Хорошо, поэтому я использую скрипт из muaz-khan , чтобы создать веб-сайт, на котором люди могут транслировать себя, а другие могут смотреть.Я понимаю большинство сценариев, которые я использую, а именно:
// recording is disabled because it is resulting for browser-crash
// if you enable below line, please also uncomment above "RecordRTC.js"
var enableRecordings = false;
var connection = new RTCMultiConnection();
// its mandatory in v3
connection.enableScalableBroadcast = true;
// each relaying-user should serve only 1 users
connection.maxRelayLimitPerUser = 1;
// we don't need to keep room-opened
// scalable-broadcast.js will handle stuff itself.
connection.autoCloseEntireSession = true;
// by default, socket.io server is assumed to be deployed on your own URL
connection.socketURL = '/';
// comment-out below line if you do not have your own socket.io server
connection.socketURL = 'https://rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com:443/';
connection.socketMessageEvent = 'scalable-media-broadcast-demo';
document.getElementById('broadcast-id').value = connection.userid;
// user need to connect server, so that others can reach him.
connection.connectSocket(function(socket) {
socket.on('logs', function(log) {
// this event is emitted when a broadcast is already created.
socket.on('join-broadcaster', function(hintsToJoinBroadcast) {
console.log('join-broadcaster', hintsToJoinBroadcast);
connection.session = hintsToJoinBroadcast.typeOfStreams;
connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory = {
OfferToReceiveVideo: !!connection.session.video,
OfferToReceiveAudio: !!connection.session.audio
connection.broadcastId = hintsToJoinBroadcast.broadcastId;
socket.on('rejoin-broadcast', function(broadcastId) {
console.log('rejoin-broadcast', broadcastId);
connection.attachStreams = [];
socket.emit('check-broadcast-presence', broadcastId, function(isBroadcastExists) {
if (!isBroadcastExists) {
// the first person (i.e. real-broadcaster) MUST set his user-id
connection.userid = broadcastId;
socket.emit('join-broadcast', {
broadcastId: broadcastId,
userid: connection.userid,
typeOfStreams: connection.session
socket.on('broadcast-stopped', function(broadcastId) {
// alert('Broadcast has been stopped.');
// location.reload();
console.error('broadcast-stopped', broadcastId);
alert('This broadcast has been stopped.');
// this event is emitted when a broadcast is absent.
socket.on('start-broadcasting', function(typeOfStreams) {
console.log('start-broadcasting', typeOfStreams);
// host i.e. sender should always use this!
connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory = {
OfferToReceiveVideo: false,
OfferToReceiveAudio: false
connection.session = typeOfStreams;
// "open" method here will capture media-stream
// we can skip this function always; it is totally optional here.
// we can use "connection.getUserMediaHandler" instead
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
// Firefox is ugly.
document.getElementById('open-or-join').disabled = false;
var videoPreview = document.getElementById('video-preview');
connection.onstream = function(event) {
if (connection.isInitiator && event.type !== 'local') {
connection.isUpperUserLeft = false;
videoPreview.srcObject = event.stream;
videoPreview.userid = event.userid;
if (event.type === 'local') {
videoPreview.muted = true;
if (connection.isInitiator == false && event.type === 'remote') {
// he is merely relaying the media
connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = true;
connection.attachStreams = [event.stream];
connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory = {
OfferToReceiveAudio: false,
OfferToReceiveVideo: false
connection.getSocket(function(socket) {
if (connection.DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Chrome') {
connection.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(p) {
if (p + '' != event.userid + '') {
var peer = connection.peers[p].peer;
peer.getLocalStreams().forEach(function(localStream) {
event.stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
peer.addTrack(track, event.stream);
connection.dontAttachStream = true;
connection.dontAttachStream = false;
if (connection.DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') {
// Firefox is NOT supporting removeStream method
// that's why using alternative hack.
