Как градиентно заполнить форму аннотации в ggplot2 - PullRequest
2 голосов
/ 26 сентября 2019

У меня есть полярный график, который отображает почасовые данные за год.Мне удалось вставить четыре прямоугольника аннотации, чтобы обозначить сезон.Мне бы хотелось, чтобы эти прямоугольники имели градиентную заливку от прозрачного до текущего цвета.Вот мой текущий график: current polar plot

Я пытался добавить градиентную заливку для прямоугольников, но это конфликтует с градиентной заливкой масштаба маркера.В идеале график должен выглядеть следующим образом: Ideal graph

Вот мой код:

#how to generate a dataset with hourly readings over a year and a half. 
NoOfHours <- as.numeric(ymd_hms("2019-6-1 00:00:00") - ymd_hms("2018-3-1 00:00:00"))*24 
data1 <- as.data.frame(ymd_hms("2018-3-01 8:00:00") + hours(0:NoOfHours))
colnames(data1) <- 'date' 
data1$level <- runif(nrow(data1), min = 0, max = 400)

library(readxl);library(lubridate); #loads the 'readxl' package.
Hours <- format(as.POSIXct(strptime(data1$date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="")) ,format = "%H:%M:%S")
data1$hours <- Hours

Date <- format(as.POSIXct(strptime(data1$date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="")) ,format = "%Y-%m-%d")
data1$date_date <- Date#output

month <- format(as.POSIXct(strptime(data1$date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="")) ,format = "%m-%d")
data1$month<- month
#input the date here to select the start of the dataset, use the format: "yyyy-mm-dd". Then choose the end date by taking one full year of data. I.E. start = "2018-3-1", end = "2019-2-28"
start <- ceiling_date(ymd(data1$date_date[1]), "day", change_on_boundary = FALSE)
startdate <- as.Date(start) %m+% days(1)
enddate1 <- as.Date(startdate) %m+% years(1)
enddate<- as.Date(enddate1) %m-% days(1)

devicenumber <- "1"
Housename <- "level.tiff"
houseinfo <- c(devicenumber, Housename)

graphlimit <- 0 #need to define a limit for the graph
i<-200 #the initial lowest limit will always be 200
#this loop will now check for the highest levels of Radon and then graph a graphlimit that will encompass this maxima. This newly determined limit will allow different datasets to easily be automatically plotted with a range that is not too big or too small for the data.
if (max(data1$level) < (i+50)) {
  graphlimit <- i
} else {
while (max(data1$level)>(i+50)) {
  i<-i+200 }
  if(max(data1$level) < (i+50)) {graphlimit <- i

yeardata <- selectByDate(data1, start = startdate, end = enddate, year = 2018:2019) #select for a defined set of years

graphlength <- graphlimit/(1350/1750)
innerlimit <- -(graphlength*(200/1750))
plotlimit <- graphlength+innerlimit #this sets the end limit of the outer plot ticks. This ratio was determined based on the largest dataset.

starttimedate <- ymd_hms(paste(startdate, "01:00:00"))
endtimedate <- ymd_hms(paste(enddate1, "01:00:00"))
#endtimedate2 <- ymd_hms(paste(floor_date(ymd(data1$date_date[1]), "year"), "01:00:00"))
NoOfhours <- as.numeric(ymd_hms(starttimedate) - ymd_hms("2018-01-01 00:00:00"))*24
NoOfHours <- (8760/12)*(month(startdate)-1)#as.numeric(ymd_hms(starttimedate) - ymd_hms(endtimedate2))*24  #need this to determine rotation. This will determine how many hours are between Jan 1-1 at 0:0:0 till the start of the dataset. 
NoOfHoursall <- as.numeric(ymd_hms(endtimedate) - ymd_hms(starttimedate))*24
date_vals <- seq(from = ceiling_date(ymd(startdate), "month", change_on_boundary = FALSE), length.out = 12, by = "months")
finalcell <- length(yeardata$date)

plot <- ggplot(yeardata, aes(x=date, y=level, color = level)) +
 annotate("rect", xmin =  ((yeardata$date[1])), xmax =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2018-6-1")))]), ymin = graphlimit, ymax = Inf, fill = "springgreen4", alpha = 0.15)+
  annotate("rect", xmin =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2018-6-1")))]), xmax =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2018-9-1")))]), ymin = graphlimit, ymax = Inf, fill = "goldenrod2", alpha = 0.15)+
  annotate("rect", xmin =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2018-9-1")))]), xmax =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2018-12-1")))]), ymin = graphlimit, ymax = Inf, fill = "orangered3", alpha = 0.15)+
  annotate("rect", xmin =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2018-12-1")))]), xmax =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2019-3-1")))]), ymin = graphlimit, ymax = Inf, fill = "cornflowerblue", alpha = 0.15)+
  annotate("rect", xmin =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd("2019-3-1")))]), xmax =  (yeardata$date[finalcell]), ymin = graphlimit, ymax = Inf, fill = "springgreen4", alpha = 0.15)+
  geom_hline(yintercept = seq(0, graphlimit, by = 200), colour = "black", size = 0.75, alpha = 0.3)+ 
  geom_hline(yintercept = seq(0, graphlimit, by = 50), colour = "black", size = 0.5, alpha = 0.1)+ 
  annotate("segment",x =  (yeardata$date[1]), xend =  (yeardata$date[1]), y = 0, yend = graphlimit, colour = "black", size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
#annotate("text",x =  (max(yeardata$date)), y = innerlimit, colour = "black", size = 7, alpha = 1, label = devicenumber)+
  scale_colour_gradientn(limits = c(0,1000), colours = c("grey","yellow","orangered1","red","red4","black"), values = c(0,0.1,0.2,0.5,0.8,1), breaks = c(0, 100, 200, 500, 800, 1000), oob = scales::squish, name = expression(atop("",atop(textstyle("Level"^2*"")))))+ #need oob = scales::squish to get values over 200 to be red.
    geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2, size = 1) +
 theme(text = element_text(family="Calibri"),  axis.title=element_text(size=16,face="bold"), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12))+
   labs(x = NULL, y = bquote('Level'))+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, graphlimit, 200),
                     limits = c(innerlimit,plotlimit))+
 annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[1])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[1])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[2])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[2])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[3])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[3])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[4])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[4])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[5])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[5])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[6])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[6])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[7])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[7])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[8])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[8])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[9])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[9])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[10])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[10])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[11])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[11])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
  annotate("segment", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[12])))]), xend =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[12])))]), y = graphlimit, yend = plotlimit, colour = "black", size = 2)+
                  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "01-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "JAN", angle = -15)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "02-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "FEB", angle = -45)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "03-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "MAR", angle = -74)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "04-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "APR", angle = -104)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "05-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "MAY", angle = -133)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "06-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "JUN", angle = -163)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "07-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "JUL", angle = 165)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "08-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "AUG", angle = 135)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "09-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "SEP", angle = 105)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "10-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "OCT", angle = 75)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "11-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "NOV", angle = 45)+
  annotate("text", x =  (yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$month == "12-16"))]), y = ((graphlimit+plotlimit)/2), colour = "black", size = 9, family="Calibri", label = "DEC", angle = 15)
plot <- plot + coord_polar(start = ((2*NoOfhours/NoOfHoursall)*pi))+ #scale_x_continuous(breaks = as.POSIXct.Date(ymd_hms(yeardata$date[min(which(yeardata$date_date == ymd(date_vals[2])))]), origin))+ #need to have the number of radians to get my start position. If march 1st is the start date, then 60 days have past since Jan 1.
  theme(legend.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 14, face = "bold"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), panel.grid  = element_blank())

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