Это мой конфигуратор Nlog, если я не могу использовать XML-файл
Определите переменную Logger:
private readonly Logger _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
Используйте ее в конструкторе вашего класса, например:
(new NLogConfigurator()).ConfigureSeqBufferTarget();
Активация конфигурации выполняется самим классом:
LogManager.Configuration = config;
Вот NLogConfigurator.Я получил это в основном из NLog API
public class NLogConfigurator
private readonly string _logFileNamePattern;
private readonly string _logLayoutPattern;
public NLogConfigurator(string logFileNamePattern)
_logFileNamePattern = logFileNamePattern;
public NLogConfigurator()
string addInName = this.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name;
_logFileNamePattern = "${specialfolder:folder=CommonApplicationData}/Company/zenon/${processname}_" + addInName + ".log";
/* Layout of LogMessages:
* See: https://github.com/nlog/NLog/wiki/Layout-Renderers
* ${callsite} - The call site (class name, method name and source information).
* ${message} - The formatted log message.
* ${onexception} - Only outputs the inner layout when exception has been defined for log message.
_logLayoutPattern = @"${callsite} ${message} ${onexception:Exception information\:${exception:format=type,message,method,StackTrace:maxInnerExceptionLevel=5:innerFormat=type,message,method,StackTrace}";
public void Configure()
// See: https://github.com/nlog/NLog/wiki/Configuration-API
// Step 1. Create configuration object
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
// Step 2. Create targets and add them to the configuration
// See http://sentinel.codeplex.com/ for a log viewer
var viewerTarget = new NLogViewerTarget();
config.AddTarget("viewer", viewerTarget);
var fileTarget = new FileTarget();
config.AddTarget("file", fileTarget);
// Step 3. Set target properties
viewerTarget.Layout = _logLayoutPattern;
viewerTarget.Address = "udp://";
fileTarget.FileName = _logFileNamePattern;
fileTarget.Layout = _logLayoutPattern;
// Step 4. Define rules
var rule1 = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, viewerTarget);
var rule2 = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, fileTarget);
// Step 5. Activate the configuration
LogManager.Configuration = config;
public void ConfigureUDPTarget()
public void ConfigureUDPTarget(LogLevel level, string ip = "udp://")
// See: https://github.com/nlog/NLog/wiki/Configuration-API
// Step 1. Create configuration object
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
// Step 2. Create targets and add them to the configuration
// See http://sentinel.codeplex.com/ for a log viewer
var viewerTarget = GetNLogViewerTarget(ip);
var fileTarget = new FileTarget();
config.AddTarget("file", fileTarget);
// Step 3. Set target properties
fileTarget.FileName = _logFileNamePattern;
fileTarget.Layout = _logLayoutPattern;
// Step 4. Define rules
var rule1 = new LoggingRule("*", level, viewerTarget);
var rule2 = new LoggingRule("*", level, fileTarget);
// Step 5. Activate the configuration
LogManager.Configuration = config;
public void ConfigureSeqBufferTarget(LogLevel level,
string url = "http://localhost:5341",
string apiKey = "",
int bufferSize= 1000,
int flushTimeout= 2000)
// See: https://github.com/nlog/NLog/wiki/Configuration-API
// Step 1. Create configuration object
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
var seqTarget = GetSeqTarget(url, apiKey);
var bufferWrapper = new BufferingTargetWrapper
Name = "seq",
BufferSize = bufferSize,
FlushTimeout = flushTimeout,
WrappedTarget = seqTarget
// Step 4. Define rules
var rule1 = new LoggingRule("*", level, bufferWrapper);
// Step 5. Activate the configuration
LogManager.Configuration = config;
private Target GetNLogViewerTarget(string ip = "udp://")
return new NLogViewerTarget
Address = ip,
Layout = _logLayoutPattern
private Target GetSeqTarget(string url = "http://localhost:5341", string apiKey="")
return new SeqTarget
ServerUrl = url,
ApiKey = apiKey