Этот код обеспечивает 'dictionary-lessp
, который можно использовать в алгоритмах сортировки. Кажется, до сих пор работал в моем тестировании:
(defun dictionary-lessp (str1 str2)
"return t if STR1 is < STR2 when doing a dictionary compare
(splitting the string at numbers and doing numeric compare with them)"
(let ((str1-components (dict-split str1))
(str2-components (dict-split str2)))
(dict-lessp str1-components str2-components)))
(defun dict-lessp (slist1 slist2)
"compare the two lists of strings & numbers"
(cond ((null slist1)
(not (null slist2)))
((null slist2)
((and (numberp (car slist1))
(stringp (car slist2)))
((and (numberp (car slist2))
(stringp (car slist1)))
((and (numberp (car slist1))
(numberp (car slist2)))
(or (< (car slist1) (car slist2))
(and (= (car slist1) (car slist2))
(dict-lessp (cdr slist1) (cdr slist2)))))
(or (string-lessp (car slist1) (car slist2))
(and (string-equal (car slist1) (car slist2))
(dict-lessp (cdr slist1) (cdr slist2)))))))
(defun dict-split (str)
"split a string into a list of number and non-number components"
(let ((res nil))
(while (and str (not (string-equal "" str)))
(let ((p (string-match "[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+" str)))
(cond ((null p)
(setq res (cons str res))
(setq str nil))
((= p 0)
(setq res (cons (string-to-number (match-string 0 str)) res))
(setq str (substring str (match-end 0))))
(setq res (cons (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0)) res))
(setq str (substring str (match-beginning 0)))))))
(reverse res))))
Это мое тестирование:
(and (dictionary-lessp "a" "b")
(null (dictionary-lessp "b" "a"))
(null (dictionary-lessp "a" "a"))
(dictionary-lessp "1" "2")
(null (dictionary-lessp "2" "1"))
(null (dictionary-lessp "1" "1"))
(dictionary-lessp "1" "a")
(null (dictionary-lessp "a" "1"))
(dictionary-lessp "" "a")
(null (dictionary-lessp "a" ""))
(dictionary-lessp "ab12" "ab34")
(dictionary-lessp "ab12" "ab123")
(dictionary-lessp "ab12" "ab12d")
(dictionary-lessp "ab132" "ab132z")
(dictionary-lessp "132zzzzz" "ab132z")
(null (dictionary-lessp "1.32" "1ab")))
Пример использования:
(sort '("b" "a" "1" "f19" "f" "f2" "f1can") 'dictionary-lessp)
1011 * выходы *
("1" "a" "b" "f" "f1can" "f2" "f19")