2]
| alias:BB
| Statistics:Num rows: 697301 Data size: 206401096 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
|<-Map 6 [SIMPLE_EDGE] vectorized
Reduce Output Operator [RS_24]
key expressions:process_dt (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
Map-reduce partition columns:process_dt (type: string), agreement_partic_key (type: varchar(50)), lob (type: string)
sort order:+++
Statistics:Num rows: 694484 Data size: 199995816 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
value expressions:cnt_plcy_newbuss (type: bigint), cnt_plcy_attrited (type: bigint)
TableScan [TS_3]
Statistics:Num rows: 694484 Data size: 199995816 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
Time taken: 3.521 seconds, Fetched: 83 row(s)