как всегда при изучении нового языка программирования, я делаю глупую игру и наполняю ее множеством ненужных вещей.Просто чтобы узнать, что возможно и как работает синтаксис.После этого я искал способ скомпилировать его в файл .exe.Сделано с PyInstaller..Exe работает отлично, как и ожидалось.
Я отправляю его другу, чтобы проверить, является ли этот .exe независимым и работает без Установленного интерпретатора Python.Он прислал мне фотографию своего Windows 10, который сводит с ума, потому что он обнаруживает троян в моем файле.
Я проверил свою Систему.Никакой инфекции на моей стороне.Затем я загрузил .exe в Virustotal.Вот результат: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3fa6cbe0c5cb154d70d3db1ca3029a9010853a87241a3b52cb30b4c23f55d729/detection
Обычно меня не волнует файл, который поднимается на 9 из 67 обращений, большинство из которых - только догадки.Но в этом случае .exe только для одной цели.И это Windows.
Вот код:
from random import randint as rInt
import time
import logging
game = {"winNumber": rInt(1, 100), "guessedNumber": 0, "lastGuess": 0, "tries": 8, "triesLeft": 8, "state": "None", "won": 0, "lost": 0, "round": 1, "debugMode": False}
def checkInput(uInput):
"""Checks user Inputs if they are valid numbers. Then a second check if the number is in between 1 and 100. Returns TRUE if successfull"""
uInput = int(uInput)
except ValueError:
logger.info(f"User has tried to enter: {uInput} and failed.")
print("This is not a number!")
if uInput not in range(1, 101):
print("With this number you will definitely loose the game, because it is not between 1 and 100")
logger.info(f"User has entered the Number {uInput}")
game["guessedNumber"] = uInput
return True
def restartGame():
answer = input ("Do you want to play again? (y/n)")
if answer.lower() == "y":
print ("Leeeeet's get ready tooooo guess some numbers!")
game["triesLeft"] = 8
game["lastGuess"] = 0
game["state"] = "begin"
game["winNumber"] = rInt(1, 100)
game["guessedNumber"] = 0
game["round"] += 1
logger.info(f'User exits the Game after: Rounds: {game["round"]} Wins: {game["won"]} Losts: {game["lost"]}')
print ("Have a nice day!")
def turnLogic():
""" Checks if the next Turn, made by the Player is a legit turn in logical terms"""
if game["winNumber"] < game["lastGuess"] and game["guessedNumber"] < game["lastGuess"]:
game["state"] = "Legit Turn"
elif game["winNumber"] > game["lastGuess"] and game["guessedNumber"] > game["lastGuess"]:
game["state"] = "Legit Turn"
elif game["winNumber"] < game["lastGuess"] and game["guessedNumber"] > game["lastGuess"] and game["lastGuess"] != 0:
game["state"] = "Bad Turn"
logger.info("User has triggered up 0")
elif game["winNumber"] > game["lastGuess"] and game["guessedNumber"] < game["lastGuess"] and game["lastGuess"] != 0:
game["state"] = "Bad Turn"
logger.info("User has triggered up 1")
elif game["guessedNumber"] == game["lastGuess"] and game["lastGuess"] != 0:
game["state"] = "Bad Turn"
logger.info("User has triggered up 2")
def checkIdiot(up):
"""This function checks if the player don't read the text. It will apply some educative messures"""
if up == 0:
print(f'Really? I said the Number must be LOWER then {game["lastGuess"]} and now you come with {game["guessedNumber"]}?')
print("That misbehavior will be punished with a loss of one additional try. You deserve it!\n")
game["triesLeft"] -= 1
elif up == 1:
print (f'Really? I just told you that the number must be higher after you go for {game["lastGuess"]} and now you try {game["guessedNumber"]}?')
print ("That misbehavior will be punished with a loss of one additional try. You deserve it!\n")
game["triesLeft"] -= 1
elif up == 2:
print (f'.. yeah.. you guessed {game["guessedNumber"]} and last time you guessed {game["lastGuess"]}. Do you know whats the definiton of insanity?')
print ("Insanity means doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.")
print ("But you made it. The difference is, you have wasted one try!\n")
def debugMode():
print(f'DEBUG MODE:\n |'
f'Last guessed Number: {game["lastGuess"]}.\n |'
f'New guessed number is: {game["guessedNumber"]}\n |'
f'Win number is: {game["winNumber"]}\n |'
f'Game State is: {game["state"]}\n |'
f'Round: {game["round"]}\n |'
f'Wins: {game["won"]}\n |'
f'Losts: {game["lost"]}\n'
f'{40 * "-"}\n')
game["triesLeft"] = 999
def theGameItself():
logger.info("User start a new game..")
if game["debugMode"] == True:
logger.info(".. in DEBUG Mode")
while game["triesLeft"] > 0:
game["lastGuess"] = game["guessedNumber"]
riskyInput = input("\nPlease enter a number between 1 and 100: ")
if checkInput(riskyInput) == False:
print (40 * "-")
print (f'Thank you for choosing the Number: {game["guessedNumber"]}')
print(f'\nLet me see if you are correct..')
print (40 * "-")
if game["debugMode"] == True:
game["triesLeft"] -= 1
if game["guessedNumber"] > game["winNumber"]:
print ("Sorry, your Number is too big! Please try again!")
print(f'You have {game["triesLeft"]} tries left!')
elif game["guessedNumber"] < game["winNumber"]:
print ("Sorry, the Number you've called is te.. oh wait.. its just to small. But try again!")
print(f'You have {game["triesLeft"]} tries left!')
print("Congratulations. You made it!")
game["won"] += 1
logger.info(f'User won a game. With {game["triesLeft"]} tries left.')
if game["triesLeft"] <= 0:
print(f'It seems that you have lost the game because you are running out of tries. The correct Number was: {game["winNumber"]}')
game["lost"] += 1
logger.info(f'User lost a game. Win Number was: {game["winNumber"]}')
LOG_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s - %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(filename="outputlog.log", level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT)
logger = logging.getLogger()
Итак, что, если я сделаю что-то серьезное.И отправить его клиенту.У всей моей компании могут быть проблемы, если клиент станет троянским предупреждением.Что означает, мне нужно решение для этого, прежде чем я смогу использовать Python для продуктивных интересов.
У кого-нибудь есть какие-то решения?Заранее спасибо.