Посмотрите на пример PDFBox ShowSignature
.Он делает это косвенно: проверяет, совпадают ли байты в промежутке диапазонов байтов со значением подписи, определенным при разборе документа.
В методе showSignature
int[] byteRange = sig.getByteRange();
if (byteRange.length != 4)
System.err.println("Signature byteRange must have 4 items");
long fileLen = infile.length();
long rangeMax = byteRange[2] + (long) byteRange[3];
// multiply content length with 2 (because it is in hex in the PDF) and add 2 for < and >
int contentLen = contents.getString().length() * 2 + 2;
if (fileLen != rangeMax || byteRange[0] != 0 || byteRange[1] + contentLen != byteRange[2])
// a false result doesn't necessarily mean that the PDF is a fake
// see this answer why:
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/48185913/535646
System.out.println("Signature does not cover whole document");
System.out.println("Signature covers whole document");
checkContentValueWithFile(infile, byteRange, contents);
Вспомогательный метод checkContentValueWithFile
private void checkContentValueWithFile(File file, int[] byteRange, COSString contents) throws IOException
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55049270
// comment by mkl: check whether gap contains a hex value equal
// byte-by-byte to the Content value, to prevent attacker from using a literal string
// to allow extra space
try (RandomAccessBufferedFileInputStream raf = new RandomAccessBufferedFileInputStream(file))
int c = raf.read();
if (c != '<')
System.err.println("'<' expected at offset " + byteRange[1] + ", but got " + (char) c);
byte[] contentFromFile = raf.readFully(byteRange[2] - byteRange[1] - 2);
byte[] contentAsHex = Hex.getString(contents.getBytes()).getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII);
if (contentFromFile.length != contentAsHex.length)
System.err.println("Raw content length from file is " +
contentFromFile.length +
", but internal content string in hex has length " +
// Compare the two, we can't do byte comparison because of upper/lower case
// also check that it is really hex
for (int i = 0; i < contentFromFile.length; ++i)
if (Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf((char) contentFromFile[i]), 16) !=
Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf((char) contentAsHex[i]), 16))
System.err.println("Possible manipulation at file offset " +
(byteRange[1] + i + 1) + " in signature content");
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
System.err.println("Incorrect hex value");
System.err.println("Possible manipulation at file offset " +
(byteRange[1] + i + 1) + " in signature content");
c = raf.read();
if (c != '>')
System.err.println("'>' expected at offset " + byteRange[2] + ", but got " + (char) c);
(Строго говоря, двоичная строка в нормальных скобках тоже будет в порядке , если она заполняет весь пробел , это не должно бытьшестнадцатеричная строка.)