Мы переносим сайт с Intershop 6.4 на Intershop 7.9.Как подсказывает поддержка Intershop, мы пытаемся воссоздать все автоматически сгенерированные классы из модели EDL.
Вот код интерфейса EDL:
import "enfinity:/core/edl/com/intershop/beehive/core/types.edl";
import "enfinity:/core/edl/com/intershop/beehive/core/capi/domain/PersistentObject.edl";
import "enfinity:/core/edl/com/intershop/beehive/core/capi/domain/PersistentObjectPO.edl";
external PromotionCollection type "java.util.Collection<A1Promotion>";
namespace hr.a1.core.capi.promotion
cartridge interface A1Promotion extends PersistentObject
* Promotion TMCode.
attribute tmCode: string required;
* Siebel promotion id.
attribute siebelID: string required;
* Promotion name.
attribute name: string required;
* Promotion description / currently URL to CW.
attribute description: string;
* Defines promotion priority / lower values first.
attribute priority: int;
* Holds link to tariff.
attribute tariffID: uuid;
* Contract type (A, M, R).
attribute contractType: string required;
* Contract binding (0, 12, 24).
attribute contractBinding: string required;
* Discount type / MF - monthly fee, HW - hardware, FU - free unit (not used at the moment)
attribute discountType: string required;
* Discount mode / P - percentage or F - fixed amount
attribute discountMode: string;
* Discount amount / either money value or percentage value / stored internally as Money
attribute discountAmount: Money;
* Flag which if it set disables checkbox of current promotion so user can't deselect it.
attribute preselected: boolean;
* Promotion validity / from date.
attribute activeFrom: datetime;
* Promotion validity / to date.
attribute activeTo: datetime;
* Promotion group / D - default, N - personalized, S% - Special
attribute promotionGroup: string required;
* Promotion type / S - single, G - group
attribute promotionType: string required;
* Free units amount type (MB, GB, SMS..)
attribute units: string;
* Group rule defined for promotion if promotion is group promotion
attribute groupRule: string;
* Name of the coupon list for the coupon promotions
attribute couponListName: string;
* HW promotion discount id
attribute discountId: int;
и это PO EDLcode:
import "enfinity:/app_core_a1/edl/app_core_a1/capi/A1Promotion.edl";
import "enfinity:/xcs/edl/com/intershop/beehive/xcs/internal/product/ProductPO.edl";
import "enfinity:/core/edl/com/intershop/beehive/core/types.edl";
import "enfinity:/core/edl/com/intershop/beehive/core/capi/domain/PersistentObjectPO.edl";
namespace hr.a1.core.internal.promotion
* @author dragisic
orm class A1PromotionPO extends PersistentObjectPO implements A1Promotion table "A1Promotion"
* Promotion id.
attribute tmCode : string<25> required column "tm_code";
* Siebel promotion id.
attribute siebelID : string<25> required column "siebel_id";
* Promotion name.
attribute name : string<100> required column "name";
* Promotion description / currently URL to CW.
attribute description : string<255> column "description";
* Defines promotion priority / lower values first.
attribute priority : int column "priority";
* Holds link to tariff.
attribute tariffID : uuid;
* Contract type (A, M, R).
attribute contractType : string<1> required column "contract_type";
* Contract binding (0, 12, 24).
attribute contractBinding : string<4> required column "contract_binding";
* Discount type / MF - monthly fee, HW - hardware, FU - free unit (not used at the moment)
attribute discountType : string<2> required column "discount_type";
* Discount mode / P - percentage or F - fixed amount
attribute discountMode : string<1> column "discount_mode";
* Discount amount / either money value or percentage value / stored internally as Money
attribute discountAmount : Money column "discount_amount";
* Flag which if it set disables checkbox of current promotion so user can't deselect it.
attribute preselected : boolean column "is_preselected";
* Promotion validity / from date.
attribute activeFrom : datetime column "active_from";
* Promotion validity / to date.
attribute activeTo : datetime column "active_to";
* Promotion group / D - default, N - personalized, S% - Special
attribute promotionGroup : string<3> required column "promo_group";
* Promotion type / S - single, G - group
attribute promotionType : string<1> required column "promo_type";
* Free units amount type (MB, SMS..)
attribute units : string<4> column "units";
* Group rule defined for promotion if promotion is group promotion
attribute groupRule : string<10> column "group_rule";
* Name of the coupon list for the coupon promotions
attribute couponListName: string<100> column "coupon_list_name";
* Defines HW promotion discount id.
attribute discountId : int column "discount_id";
* Declare index in search items.
index (contractType, contractBinding);
Однако, когда мы генерируем код с помощью «Генератора кода для Intershop версии 7.2 и выше», мы получаем следующие ошибки компиляции в автоматически сгенерированном классе A1PromotionPOKey.java:
"Конструктор Object (String) не определен" "Иерархия типа A1PromotionPOKey противоречива"
Автоматически сгенерированный класс выглядит следующим образом:
// =============================================================================
// File: A1PromotionPOKey.java
// Generated by JGen Code Generator from INTERSHOP Communications AG.
