OpenGl У меня есть простой примитив отображения астероида, но я пытаюсь показать 4 астероида, как на рисунке, но не работает - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 24 сентября 2019

Я показываю свою первую примитивную 2D модель астероида, но пробный цикл для показа 4 астероидов в программе инициализации в glBegin () ... glEnd () не увенчался успехом.

Цикл For или While может бытьиспользуется здесь?Я не работаю с классами здесь или вектором push_back pop_back glPushMatrix glPopMatrix работает так?

/command compiler g++ console tested with Visual Studio Code
//g++ GLasteroid.cpp -o GLasteroid.exe -L"C:/MinGW/freeglut/lib" -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lfreeglut -I"C:\MinGW\freeglut\include\GL"
 * GL01Hello.cpp:With Load Background Image and Poligon Test OpenGL/GLUT C/C++ Setup
 * Tested Visual Studio Code with MinGW
 * To compile with -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 and 
#include <windows.h>  // for MS Windows
#include <stdio.h>      /* printf, scanf, puts, NULL */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>     /* srand, rand */
#include <ctime> 
#include <time.h>
#include <freeglut.h>  // GLUT, include glu.h and gl.h
using namespace std;
bool hited = false;
float spin = 0.0;
float astposy;
float astposx = -1.5 + static_cast <float> (rand()) /( static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX/(1.5-(-1.5))));
const float astvelymax = 0.5f;
const float astvelxmax = 0.35f;
// for random color primitive polygon
static GLubyte redc,greenc,bluec;

/* Initialize OpenGL Graphics just n this case for colors */
void initGL() {
   // Set "clearing" or background color
   glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Black and opaque

   //randomnumber color by ctime library
   redc = rand()%255;
   greenc = rand()%255;
   bluec = rand()%255;

void draw_asteroid1(){
   glTranslatef(astposx, astposy, 0);// position and velocity of asteroids
   glRotatef(spin , 0., 0., 1.);   
         glColor3ub(redc, greenc, bluec);
         glVertex2f(-0.04f/scale, 0.23f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.13f/scale, 0.205f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.285f/scale, 0.385f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.38f/scale, 0.105f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.185f/scale, -0.235f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.115f/scale, -0.06f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.035f/scale, -0.15f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.035f/scale, -0.05f/scale);
         glVertex2f(0.135f/scale, -0.15f/scale);
         glVertex2f(0.285f/scale, 0.15f/scale); 
         glVertex2f(0.1f/scale, 0.25f/scale);
         glVertex2f(0.135f/scale, 0.55f/scale);
         glVertex2f(-0.085f/scale, 0.485f/scale);        
void move_asteroid1(){
     //Asteroids velocity
   if (astposy < astvelymax)
         astposy = astposy - 0.000425;

   if (astposy < -1.0 )
         astposy = 1.0f;      
   if (astposy > 0.0 && astposy > astvelymax)
       astposy = astposy - 0.000425;

   if (astposx < astvelxmax)
         astposx = astposx - 0.000275;
   if (astposx < -2.0 )
         astposx = 2.0f;
   if (astposx > 0 && astposx > astvelxmax)
       astposx = astposx - 0.000275;
/* Called back when there is no other event to be handled */
void idle() {

   spin = spin + 0.075;

   if (spin > 360.0)
         spin = 0;

   glutPostRedisplay();   // Post a re-paint request to activate display()
void display() {
   glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Set background color to black and opaque
   glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);// Clear the color buffer (background

   glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );

   gluLookAt (0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
   glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );


   // glFlush();  // Render now

   glutSwapBuffers();   // Double buffered - swap the front and back buffers
/* Main function: GLUT runs as a console application starting at main()  */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   glutInit(&argc, argv);  // Initialize GLUT
   glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE);  // Enable double buffered mode
   glutInitWindowSize(1360, 768);   // Set the window's initial width & height
   glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);
   // Position the window's initial top-left corner
   glutCreateWindow("OpenGL Setup Test"); // Create a window with the given title
   glutSpecialFunc(specialKeys); // Register callback handler for special-key event
   glutDisplayFunc(display); // Register display callback handler for window re-paint
  // GLuint texture;
   texture = LoadTexture( "stars.bmp" );

   glutMainLoop();// Enter the event-processing loop
   //Free our texture
   glDeleteTextures( 1, &texture );
   return 0;

enter image description here
