Если размер столбца фиксирован, вы можете использовать вектор массива там. godbolt wandbox
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
template<typename T, int col>
using row_templ = std::array<T,col>;
template<typename T, int col, template <typename,int> typename U = row_templ>
using mat_templ = std::vector<U<T,col>>;
int main()
constexpr int numVertex = 30;
constexpr int numEdge = 30;
constexpr int numCol = numVertex;
int numRow = numEdge;
using row_t = row_templ<int, numCol>; // alias to the explicit class template specialization
using mat_t = mat_templ<int, numCol>;
auto make_mat = [&](){ return mat_t(numRow); }; // define a maker if lazy
mat_t my_mat(numRow);
mat_t my_mat2 = make_mat(); // or just use our maker
// Due to that default allocator uses value initialization, a.k.a T().
// At this point, all positions are value init to int(), which is zero,
// from value init of array<int, col>() by the default allocator.
// numVertex x numEdge is one solid contaguous chunk and now ready to roll.
// range for
for (row_t r : my_mat) {
for (int n : r) {
std::cout << std::setw(4) << n;
std::cout << '\n';
// classic for
for (int i = 0; i < numRow; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < numCol; ++j) {
std::cout << std::setw(4) << (my_mat2[i][j] = i*numRow + numCol);
std::cout << '\n';