Я читал урок, все было хорошо, пока я не решил изменить параметры столкновения персонажа. с 20 * 20 до 81 * 64 после этого персонаж начинает подпрыгивать. Как я могу изменить параметры, чтобы он работал нормально?
первая часть кода представляет собой «класс MapObject»
// tile stuff
protected TileMap tileMap;
protected int tileSize;
protected double xmap;
protected double ymap;
// position and vector
protected double x;
protected double y;
protected double dx;
protected double dy;
// dimensions
protected int width;
protected int height;
// collision box
protected int cwidth;
protected int cheight;
// collision
protected int currRow;
protected int currCol;
protected double xdest;
protected double ydest;
protected double xtemp;
protected double ytemp;
protected boolean topLeft;
protected boolean topRight;
protected boolean bottomLeft;
protected boolean bottomRight;
// animation
protected Animation animation;
protected int currentAction;
protected int previousAction;
protected boolean facingRight;
// movement
protected boolean left;
protected boolean right;
protected boolean up;
protected boolean down;
protected boolean jumping;
protected boolean falling;
// movement attributes
protected double moveSpeed;
protected double maxSpeed;
protected double stopSpeed;
protected double fallSpeed;
protected double maxFallSpeed;
protected double jumpStart;
protected double stopJumpSpeed;
// constructor
public MapObject(TileMap tm) {
tileMap = tm;
tileSize = tm.getTileSize();
public boolean intersects(MapObject o) {
Rectangle r1 = getRectangle();
Rectangle r2 = o.getRectangle();
return r1.intersects(r2);
public Rectangle getRectangle() {
return new Rectangle(
(int)x - cwidth,
(int)y - cheight,
public void calculateCorners(double x, double y) {
int leftTile = (int)(x - cwidth / 2) / tileSize;
int rightTile = (int)(x + cwidth / 2 - 1) / tileSize;
int topTile = (int)(y - cheight / 2) / tileSize;
int bottomTile = (int)(y + cheight / 2 - 1) / tileSize;
int tl = tileMap.getType(topTile, leftTile);
int tr = tileMap.getType(topTile, rightTile);
int bl = tileMap.getType(bottomTile, leftTile);
int br = tileMap.getType(bottomTile, rightTile);
topLeft = tl == Tile.BLOCKED;
topRight = tr == Tile.BLOCKED;
bottomLeft = bl == Tile.BLOCKED;
bottomRight = br == Tile.BLOCKED;
public void checkTileMapCollision() {
currCol = (int)x / tileSize;
currRow = (int)y / tileSize;
xdest = x + dx;
ydest = y + dy;
xtemp = x;
ytemp = y;
calculateCorners(x, ydest);
if(dy < 0) {
if(topLeft || topRight) {
dy = 0;
ytemp = currRow * tileSize + cheight / 2;
else {
ytemp += dy;
if(dy > 0) {
if(bottomLeft || bottomRight) {
dy = 0;
falling = false;
ytemp = (currRow-1) * tileSize - cheight / 2;
else {
ytemp += dy;
calculateCorners(xdest, y);
if(dx < 0) {
if(topLeft || bottomLeft) {
dx = 0;
xtemp = currCol * tileSize + cwidth / 2;
else {
xtemp += dx;
if(dx > 0) {
if(topRight || bottomRight) {
dx = 0;
xtemp = (currCol + 1) * tileSize - cwidth / 2;
else {
xtemp += dx;
if(!falling) {
calculateCorners(x, ydest + 1);
if(!bottomLeft && !bottomRight) {
falling = true;
public int getx() { return (int)x; }
public int gety() { return (int)y; }
public int getWidth() { return width; }
public int getHeight() { return height; }
public int getCWidth() { return cwidth; }
public int getCHeight() { return cheight; }
public void setPosition(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void setVector(double dx, double dy) {
this.dx = dx;
this.dy = dy;
public void setMapPosition() {
xmap = tileMap.getx();
ymap = tileMap.gety();
public void setLeft(boolean b) { left = b; }
public void setRight(boolean b) { right = b; }
public void setUp(boolean b) { up = b; }
public void setDown(boolean b) { down = b; }
public void setJumping(boolean b) { jumping = b; }
public boolean notOnScreen() {
return x + xmap + width < 0 ||
x + xmap - width > GamePanel.WIDTH ||
y + ymap + height < 0 ||
y + ymap - height > GamePanel.HEIGHT;
public void draw(java.awt.Graphics2D g) {
if(facingRight) {
(int)(x + xmap - width / 2),
(int)(y + ymap - height / 2),
g.drawRect((int)(x + xmap - width / 2),(int)(y + ymap - height / 2),width,height );
else {
(int)(x + xmap - width / 2 + width),
(int)(y + ymap - height / 2),
g.drawRect((int)(x + xmap - width / 2 + width),(int)(y + ymap - height / 2),-width,height );
вторая часть кода представляет собой «класс игрока»
// player stuff
private int health;
private int maxHealth;
private int fire;
private int maxFire;
private boolean dead;
private boolean flinching;
private long flinchTimer;
// fireball
private boolean firing;
private int fireCost;
private int fireBallDamage;
private ArrayList<FireBall> fireBalls;
// scratch
private boolean scratching;
private int scratchDamage;
private int scratchRange;
// gliding
private boolean gliding;
// animations
