Когда мое приложение убито, я не получаю push-уведомление, но работает нормально с фоном.После получения уведомления я генерирую локальное уведомление, получая данные из моей базы данных.В содержимом полезной нагрузки доступен ключ 1. Пожалуйста, подскажите, где я ошибаюсь, получая уведомление fcm или работая в фоновом режиме.
вот мой код -
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
let state: UIApplicationState = UIApplication.shared.applicationState
if state == .active{
let messageBody = userInfo["aps"] as! Dictionary<String,Any>
print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@ got notification")
if let message = messageBody["message"] {
let messageDict = DCUtilityClass.convertToDictionary(text: message as! String)
let _ = DCPushNotificationAPI.getNotificationResult(info: (messageDict)!)
} else if state == .inactive {
let messageBody = userInfo["aps"] as! Dictionary<String,Any>
print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@ got notification")
if let message = messageBody["message"] {
let messageDict = DCUtilityClass.convertToDictionary(text: message as! String)
let _ = DCPushNotificationAPI.getNotificationResult(info: (messageDict)!)
} else if state == .background {
let messageBody = userInfo["aps"] as! Dictionary<String,Any>
print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@ got notification")
if let message = messageBody["message"] {
let messageDict = DCUtilityClass.convertToDictionary(text: message as! String)
let _ = DCPushNotificationAPI.getNotificationResult(info: (messageDict)!)
//receiveMessageMethod(recieveMessage: messageBody as! Dictionary<String, Any>)
class func triggerLocalPushNotification(title:String, body:Dictionary<String,Any>) {
//creating the notification content
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
//adding title, subtitle, body and badge
let messageDictModel = DCChatListHistoryModel.init().initWithUserChatDictionary(userDictionary: body)
if messageDictModel.mIsGroup{
if messageDictModel.mGroupDetailsModelArray.count == 0 {
let groupData = DCDBDataUtilityClass.getGroupInfoByConversationId(id: messageDictModel.m_id)
content.title = (groupData?.mGroupsModelArray.first?.mGroup_name)!
content.body = messageDictModel.mlatest_message
} else {
content.title = (messageDictModel.mGroupDetailsModelArray.first?.mGroup_name)!
content.body = messageDictModel.mlatest_message
} else {
var messageSender = ""
if messageDictModel.mMessageFrom == UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "user_id") as! String {
messageSender = messageDictModel.mMessage_to
} else {
messageSender = messageDictModel.mMessageFrom
let name = DCDBDataUtilityClass.getInfoById(id: messageSender)
content.title = (name?.mFull_name)!
content.body = messageDictModel.mlatest_message
//getting the notification trigger
//it will be called after 5 seconds
let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 0.2, repeats: false)
//getting the notification request
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "iOSNotification", content: content, trigger: trigger)
//adding the notification to notification center
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)