Я получаю "_free_dbg (block, _UNKNOWN_BLOCK)";Я пытаюсь работать со стеками и очередями - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 24 октября 2018

Я работаю над визуальной студией.Мой проект: написать драйвер для стека и очереди.Тестовый драйвер - это программа, созданная для тестирования функций, которые должны быть помещены в библиотеку.Его основная цель - полностью протестировать функции, поэтому он не имеет применения.В программе вы будете использовать два стека и две очереди, как описано ниже.

a.inS - стек ввода: используется для хранения всего пользовательского ввода

b.inQ - очередь ввода: используется для хранения всего пользовательского ввода

c.outS - стек вывода: используется для хранения данных, удаленных из inQ

d.outQ - очередь вывода: используется для хранения данных, удаленных из inS

И мне нужно сделать в основном следующее: I - вставить, D - удалить, C - отобразить количество элементов в двух стеках и двух очередях, T - отображать элементы в верхней части двух стеков, F - отображать элементы в начале двух очередей, R - отображать элементы в конце двух очередей

Вот так, я 'Я пытаюсь работать с очередями и стеками.Но показано ниже:

// delete_scalar.cpp
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Defines the scalar operator delete.
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <vcruntime_new.h>
#include <vcstartup_internal.h>

// delete() Fallback Ordering
// +-------------+
// |delete_scalar<----+-----------------------+
// +--^----------+    |                       |
//    |               |                       |
// +--+---------+  +--+---------------+  +----+----------------+
// |delete_array|  |delete_scalar_size|  |delete_scalar_nothrow|
// +--^----^----+  +------------------+  +---------------------+
//    |    |
//    |    +-------------------+
//    |                        |
// +--+--------------+  +------+-------------+
// |delete_array_size|  |delete_array_nothrow|
// +-----------------+  +--------------------+

void __CRTDECL operator delete(void* const block) noexcept
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    _free_dbg(block, _UNKNOWN_BLOCK);

Ниже приведен весь код (два файла .h и один файл .cpp).1. stackADT.h

       Stack template
    #ifndef STACK_ADT_H
        #define STACK_ADT_H
    #include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class Stack
    // Structure for the stach nodes
    struct StackNode
        T value;          // Value in the node
        StackNode *next;  // Pointer to next node

    StackNode *top;     // Pointer to the stack top
    int count;

    Stack() { top = NULL; count = 0; }

    // Destructor

    // Stack operations
    bool push(T);
    bool pop(T &);
    bool isEmpty();
    int getCount();
    bool getTop(T &);

template <class T>
    StackNode *currNode, *nextNode;

    // Position nodePtr at the top of the stack.
    currNode = top;

    // Traverse the list deleting each node.
    while (currNode) //while (currNode != NULL)
        nextNode = currNode->next;
        delete currNode;
        currNode = nextNode;

  Member function push pushes the argument onto
  the stack.
template <class T>
bool Stack<T>::push(T item)
    StackNode *newNode; // Pointer to a new node

    // Allocate a new node and store num there.
    newNode = new StackNode;
    if (!newNode)
        return false;
    newNode->value = item;

    // Update links and counter
    newNode->next = top;
    top = newNode;

    return true;

  Member function pop pops the value at the top
  of the stack off, and copies it into the variable
  passed as an argument.
template <class T>
bool Stack<T>::pop(T &item)
    StackNode *temp; // Temporary pointer

    // empty stack
    if (count == 0)
        return false;

    // pop value off top of stack
    item = top->value;
    temp = top->next;
    delete top;
    top = temp;

    return true;

  Member function isEmpty returns true if the stack
  is empty, or false otherwise.
template <class T>
bool Stack<T>::isEmpty()
    return count == 0;

  Member function getCount returns
  the number of elements in the stack
template <class T>
int Stack<T>::getCount()
    return count;

  Member function getTop copies the value at the top
  of the stack into the variable passed as an argument.
template <class T>
bool Stack<T>::getTop(T &item)
    if (top == NULL)
        return false;

    item = top->value;

    return true;



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class Queue
    // Structure for the queue nodes
struct QueueNode
    T value;          // Value in the node
    QueueNode *next;  // Pointer to next node

QueueNode *front;    // Pointer to the queue front
QueueNode *rear;     // Pointer to the queue rear
int count;

Queue() { front = rear = NULL; count = 0; }

// Destructor

// Queue operations
bool enqueue(T);
bool dequeue(T &);
bool isEmpty();
int  getCount();
bool queueFront(T &);
bool queueRear(T &);

template <class T>
    QueueNode *currNode, *nextNode;

    // Position nodePtr at the top of the stack.
    currNode = front;

    // Traverse the list deleting each node.
    while (currNode) //while (currNode != NULL)
        nextNode = currNode->next;
        delete currNode;
        currNode = nextNode;

  Member function getCount returns
  the number of elements in the queue
template <class T>
int Queue<T>::getCount()
    return count;

  Member function isEmpty returns true if the stack
  is empty, or false otherwise.
template <class T>
bool Queue<T>::isEmpty()
    return count == 0;

