Я пытаюсь создать функцию, которая суммирует несколько векторов, и приглашение:
Write a function data_summary which takes three inputs:\
`dataset`: A data frame\
`vars`: A character vector whose elements are names of columns from dataset which the user wants summaries for\
`group.name`: A length one character vector which gives the name of the column from dataset which contains the factor which will be used as a grouping variable
\`var.names`: A character vector of the same length as vars which gives the names that the user would like used as the entries under “Variable” in the resulting output. This should be set equal to vars by default, so the default behavior is to use the column names from dataset.
The output of the function should be a data frame with the following structure:
Column names of the data frame will be:\
The `first` level of the factor group.name\
The `second` level of the factor group.name\
The `kth` level of the factor group.name\
Я уже установил код,
data_summary <- function(dataset,vars,group.name,var.names) {
, но яне знаете, как поступить, потому что я не понимаю, что это пытается сделать и как должен выглядеть результат. Есть пример, который показывает
#data_summary<-function(dataset, vars,group.name, var.name){}
#data_summary(titanic4, c("survived", "female", "age", "sibsp", "parch", "fare", "cabin"), "pclass")
#data_summary(titanic4, c("survived", "female", "age", "sibsp", "parch", "fare", "cabin"), "pclass", c("Survival rate", "% Female", "Age", "# siblings/spouses aboard", "# children/parents aboard", "Fare ($)", "Cabin"))
Но это действительно не помогло мне без ввода аргументов для функции.