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Примечание: обратный слеш и скобкиНЕОБХОДИМО избежать при замене - check Match case
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. matches newline
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\\ # a backslash, must be escaped
eqref # literally
( # start group 1
{ # opening curly bracket
.*? # 0 or more any character, not greedy
} # closing curly brakcet
\( # opening parenthesis, must be escaped in Notepad++
\\ # a basckslash, must ne escaped
ref # literally
$1 # content of group 1
\) # closing parenthesis, must be escaped in Notepad++
I am writing a paper using Latex, where lots of \eqref{} in it, such as \eqref{e1} and \eqref{e2}.
Результат для данного примера:
I am writing a paper using Latex, where lots of (\ref{}) in it, such as (\ref{e1}) and (\ref{e2}).
Снимок экрана (до):
Снимок экрана (после):