// NOTE: Firefox seems unable to replace-tracks of the remote-media-stream
// need to ask all deeper nodes to rejoin
connection.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(p) {
if (p + '' != event.userid + '') {
connection.replaceTrack(event.stream, p);
// Firefox seems UN_ABLE to record remote MediaStream
// WebAudio solution merely records audio
// so recording is skipped for Firefox.
if (connection.DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Chrome') {
// to keep room-id in cache
localStorage.setItem(connection.socketMessageEvent, connection.sessionid);
// ask node.js server to look for a broadcast
// if broadcast is available, simply join it. i.e. "join-broadcaster" event should be emitted.
// if broadcast is absent, simply create it. i.e. "start-broadcasting" event should be fired.
document.getElementById('open-or-join').onclick = function() {
var broadcastId = document.getElementById('broadcast-id').value;
if (broadcastId.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').length <= 0) {
alert('Please enter broadcast-id');
document.getElementById('open-or-join').disabled = true;
connection.extra.broadcastId = broadcastId;
connection.session = {
audio: true,
video: true,
oneway: true
connection.getSocket(function(socket) {
socket.emit('check-broadcast-presence', broadcastId, function(isBroadcastExists) {
if (!isBroadcastExists) {
// the first person (i.e. real-broadcaster) MUST set his user-id
connection.userid = broadcastId;
console.log('check-broadcast-presence', broadcastId, isBroadcastExists);
socket.emit('join-broadcast', {
broadcastId: broadcastId,
userid: connection.userid,
typeOfStreams: connection.session
connection.onstreamended = function() {};
connection.onleave = function(event) {
if (event.userid !== videoPreview.userid) return;
connection.getSocket(function(socket) {
connection.isUpperUserLeft = true;
if (allRecordedBlobs.length) {
// playing lats recorded blob
var lastBlob = allRecordedBlobs[allRecordedBlobs.length - 1];
videoPreview.src = URL.createObjectURL(lastBlob);
allRecordedBlobs = [];
} else if (connection.currentRecorder) {
var recorder = connection.currentRecorder;
connection.currentRecorder = null;
recorder.stopRecording(function() {
if (!connection.isUpperUserLeft) return;
videoPreview.src = URL.createObjectURL(recorder.getBlob());
if (connection.currentRecorder) {
connection.currentRecorder = null;
var allRecordedBlobs = [];
function repeatedlyRecordStream(stream) {
if (!enableRecordings) {
connection.currentRecorder = RecordRTC(stream, {
type: 'video'
setTimeout(function() {
if (connection.isUpperUserLeft || !connection.currentRecorder) {
connection.currentRecorder.stopRecording(function() {
if (connection.isUpperUserLeft) {
connection.currentRecorder = null;
}, 30 * 1000); // 30-seconds
function disableInputButtons() {
document.getElementById('open-or-join').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('broadcast-id').disabled = true;
// ......................................................
// ......................Handling broadcast-id................
// ......................................................
var broadcastId = '';
if (localStorage.getItem(connection.socketMessageEvent)) {
broadcastId = localStorage.getItem(connection.socketMessageEvent);
} else {
broadcastId = connection.token();
var txtBroadcastId = document.getElementById('broadcast-id');
txtBroadcastId.value = broadcastId;
txtBroadcastId.onkeyup = txtBroadcastId.oninput = txtBroadcastId.onpaste = function() {
localStorage.setItem(connection.socketMessageEvent, this.value);
// below section detects how many users are viewing your broadcast
connection.onNumberOfBroadcastViewersUpdated = function(event) {
if (!connection.isInitiator) return;
document.getElementById('broadcast-viewers-counter').innerHTML = 'Number of broadcast viewers: <b>' + event.numberOfBroadcastViewers + '</b>';
Я хочу создать один и тот же широковещательный идентификатор независимо от широковещательной передачи в качестве значения по умолчанию, чтобы люди моглипросто нажмите кнопку с названием «смотреть» или что-то еще, и он подключится к трансляции автора.Вместо этого сценарий назначает уникальную строку цифр и букв в качестве идентификатора широковещания, которая меняется каждый раз для каждого пользователя.Кажется, я не понимаю, где в приведенном выше сценарии она генерирует эту строку, поэтому я могу отключить ее или заставить использовать нужную фразу или значение (например, userbroadcast или что-то в этом роде).
Кто-нибудь видит, как я могу это сделать?Или на что посмотреть в скрипте?