Не уверен, почему вы хотите изменить конкретный текст свойств элемента.Самый простой способ - создать управляемый класс ViewerPropertyPanel
и переопределить ViewerPropertyPanel.prototype.setNodeProperties
class MyViewerPropertyPanel extends Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.ViewerPropertyPanel {
constructor( viewer ) {
super( viwer );
setNodeProperties( nodeId ) {
var that = this;
this.propertyNodeId = nodeId;
that.currentModel.getProperties(nodeId, function (result) {
if (!that.viewer)
// Modofy contents of `result.properties` here
if (that.isVisible()) {
var toolController = that.viewer.toolController,
mx = toolController.lastClickX,
my = toolController.lastClickY,
panelRect = that.container.getBoundingClientRect(),
px = panelRect.left,
py = panelRect.top,
pw = panelRect.width,
ph = panelRect.height,
canvasRect = that.viewer.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
cx = canvasRect.left,
cy = canvasRect.top,
cw = canvasRect.width,
ch = canvasRect.height;
if ((px <= mx && mx < px + pw) && (py <= my && my < py + ph)) {
if ((mx < px + (pw / 2)) && (mx + pw) < (cx + cw)) {
that.container.style.left = Math.round(mx - cx) + 'px';
that.container.dockRight = false;
} else if (cx <= (mx - pw)) {
that.container.style.left = Math.round(mx - cx - pw) + 'px';
that.container.dockRight = false;
} else if ((mx + pw) < (cx + cw)) {
that.container.style.left = Math.round(mx - cx) + 'px';
that.container.dockRight = false;
} else if ((my + ph) < (cy + ch)) {
that.container.style.top = Math.round(my - cy) + 'px';
that.container.dockBottom = false;
} else if (cy <= (my - ph)) {
that.container.style.top = Math.round(my - cy - ph) + 'px';
that.container.dockBottom = false;
// Replace propertry panel to our owned
viewer.setPropertyPanel( new MyViewerPropertyPanel( viewer ) );