// Generator template: ORMKey.xpt(checksum: b5b09bf4e9329db7d7dafe870b159b0d)
// =============================================================================
// The JGen Code Generator software is the property of INTERSHOP Communications AG.
// Any rights to use are granted under the license agreement.
// =============================================================================
package hr.a1.core.internal.promotion;
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.domain.PersistentObjectPOKey;
* This class represents the primary key for objects of type A1PromotionPO.
* The key objects can be used for lookup operations in the database.
* @author dragisic
* @generated
public class A1PromotionPOKey extends PersistentObjectPOKey {
* Useless constant to make compiler happy.
* @generated
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Creates an empty primary key. After creation of a new key object
* you must call the corresponding set<i>Attribute</i> method(s) to
* set the value(s) of the primary key.
* @generated
public A1PromotionPOKey() {
* Creates a primary key with the specified value(s).
* @generated
public A1PromotionPOKey(
String UUID) {
Мы проверилиЗависимости gradle и импорт PersistentObjectPOKey выглядят хорошо, а содержащийся контейнер добавляется в картридж.Мы также попытались перезапустить Studio и обновить проект, но это не помогает.Та же модель EDL работает нормально и создает скомпилированный автоматически сгенерированный код в Enfinity Suite 6.4.
Кроме того, я присоединяю ошибки из журнала консоли во время сборки проекта gradle.
:app_core_a1:compileJavaC:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOKey.java:20: error: cannot access CacheClearKey
public class A1PromotionPOKey extends
class file for com.intershop.beehive.cache.capi.common.CacheClearKey not found
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\capi\promotion\A1PromotionMgr.java:11: warning: [deprecation] Manager in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common has been deprecated
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common.Manager;
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:14: warning: [deprecation] UUIDMgr in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util has been deprecated
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util.UUIDMgr;
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\capi\promotion\A1PromotionMgr.java:11: warning: [deprecation] Manager in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common has been deprecated
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common.Manager;
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:14: warning: [deprecation] UUIDMgr in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util has been deprecated
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util.UUIDMgr;
warning: The following options were not recognized by any processor: '[componentName]'
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\capi\promotion\A1PromotionMgr.java:11: warning: [deprecation] Manager in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common has been deprecated
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common.Manager;
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:14: warning: [deprecation] UUIDMgr in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util has been deprecated
import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util.UUIDMgr;
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\capi\promotion\A1PromotionMgr.java:24: warning: [deprecation] Manager in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.common has been deprecated
Manager {
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPO.java:120: error: incompatible types: A1PromotionPOKey cannot be converted to PersistentObjectPOKey
super(factory, key);
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:82: error: incompatible types: A1PromotionPOKey cannot be converted to ORMObjectKey
A1PromotionPO instance = (A1PromotionPO) getEngine().getPersistenceManager().createObject(key, getClassDescription());
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:110: warning: [deprecation] UUIDMgr in com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.util has been deprecated
UUIDMgr.getInstance().createUUIDString(), domain.getUUID(), tmCode, siebelID, name, contractType, contractBinding, discountType, promotionGroup, promotionType);
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:110: warning: [deprecation] getInstance() in UUIDMgr has been deprecated
UUIDMgr.getInstance().createUUIDString(), domain.getUUID(), tmCode, siebelID, name, contractType, contractBinding, discountType, promotionGroup, promotionType);
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:110: warning: [deprecation] createUUIDString() in UUIDMgr has been deprecated
UUIDMgr.getInstance().createUUIDString(), domain.getUUID(), tmCode, siebelID, name, contractType, contractBinding, discountType, promotionGroup, promotionType);
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:149: error: incompatible types: A1PromotionPOKey cannot be converted to ORMObjectKey
return (A1PromotionPO) super.getObjectByPrimaryKeyObject(key);
C:\Work\VIPnet\a1webshop\app_core_a1\src\main\java\hr\a1\core\internal\promotion\A1PromotionPOFactory.java:178: error: incompatible types: A1PromotionPOKey cannot be converted to ORMObjectKey
return (A1PromotionPO) super.getObjectByPrimaryKeyObject(key, mode);