Как избежать наложения меток на круговой диаграмме - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 24 октября 2018

У меня проблема с маркировкой процентов в круговых диаграммах.Некоторые метки перекрываются, так как места недостаточно, чтобы их отчетливо показать.Не могли бы вы дать мне какое-нибудь решение?Кроме того, я не хочу маркировать ноль процентов.

данные выглядят следующим образом:


            (list(Group = c("1. General", "1. General", "1. General", 
                            "1. General", "1. General", "1. General", "1. General", "2. Cancer", 
                            "2. Cancer", "2. Cancer", "2. Cancer", "2. Cancer", "2. Cancer", 
                            "2. Cancer", "3. Clinicians", "3. Clinicians", "3. Clinicians", 
                            "3. Clinicians", "3. Clinicians", "3. Clinicians", "3. Clinicians", 
                            "4. Researchers", "4. Researchers", "4. Researchers", "4. Researchers", 
                            "4. Researchers", "4. Researchers", "4. Researchers"), 

           Reasons = c( "1. Burdened by the cost", "2. Believe I would not develop breast cancer ", 
                        "3. I don’t have breast cancer yet (it won’t be too late to treat afterwards)", 
                        "4. Worried about the side effects", "5. Have childbirth plans", 
                        "6. Do not trust test result", "7. Other", "1. Burdened by the cost", 
                        "2. Believe I would not develop breast cancer ", "3. I don’t have breast cancer yet (it won’t be too late to treat afterwards)", 
                        "4. Worried about the side effects", "5. Have childbirth plans", 
                        "6. Do not trust test result", "7. Other", "1. Burdened by the cost", 
                        "2. Believe I would not develop breast cancer ", "3. I don’t have breast cancer yet (it won’t be too late to treat afterwards)", 
                        "4. Worried about the side effects", "5. Have childbirth plans", 
                        "6. Do not trust test result", "7. Other", "1. Burdened by the cost", 
                        "2. Believe I would not develop breast cancer ", "3. I don’t have breast cancer yet (it won’t be too late to treat afterwards)", 
                        "4. Worried about the side effects", "5. Have childbirth plans", 
                        "6. Do not trust test result", "7. Other"), 
           Percent = c(8.1130355515041,16.9553327256153, 57.0647219690064, 12.1239744758432, 2.91704649042844, 
                                                                                                                                           2.73473108477666, 0.0911577028258888, 3.85304659498208, 6.00358422939068, 
                                                                                                                                           73.7455197132617, 13.1720430107527, 0.896057347670251, 1.88172043010753, 
                                                                                                                                           0.448028673835125, 1.40845070422535, 2.8169014084507, 78.8732394366197, 
                                                                                                                                           2.8169014084507, 4.22535211267606, 0, 9.85915492957746, 1.63265306122449, 
                                                                                                                                           6.53061224489796, 71.8367346938775, 6.93877551020408, 6.12244897959184, 
                                                                                                                                           2.04081632653061, 4.89795918367347)), row.names = c(NA, -28L), class = c("tbl_df", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "tbl", "data.frame"))

И код, который я использовал для создания круговой диаграммы, следующий, и ссылка на этот код: ggplot, facet, piechart:размещение текста в середине секторов круговой диаграммы

dat_pies4 <- left_join(BRCA_R_Y_4,
                       BRCA_R_Y_4 %>% 
                         group_by(Group) %>%
                         summarize(Cnt_total = sum(Percent))) %>%
  group_by(Group) %>%
  mutate(end_angle = 2*pi*cumsum(Percent)/Cnt_total, each pie slice
         start_angle = lag(end_angle, default = 0),  each pie slice
         mid_angle = 0.5*(start_angle + end_angle))  

rpie = 1
rlabel = 0.6 

 dat_pies4 <- mutate(dat_pies4,
                    hjust = ifelse(mid_angle>pi, 1, 0),
                    vjust = ifelse(mid_angle<pi/2 | mid_angle>3*pi/2, 0, 1))

rlabel = 1.05 * rpie # now we place labels outside of the pies

pie.4 <-
  ggplot(dat_pies4) + 
  geom_arc_bar(aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r0 = 0, r = rpie,
               start = start_angle, end = end_angle, fill = Reasons))+
  geom_text(aes(x = rlabel*sin(mid_angle), y = rlabel*cos(mid_angle), label = paste0 (round(Percent), "%"),
                hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust)) +
  coord_fixed() +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1.5, 1.5), name = "", breaks = NULL, labels = NULL) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1.5, 1.5), name = "", breaks = NULL, labels = NULL) +
  facet_grid(.~Group, switch = "both")+
  theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="vertical", legend.margin = margin(30, 0, 10, 0))+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 0.5))+
  labs(title = "<why do not want RRM>")+
  guides (fill =  guide_legend (title.theme = element_text (face = "bold")))


И результат был такой: enter image description here

Мое ожидание для новой круговой диаграммыпохож на следующее, но надписи должны быть за пределами пирогов:

enter image description here

от: https://mcnabbarchives.wordpress.com/2017/04/24/nonbinary-gender-identity-online/

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 24 октября 2018

Самый простой способ - использовать библиотеку ggrepel.


, а затем заменить:


