Я создаю игру с libgdx и box2d и сейчас создал тело прямоугольника.Тело - это «блок», который игрок может бросить, чтобы попытаться заблокировать мяч.
Проблема, с которой я столкнулся, заключается в том, что тело застряло в позиции (0, 47,5184), даже если этоне то место, где оно было установлено.Я даже могу установить положение на что-то сумасшедшее, например (-10000, -10000), и оно все равно будет рендериться в (0, 47.5184).
Прямоугольник по-прежнему отлично работает с броском, но он просто начинается не в том месте и не может быть изменен.
В моем коде я создаю тело, вызывая методы createBlock и setBlockProperties.Эти методы вызываются в функции «show». Также обратите внимание, что используемый для игры мяч был создан точно так же и работает нормально.
public class GameScreen extends ScreenAdapter {
Controller game;
public World world;
public Body ball;
public Body block;
public Box2DDebugRenderer box2DDebugRenderer;
private Matrix4 cameraBox2D;
public MyGestureListener myGestureListener;
//x-axis length for top/bottom bar
private float goalWidth;
//pixels per meter
public float PPM;
//y-axis height for back bar
private float goalHeight;
private float goalPostThickness;
//Screen height and width
private float screenWidth;
private float screenHeight;
//How far down/up posts are from edge of screen
private float goalPostTopOffset;
private float goalPostBottomOffset;
//Center x,y of cannon
private float cannonOriginX; //Variables used for starting poisition of balls
private float cannonOriginY;
//Center x,y of ball
float ballX;
float ballY;
//Velocity of ball
public float velocity = 50;
//Tracks users drag y coord
public float panLocation = 0;
//Velocity of block once the user releases
public float flingVelocity;
//Changes to true when the block is released
public boolean isReleased = false;
public GameScreen (Controller game){
this.game = game;
public void show(){
myGestureListener = new MyGestureListener(game, this);
cameraBox2D = new Matrix4(game.cam.combined);
screenWidth = game.getScreenWidth();
screenHeight = game.getScreenHeight();
PPM = screenHeight / 80;
goalPostTopOffset = screenHeight/7;
goalPostBottomOffset = goalPostTopOffset * 3;
goalHeight = screenHeight - (goalPostTopOffset + goalPostBottomOffset);
goalWidth = screenWidth / 6;
goalPostThickness = screenWidth / 75;
cannonOriginX = goalWidth / 2; //Variables used for starting position of balls
cannonOriginY = (goalPostThickness*5) / 2;
ballX = 0 + cannonOriginX;
ballY = (goalPostBottomOffset - (goalPostBottomOffset / 4)) + cannonOriginY;
world = new World(new Vector2(0, 0f), true);
box2DDebugRenderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer();
//Creates animated ball
ball = createBall();
//Sets radius, density, etc.
//Creates block that stops balls
block = createBlock();
//Sets properties
public void render(float delta){
world.step(1/60f, 6, 2);
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
box2DDebugRenderer.render(world, game.cam.combined.scl(PPM));
Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new GestureDetector(myGestureListener));
cameraBox2D = game.cam.combined.cpy(); //Copy the main camera
cameraBox2D.scl(PPM); //Scale the camera projection to the ratio you're using for Box2D
box2DDebugRenderer.render(world, cameraBox2D);
public void hide(){
//draws stationary objects such as goal posts
public void drawNonAnimated(){
//Cannon platform
game.shape.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
game.shape.rect(0, (goalPostBottomOffset - (goalPostBottomOffset / 4))/PPM, goalWidth/PPM, (goalPostThickness*2)/PPM);
game.shape.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
game.shape.rect(0, (goalPostBottomOffset - (goalPostBottomOffset / 4))/PPM, cannonOriginX/PPM,
cannonOriginY/PPM, goalWidth/PPM, (goalPostThickness*5)/PPM, 1, 1, 45);
public void drawAnimated(){
ball.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(35,velocity));
Vector2 pos = ball.getPosition();
if (pos.x >= screenWidth/PPM){
ball.setTransform(new Vector2(ballX/PPM, ballY/PPM), 0);
//max 75 min 50
velocity = randInt(50, 75);
//Attaching a regular libgdx shape to the position of box2d shape
game.circle.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
game.circle.circle(pos.x*PPM, pos.y*PPM, goalPostThickness * 1.5f);
public void blockerMovement(){
Vector2 pos = block.getPosition();
float boundaryLocation = (goalPostBottomOffset - (goalPostBottomOffset / 4))/PPM;
panLocation = myGestureListener.getPanLocation();
if (isReleased == true){
//Get the velocity as the block is released
//to determine the speed it will continue to go after release
block.setLinearVelocity(0, flingVelocity);
flingVelocity -= 3;
else if (myGestureListener.getCheckRelease()|| panLocation/PPM >= boundaryLocation && !isReleased) {
flingVelocity = myGestureListener.speed;
isReleased = true;
System.out.println("SPEED: " + flingVelocity);
else {
block.setTransform(new Vector2((screenWidth - goalPostThickness) / PPM, panLocation / PPM), 0);
//Creates animated ball
public Body createBall(){
Body bBody;
BodyDef def = new BodyDef();
def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
def.fixedRotation = true;
bBody = world.createBody(def);
return bBody;
//Sets radius, density, etc.
public void setBallProperties(Body body){
float gbt = screenWidth / 75; //Goal post thickness
float ballRadius = (gbt * 1.5f) / PPM;
// Create a circle shape and set its radius to 6
CircleShape circle = new CircleShape();
// Create a fixture definition to apply our shape to
FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
fixtureDef.shape = circle;
fixtureDef.density = 3.5f;
fixtureDef.friction = 0.4f;
fixtureDef.restitution = 0.6f; // Make it bounce a little bit
// Create our fixture and attach it to the body
Fixture fixture = ball.createFixture(fixtureDef);
public Body createBlock(){
Body bBody;
BodyDef def = new BodyDef();
def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
def.position.set((screenWidth - (goalPostThickness)) / PPM, 0/PPM);
//def.position.set(-1000, -1000);
def.fixedRotation = true;
def.allowSleep = false;
bBody = world.createBody(def);
return bBody;
public void setBlockProperties(Body body){
PolygonShape square = new PolygonShape();
square.setAsBox(goalPostThickness/PPM, (goalWidth/2)/PPM);
// Create a fixture definition to apply our shape to
FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
fixtureDef.shape = square;
fixtureDef.density = 0.5f;
fixtureDef.friction = 0.0f;
fixtureDef.restitution = 0.5f;
// Create our fixture and attach it to the body
public static int randInt(int min, int max) {
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
return randomNum;
public void attachBlockerShape(Vector2 pos){
game.shape.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
game.shape.rect(pos.x, pos.y, goalPostThickness/PPM, (goalWidth/2)/PPM);
@Override public void dispose(){