  Member function enqueue inserts the argument into
  the queue.
template <class T>
bool Queue<T>::enqueue(T item)
    QueueNode *newNode; // Pointer to a new node

     // Allocate a new node and store num there.
    newNode = new QueueNode;
    if (!newNode)
        return false;
    newNode->value = item;

    // Update links and counter
    newNode->next = NULL;

    if (front == NULL)        // insert to an empty queue
        front = newNode;
        rear->next = newNode;

    rear = newNode;

    return true;

  Member function dequeue deletes the value at the front
  of the queue, and copies it into the variable
  passed as an argument.
template <class T>
bool Queue<T>::dequeue(T &item)
    QueueNode *pDel; // Temporary pointer

    // empty queue
    if (count == 0)
        return false;

    // delete the value at the front of the queue
    item = front->value;
    pDel = front;

    if (count == 1)
        rear = NULL;
    front = front->next;

    delete pDel;

    return true;

  Member function queueFront copies the value at the front
  of the queue into the variable passed as an argument.
template <class T>
bool Queue<T>::queueFront(T &item)
    if (front == NULL)
        return false;

    item = front->value;

    return true;

  Member function queueRear copies the value at the rear
  of the queue into the variable passed as an argument.
template <class T>
bool Queue<T>::queueRear(T &item)
    if (rear == NULL)
        return false;

item = rear->value;
return false;



CIS 22C: Homework 3

Build and process a sorted circularly doubly-linked list of Toy objects.
The list is sorted in ascending order by toy ID.
The toy ID is a unique key.

IDE: Visual Studio
Written By: Younseo Ryu
Changed By:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>  // toupper function
#include "StackADT.h"
#include "QueueADT.h"
using namespace std;

void printWelcome();
void insertSQ(Stack<double> &, Queue<double> &);
void deleteSQ(Stack<double> &, Stack<double> &, Queue<double> &, Queue<double> &);
void displayCountSQ(Stack<double>, Stack<double>, Queue<double>, Queue<double>);
void displayTopS(Stack<double>, Stack<double>);
void displayEndQ(Queue<double>, Queue<double>);

int main()
    Stack<double> inS; Stack<double> outS;
    Queue<double> inQ; Queue<double> outQ;

    insertSQ(inS, inQ);
    insertSQ(inS, inQ);
    insertSQ(inS, inQ);
    deleteSQ(inS, outS, inQ, outQ);

    displayCountSQ(inS, outS, inQ, outQ);
    displayTopS(inS, outS);
    displayEndQ(inQ, outQ);

    return 0;

This function prints a welcome message and a description of the program
void printWelcome()
    cout << "\n\n\t\t *~~*~~* WELCOME *~~*~~*\n\n"
        << "\tTo the Stack and Queue Program!\n\n"
        << "\t\tThis program will: \n"
        << "\t\t -I: Insert \n"
        << "\t\t -D: Delete  \n"
        << "\t\t -C: Display the number of elements in the two stacks and two queues \n"
        << "\t\t -T: Display the elements at the top of the two stakcs \n"
        << "\t\t -F: disdisplay the elements at the front of the two queues \n"
        << "\t\t -R: display the elements at the end of the two queues \n"
        << "\t\t -Q: to quit the program. \n\n\n";
    cout << "\t\t \n\n";

void insertSQ(Stack<double> &stack, Queue<double> &queue)
    double item;
    cout << "enter a number to insert it in inS and inQ: ";
    cin >> item; 

void deleteSQ(Stack<double> &inS, Stack<double> &outS, Queue<double> &inQ, Queue<double> &outQ)
    double item;
    cout << "the top stack element is popped.\n";

void displayCountSQ(Stack<double> inS, Stack<double> outS, Queue<double> inQ, Queue<double> outQ)
    cout << "there are " << inS.getCount() << " elements in the stack inS\n"
         << "there are " << outS.getCount() << " elements in the stack outS\n"
         << "there are " << inQ.getCount() << " elements in the queue inQ\n"
         << "there are " << outQ.getCount() << " elements in the queue outQ\n";

void displayTopS(Stack<double> inS, Stack<double> outS)
    double item;
    if (inS.getTop(item))
        cout << "the top element in the stack inS is the following: " << item << "\n";
        cout << "the stack inS is empty. so there's no top element in inS.\n";

        cout << "the top element in the stack outS is the following: " << item << "\n";
        cout << "the stack outS is empty. so there's no top element in inS.\n";

void displayEndQ(Queue<double> inQ, Queue<double> outQ)
    double item;

    if (inQ.queueFront(item))
        cout << "the front element of the queue inQ is: " << item <<"\n";
    else cout << "no front element found in inQ\n";

    if (inQ.queueRear(item))
        cout << "the rear element of the queue inQ is: " << item << "\n";
    else cout << "no rear element found in inQ\n";

    if (outQ.queueFront(item))
        cout << "the front element of the queue inQ is: " << item << "\n";
    else cout << "no front element found in inQ\n";

    if (outQ.queueRear(item))
        cout << "the rear element of the queue inQ is: " << item << "\n";
    else cout << "no rear element found in inQ\n";