private ArrayList<BufferedImage[]> sprites;
private final int[] numFrames = {
2, 8, 1, 2, 4, 2, 5
// animation actions
private static final int IDLE = 0;
private static final int WALKING = 1;
private static final int JUMPING = 2;
private static final int FALLING = 3;
private static final int GLIDING = 4;
private static final int FIREBALL = 5;
private static final int SCRATCHING = 6;
public Player(TileMap tm) {
width = 30;
height = 30;
cwidth = 81; //works with 20
cheight = 64; //works until 60
moveSpeed = 0.3;
maxSpeed = 1.6;
stopSpeed = 0.4;
fallSpeed = 0.15;
maxFallSpeed = 4.0;
jumpStart = -4.8;
stopJumpSpeed = 0.3;
facingRight = true;
health = maxHealth = 5;
fire = maxFire = 2500;
fireCost = 200;
fireBallDamage = 5;
fireBalls = new ArrayList<FireBall>();
scratchDamage = 8;
scratchRange = 40;
// load sprites
try {
BufferedImage spritesheet = ImageIO.read(
sprites = new ArrayList<BufferedImage[]>();
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
BufferedImage[] bi =
new BufferedImage[numFrames[i]];
for(int j = 0; j < numFrames[i]; j++) {
if(i != SCRATCHING) {
bi[j] = spritesheet.getSubimage(
j * width,
i * height,
else {
bi[j] = spritesheet.getSubimage(
j * width * 2,
i * height,
width * 2,
catch(Exception e) {
animation = new Animation();
currentAction = IDLE;
public int getHealth() { return health; }
public int getMaxHealth() { return maxHealth; }
public int getFire() { return fire; }
public int getMaxFire() { return maxFire; }
public void setFiring() {
firing = true;
public void setScratching() {
scratching = true;
public void setGliding(boolean b) {
gliding = b;
public void checkAttack(ArrayList<Enemy> enemies) {
// loop through enemies
for(int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) {
Enemy e = enemies.get(i);
// scratch attack
if(scratching) {
if(facingRight) {
e.getx() > x &&
e.getx() < x + scratchRange &&
e.gety() > y - height / 2 &&
e.gety() < y + height / 2
) {
else {
e.getx() < x &&
e.getx() > x - scratchRange &&
e.gety() > y - height / 2 &&
e.gety() < y + height / 2
) {
// fireballs
for(int j = 0; j < fireBalls.size(); j++) {
if(fireBalls.get(j).intersects(e)) {
// check enemy collision
if(intersects(e)) {
public void hit(int damage) {
if(flinching) return;
health -= damage;
if(health < 0) health = 0;
if(health == 0) dead = true;
flinching = true;
flinchTimer = System.nanoTime();
private void getNextPosition() {
// movement
if(left) {
dx -= moveSpeed;
if(dx < -maxSpeed) {
dx = -maxSpeed;
else if(right) {
dx += moveSpeed;
if(dx > maxSpeed) {
dx = maxSpeed;
else {
if(dx > 0) {
dx -= stopSpeed;
if(dx < 0) {
dx = 0;
else if(dx < 0) {
dx += stopSpeed;
if(dx > 0) {
dx = 0;
// cannot move while attacking, except in air
(currentAction == SCRATCHING || currentAction == FIREBALL) &&
!(jumping || falling)) {
dx = 0;
// jumping
if(jumping && !falling) {
dy = jumpStart;
falling = true;
// falling
if(falling) {
if(dy > 0 && gliding) dy += fallSpeed * 0.1;
else dy += fallSpeed;
if(dy > 0) jumping = false;
if(dy < 0 && !jumping) dy += stopJumpSpeed;
if(dy > maxFallSpeed) dy = maxFallSpeed;
public void update() {
// update position
setPosition(xtemp, ytemp);
// check attack has stopped
if(currentAction == SCRATCHING) {
if(animation.hasPlayedOnce()) scratching = false;
if(currentAction == FIREBALL) {
if(animation.hasPlayedOnce()) firing = false;
// fireball attack
fire += 1;
if(fire > maxFire) fire = maxFire;
if(firing && currentAction != FIREBALL) {
if(fire > fireCost) {
fire -= fireCost;
FireBall fb = new FireBall(tileMap, facingRight);
fb.setPosition(x, y);
// update fireballs
for(int i = 0; i < fireBalls.size(); i++) {
if(fireBalls.get(i).shouldRemove()) {
// check done flinching
if(flinching) {
long elapsed =
(System.nanoTime() - flinchTimer) / 1000000;
if(elapsed > 1000) {
flinching = false;
// set animation
if(scratching) {
if(currentAction != SCRATCHING) {
currentAction = SCRATCHING;
width = 60;
else if(firing) {
if(currentAction != FIREBALL) {
currentAction = FIREBALL;
width = 30;
else if(dy > 0) {
if(gliding) {
if(currentAction != GLIDING) {
currentAction = GLIDING;
width = 30;
else if(currentAction != FALLING) {
currentAction = FALLING;
width = 30;
else if(dy < 0) {
if(currentAction != JUMPING) {
currentAction = JUMPING;
width = 30;
else if(left || right) {
if(currentAction != WALKING) {
currentAction = WALKING;
width = 30;
else {
if(currentAction != IDLE) {
currentAction = IDLE;
width = 30;
// set direction
if(currentAction != SCRATCHING && currentAction != FIREBALL) {
if(right) facingRight = true;
if(left) facingRight = false;
public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
// draw fireballs
for(int i = 0; i < fireBalls.size(); i++) {
// draw player
if(flinching) {
long elapsed =
(System.nanoTime() - flinchTimer) / 1000000;
if(elapsed / 100 % 2 == 0) {