Вы можете использовать функцию taglist()
. От :help taglist()
(в Vim 7.1):
taglist({expr}) *taglist()*
Returns a list of tags matching the regular expression {expr}.
Each list item is a dictionary with at least the following
name Name of the tag.
filename Name of the file where the tag is
defined. It is either relative to the
current directory or a full path.
cmd Ex command used to locate the tag in
the file.
kind Type of the tag. The value for this
entry depends on the language specific
kind values. Only available when
using a tags file generated by
Exuberant ctags or hdrtag.
static A file specific tag. Refer to
|static-tag| for more information.
More entries may be present, depending on the content of the
tags file: access, implementation, inherits and signature.
Refer to the ctags documentation for information about these
fields. For C code the fields "struct", "class" and "enum"
may appear, they give the name of the entity the tag is
contained in.
The ex-command 'cmd' can be either an ex search pattern, a
line number or a line number followed by a byte number.
If there are no matching tags, then an empty list is returned.
To get an exact tag match, the anchors '^' and '$' should be
used in {expr}. Refer to |tag-regexp| for more information
about the tag search regular expression pattern.
Refer to |'tags'| for information about how the tags file is
located by Vim. Refer to |tags-file-format| for the format of
the tags file generated by the different ctags tools.
Когда вы определяете пользовательскую команду, вы можете указать -complete = tag или
. Если вам нужно сделать что-то более сложное, вы можете использовать -complete=custom,{func}
или -complete=customlist,{func}
. Подробнее см. :help :command-completion