Я хотел бы добавить авторские присоединения в мой заголовок YAML, и, как рекомендуется здесь ( Авторы и присоединения в YAML RMarkdown ), использование выходного формата rticles::elsevier_article
делает это очень хорошо, а такжепропускает номер страницы на первой странице, что также желательно. Проблема заключается в том, что 1) текстовые определения ссылок отображаются при рендеринге в pdf (они не должны), 2) текстовые ссылки не работают - их вызов приводит только к отображению текста вызова (не ссылочного текста), и 3) ссылки на таблицы и рисунки не работают, как при выводе bookdown::pdf_document2
. Как я могу либо получить номер автора и страницы в выводе bookdown::pdf_document2
, либо получить ссылки на работу в rticles::elsevier_article
Ниже приведен пример, иллюстрирующий проблему. Я использую RStudio 1.2.1335.
title: Problems with `rticles::elsevier_article` output
- name: Alice Anonymous
email: alice@example.com
affiliation: Some Institute of Technology
footnote: Corresponding Author
- name: Bob Security
email: bob@example.com
affiliation: Another University
- code: Some Institute of Technology
address: Department, Street, City, State, Zip
- code: Another University
address: Department, Street, City, State, Zip
abstract: |
This is the abstract.
journal: "Ecological Monographs"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
csl: elsevier-harvard.csl
output: rticles::elsevier_article
geometry: margin=2.54cm
The Problems I have
I would like to use the `rticles::elsevier_article` output because it 1) handles authors and affiliations the way I want, and 2) it nicely omits the page number from the firat page. Both of these things I can't seem to easily (if at all) accomplish using `bookdown::pdf_document2` output.
However, when I specify `rticles::elsevier_article` output, I run into several problems: 1) text reference definitions are displayed upon rendering to pdf (they should not), 2) text references do not work - calling them results only in the text of the call (not the referenced text) being displayed, and 3) references to table and figures does not work as it does with `bookdown::pdf_document2` output. There is one more issue too - in one test case I inserted a table (using `kableExtra`), and knitting failed because of some latex `tabu` environment error, even though it looks to me like the `rticles::elsevier_article` output does indeed load the `tabu` package (but I had to load it in the YAML header to get the knitting to work).
For example, lets define a text reference so I can use a super script 2 to specify square kilometers in a figure caption. The reference definition should not show in the rendered pdf (and it does not when I use the `bookdown::pdf_document2` output, but it frustratingly does so when I use the `rticles::elsevier_article` output).
<!-- text references for use in tables and captions (must be separated by empty line)-->
(ref:km2) km^2^
Now lets make a figure (below) and reference it here (Figure \@ref(fig:testfig)). The figure includes the text reference in the caption, but it does not display the referenced text, but only the exact text that is suppose to call the reference text. And my inline reference to the figure does not work.
```{r,testfig, echo=FALSE, fig.height = 2.5, fig.width = 3, fig.align = "center",fig.cap=paste0("This is a classic quadratic plot - it could represent ","(ref:km2)",".")}
plot(x,x**2,xlab="my assets", ylab="my joy", main="Not true")