Уведомление о завершении документа отправляется не каждому получателю, как ожидалось, когда процесс подписания инициируется с использованием API DocuSign - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 июня 2018

Я тестирую подписание документов с помощью шаблона Docusign через API Docusign.После завершения подписания документа каждый получатель должен получить уведомление о завершении документа со ссылкой для просмотра документа.Но Уведомление о завершении документа отправляется не каждому получателю, как ожидалось, когда процесс подписания инициируется с использованием API DocuSign.Пожалуйста, направьте меня по ссылке справки по этому вопросу.

Я также хотел бы узнать, как настроить документ о завершении сертификата, который будет отправлен каждому получателю по завершении подписания.Любая помощь по выше приветствуется.


Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 11 июня 2018

Я вижу, что вы устанавливаете clientUserId для всех типов подписантов, кроме ролей поставщиков.Теперь установка clientUserId для подписавшего сообщает DocuSign, что вы внедрили встроенную подпись в свое приложение.Как встроенная подпись, так и по умолчанию и в дизайне, DocuSign не отправляет никакие типы уведомлений по электронной почте встроенному подписывающему лицу.Чтобы DocuSign отправляло электронное письмо с подтверждением завершения, вам необходимо изменить параметры подписи в своей учетной записи DocuSign.В вашей учетной записи DS, Go To Admin -> Select Signing Settings с левой стороны в разделе SIGNING AND SENDING.Затем прокрутите вниз на странице «Параметры подписи» до раздела Envelope Delivery, как показано на снимке экрана ниже, выберите Отправить сообщения о завершении на встроенные подписывающие лица , а также выберите Прикрепить сертификат завершения к конверту .Это должно решить вашу проблему.

enter image description here

0 голосов
/ 08 июня 2018

Ниже приведен код для создания и отправки конверта и инициирования подписи ролей агента и покупателя.




public JsonResult Create(CreateContractViewModel viewModel)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return Json(new { success = false, errors=ModelStateExtensions.GetErrors(ViewData.ModelState.Values) },  JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    #region "Validation"

    if (viewModel.Purchasers == null) //only allow max. of 2 purchasers at this point in time.
        return Json(new { success = false, errors = "Minimum of one Purchaser is required." },
    if (viewModel.Purchasers.Count > 2) //only allow max. of 2 purchasers at this point in time.
        return Json(new { success = false, errors = "Number of Purchasers allowed exceed." },

     // Get template based on drop down selection.
    var envTemplate = Templates.Get(viewModel.SelectTemplateId);

    // Assign all parties. eg. recipients, signers, and CCs
    var docusignRecipients = envTemplate.Recipients;
    var signers = docusignRecipients.Signers;
    var carbonCopies = docusignRecipients.CarbonCopies;
    var templateRolesList = new List<TemplateRole>();

    if (viewModel.Purchasers.Count == 1) //remove Purchaser 2 if there's only 1 Purchaser needed.
        var remove = signers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RoleName.Equals(RoleNames.Purchaser_2));
        if (remove != null)

    // Minimum of 1 Purchaser must exist.
    var purchaser1 = viewModel.Purchasers[0];
    var purchaser2 = viewModel.Purchasers.Count > 1
        ? viewModel.Purchasers[1]
        : new Purchaser();

    #region "Setup Template Roles"

    // Recipients
    var envelopeRecipients = new Recipients
        RecipientCount = docusignRecipients.RecipientCount,
        Signers = new List<Signer>(),
        CarbonCopies = new List<CarbonCopy>()

    // Signers
    TemplateRoles.Signers.AddRoles(viewModel, signers, purchaser1, purchaser2, envelopeRecipients,
    // Carbon Copies
    TemplateRoles.CarbonCopies.AddRoles(carbonCopies, envelopeRecipients, docusignRecipients);


    #region "Prepare & Create Envelope"

    // Server template
    var serverTemplates = new List<ServerTemplate>
                new ServerTemplate
                    Sequence = "1",
                    TemplateId = viewModel.SelectTemplateId
    // Server inline template
    var serverInlineTemplates = new List<InlineTemplate>
                new InlineTemplate
                    Sequence = "2",
                    Recipients = envelopeRecipients

    // refactor this part to a new method.
    var documentFactory = new DocumentFactory(viewModel.SelectTemplateId, _documentService);

    var type = viewModel.OptionalInserts.GetType();
    var optionalInserts = type.GetProperties();
    var templateList = new List<CompositeTemplate>();
    foreach (var insert in optionalInserts)
        var value = insert.GetValue(viewModel.OptionalInserts);
        var isChecked = (bool)value;
        if (!isChecked) continue;

        var template = documentFactory.GetTemplate(insert.Name);
        var compositeTemplate = template.Compose();

