Я установил GCG и собрал программную ссылку с hMETIS в каталоге scipoptsuite / gcg:
ubuntu18:~/Documents/Software/scipoptsuite-6.0.0/gcg$ ln -s /home/yang/Documents/Software/scipoptsuite-6.0.0/hmetis-2.0pre1/Linux-x86_64/hmetis2.0pre1 hmetis
Когда я запускаю тестовый пример /check/instances/cs/TEST0055.lp, естьнекоторые различия по сравнению с журналами http://gcg.or.rwth -aachen.de / doc / EXAMPLE.html , в которых используется тот же документ TEST0055.lp:
Presolving Time: 0.01
start creating seeedpool for current problem
created seeedpool for current problem, n detectors: 25
Consclassifier "nonzeros" yields a classification with 2 different constraint classes
Consclassifier "constypes" yields a classification with 2 different constraint classes
Consclassifier "constypes according to miplib" yields a classification with 2 different constraint classes
Consclassifier "constypes according to miplib" is not considered since it offers the same structure as "constypes" consclassifier
Varclassifier "vartypes" yields a classification with 2 different variable classes
Varclassifier "varobjvals" yields a classification with 2 different variable classes
Varclassifier "varobjvalsigns" yields a classification with 2 different variable classes
Varclassifier "varobjvalsigns" is not considered since it offers the same structure as "varobjvals"
Begin of detection round 0 of 1 total rounds
Start to propagate seeed with id 1 (0 of 1 in round 0)
in dec_consclass: there are 2 different constraint classes
the current constraint classifier "nonzeros" consists of 2 different classes
the current constraint classifier "constypes" consists of 2 different classes
dec_consclass found 6 new seeeds
dec_densemasterconss found 1 new seeed
sh: 1: zsh: not found
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:314] ERROR: Calling hmetis unsuccessful! See the above error message for more details.
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:315] ERROR: Call was zsh -c "hmetis gcg-r-1.metis.1l488e 20 -seed 1 -ptype rb -ufactor 5.000000 > /dev/null"
sh: 1: zsh: not found
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:314] ERROR: Calling hmetis unsuccessful! See the above error message for more details.
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:315] ERROR: Call was zsh -c "hmetis gcg-r-1.metis.1l488e 10 -seed 1 -ptype rb -ufactor 5.000000 > /dev/null"
sh: 1: zsh: not found
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:314] ERROR: Calling hmetis unsuccessful! See the above error message for more details.
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:315] ERROR: Call was zsh -c "hmetis gcg-r-1.metis.1l488e 29 -seed 1 -ptype rb -ufactor 5.000000 > /dev/null"
Detecting Arrowhead structure: 20 10 29 done, 0 seeeds found.
Start finishing of partial decomposition 1.
Целевое значение совпадает спример в сети GCG.Но решения разные.Почему эти ошибки появляются?Что-то не так с программным обеспечением GCG или SCIP?Еще одна особая проблема заключается в том, что число разрешающих узлов в моем тесте составляет всего 1, однако это число равно 82 в примере http://gcg.or.rwth -aachen.de / doc / EXAMPLE.html .Я также запускаю экземпляр 'bpp / N1C1W4_M.BPP.lp', и вышеописанные ошибки также случаются.
Begin of detection round 0 of 1 total rounds
Start to propagate seeed with id 39 (0 of 1 in round 0)
in dec_consclass: there are 1 different constraint classes
the current constraint classifier "nonzeros" consists of 2 different classes
dec_consclass found 3 new seeeds
dec_densemasterconss found 1 new seeed
sh: 1: zsh: not found
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:314] ERROR: Calling hmetis unsuccessful! See the above error message for more details.
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:315] ERROR: Call was zsh -c "hmetis gcg-r-39.metis.wDKr6U 50 -seed 1 -ptype rb -ufactor 5.000000 > /dev/null"
sh: 1: zsh: not found
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:314] ERROR: Calling hmetis unsuccessful! See the above error message for more details.
[src/dec_hrgpartition.cpp:315] ERROR: Call was zsh -c "hmetis gcg-r-39.metis.wDKr6U 51 -seed 1 -ptype rb -ufactor 5.000000 > /dev/null"
Detecting Arrowhead structure: 50 51 done, 0 seeeds found.
И странно, что число узлов решения по-прежнему равно 1.
SCIP Status : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 0.72
Solving Nodes : 1
Primal Bound : +4.10000000000000e+01 (3 solutions)
Dual Bound : +4.10000000000000e+01
Gap : 0.00 %