    // Prepare composite template, combining the Server and Inline templates
    var compositeTemplates = new List<CompositeTemplate>
                new CompositeTemplate
                    ServerTemplates = serverTemplates,
                    InlineTemplates = serverInlineTemplates
    templateList.ForEach(t => compositeTemplates.Add(t));

    // Create Envelope Definition
    var envDef = Envelopes.CreateEnvDef(envTemplate, compositeTemplates);

    // Create Envelope
    var envSummary = Envelopes.CreateEnvelope(envDef);


    #region "Generate View Url"

    // Generate recipient Url - Agent as 1st recipient by default
    var agent = envelopeRecipients.Signers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RoleName.Equals(RoleNames.Agent));
    if (agent == null)
                    success = false,
                    errors = "No Agent role has been found.",

    var returnUrl = Url.Action("Sign", "Contract",
      new { envelopeId = envSummary.EnvelopeId, routingOrder = agent.RoutingOrder, selectedTemplateId = viewModel.SelectTemplateId });//modified on 15-6-2017
                                                                                                                                      // Get View Options.
    var viewOptions = DocuSign.Recipients.ViewRequest(returnUrl, agent.ClientUserId, agent.Name, agent.Email);
    // Create Recipient View
    var view = Envelopes.CreateRecipientView(envSummary.EnvelopeId, viewOptions);


    return Json(new { success = true, returnUrl = view.Url, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet });
catch (Exception e)
    return Json(new
        success = false,
        errors = e.Message,


  public ActionResult Sign(CreateContractViewModel viewModel)
    //public ActionResult Sign() //previous code
        var paramEvent = Request.QueryString["event"];
        var paramEnvId = Request.QueryString["envelopeId"];
        var paramRoutingOrder = Request.QueryString["routingOrder"];
        var selectedTemplateId = Request.QueryString["selectedTemplateId"];
        var contractIdQueryString = Request.QueryString["contractId"];

        // Validation
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramEvent) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramEnvId) ||
            string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramRoutingOrder) || (paramEvent != SigningStatus.Signing_Complete))
            return View("Error");

        // Get next Signer
        var recipients = Envelopes.ListRecipients(paramEnvId);
        var signers = recipients.Signers;

        ///////addded on 25/5/2017 to check docusign value extraction

        //var cfe = Envelopes.ListRecipientsWithTags(paramEnvId);
        //List<TextCustomField> tcfList = cfe.TextCustomFields;
        //foreach (var tcf in tcfList)
        //    string dfd = tcf.FieldId;
        //    string ddfdfd = tcf.Name;
        //    string sdf = tcf.Value;
        //    //string str = cfe.TextCustomFields[0].FieldId;
        //EnvelopesApi envelopesApi = new EnvelopesApi();
        //CustomFieldsEnvelope cfe = envelopesApi.ListCustomFields(accountId, _templateId2);
        //TemplateCustomFields cfUpdate = new TemplateCustomFields();
        //cfUpdate.TextCustomFields = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TextCustomField>();
        //TextCustomField tcf = new TextCustomField();
        //tcf.FieldId = cfe.TextCustomFields[0].FieldId;

        // Get template based on drop down selection.
        //var envTemplate = Templates.Get(viewModel.SelectTemplateId);
        //// Assign all parties. eg. recipients, signers, and CCs
        //var docusignRecipients = envTemplate.Recipients;
        //var signers1 = docusignRecipients.Signers;
        int ContractId = 0;

        if (contractIdQueryString != null && contractIdQueryString !="")
            ContractId = int.Parse(contractIdQueryString.Trim());

        ContractId= GetTabs(signers, selectedTemplateId, paramRoutingOrder, ContractId);

        //note:ClientUserId is made null only for the Vendor role in  TemplateRoles.Signers.AddRoles method, so that
        //signing continues for the Agent and Purchaser roles only
        var nextSigner = (from s in signers
                          !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.ClientUserId) &&
                          (Convert.ToInt32(s.RoutingOrder) > Convert.ToInt32(paramRoutingOrder))
                          orderby s.RoutingOrder
                          select s).FirstOrDefault();

        //added following on 06/06/2018 to prevent workflow from proceeding to the next signers. But this will prevent capturing signed dates by signers
        //if( paramEvent == "signing_complete" && paramRoutingOrder == "1")
        // {
        //     return View("Completed");
        // }

        // return View("Completed");


        #region Code that proceeds workflow to the next signer. Need to have an option to allow agent to go for following approach which allows purchaser to sign via the application or, another option that allows purchaser to receive an email notification for completing signing as done in above commented code
        // No next Signer redirect to Completed page.
        if (nextSigner == null) return View("Completed"); 

        //var returnUrl = Url.Action("Sign", "Contract",
        //    new
        //    {
        //        envelopeId = paramEnvId,
        //        routingOrder = nextSigner.RoutingOrder,
        //        recipientId = nextSigner.RecipientId
        //    });//original code
        var returnUrl = Url.Action("Sign", "Contract",
               envelopeId = paramEnvId,
               routingOrder = nextSigner.RoutingOrder,
               recipientId = nextSigner.RecipientId,
               selectedTemplateId = selectedTemplateId,
               contractId = ContractId
           });//modified on 19-6-2017           

        // Get View Options.
        var viewOptions = DocuSign.Recipients.ViewRequest(returnUrl, nextSigner.ClientUserId, nextSigner.Name,

        // Create Recipient View
        var view = Envelopes.CreateRecipientView(paramEnvId, viewOptions);

        return Redirect(view.Url);

      public static class TemplateRoles
    public static class Signers
        public static void AddRoles(CreateContractViewModel viewModel, List<Signer> signers, Purchaser purchaser1, Purchaser purchaser2,
             global::DocuSign.eSign.Model.Recipients r, global::DocuSign.eSign.Model.Recipients recipients)
                foreach (var signer in signers)
                    switch (signer.RoleName)
                            throw new Exception("Unknown Signer role was found on the template.");

регион "Роль: агент"

                    case RoleNames.Agent:

                        // Fill all Sign tabs for Agent role, which includes Purchaser fields.
                        // Agent role is the first point of the draft, therefore all the fields need to be prefilled.
                        var signerTabs = signer.Tabs;

                        if (signerTabs != null)
                            if (signerTabs.TextTabs != null)
                                var signerTextTabs = signerTabs.TextTabs;
                                DocuSign.Tabs.Sign(viewModel, signerTextTabs, purchaser1, purchaser2);

                            if (signerTabs.CheckboxTabs != null)
                                var signerCheckboxTabs = signerTabs.CheckboxTabs;
                                DocuSign.Tabs.SignCheckBoxes(viewModel, signerCheckboxTabs, purchaser1, purchaser2);//Assigning check box values

                        var agentSigner = recipients.Signers.Find(x => x.RoleName == "Agent");
                        if (agentSigner != null)
                            var s = new Signer();
                            s = agentSigner;
                            s.RoleName = signer.RoleName;
                            s.Name = signer.Name;
                            s.Email = signer.Email;
                            s.RoutingOrder = signer.RoutingOrder;
                            s.ClientUserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            s.Tabs = signerTabs;



                    #region "Role: Purchaser 1"

                    case RoleNames.Purchaser_1:

                        var purchaserSigner = recipients.Signers.Find(x => x.RoleName == "Purchaser 1");
                        if (purchaserSigner != null)
                            var p1 = new Signer();
                            p1 = purchaserSigner;
                            p1.RoleName = RoleNames.Purchaser_1;
                            p1.Name =
                                ? purchaser1.CompanyName
                                : $"{purchaser1.FirstName} {purchaser1.Surname}");
                            p1.Email = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(purchaser1.Email) ? purchaser1.Email : null);
                            p1.RoutingOrder = signer.RoutingOrder;
                            p1.ClientUserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            p1.Tabs = signer.Tabs;



                    #region "Role: Purchaser 2"

                    case RoleNames.Purchaser_2:

                        var purchaser2Signer = recipients.Signers.Find(x => x.RoleName == "Purchaser 2");
                        if (purchaser2Signer != null)
                            var p2 = new Signer();
                            p2 = purchaser2Signer;
                            p2.RoleName = RoleNames.Purchaser_2;
                            p2.Name =
                                ? purchaser2.CompanyName
                                : $"{purchaser2.FirstName} {purchaser2.Surname}");
                            p2.Email = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(purchaser2.Email) ? purchaser2.Email : null);
                            p2.RoutingOrder = signer.RoutingOrder;
                            p2.ClientUserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            p2.Tabs = signer.Tabs;



                    #region "Role: Vendor"

                    case RoleNames.Vendor: // No embedded signing.

                        var vendorSigner = recipients.Signers.Find(x => x.RoleName == "Vendor");
                        if (vendorSigner != null)
                            var v = new Signer();
                            v = vendorSigner;
                            v.RoleName = signer.RoleName;
                            v.Name = signer.Name;
                            v.Email = signer.Email;
                            v.RoutingOrder = signer.RoutingOrder;
                            v.ClientUserId = null;


        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(ex.Message);


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