Здравствуйте, ребята, спасибо, что заглянули, у меня возникла проблема, когда я пытаюсь получить модель обучения для формы прогнозирования, я перепробовал множество кодов, чтобы решить эту проблему, в основном, мои данные содержат так много типов, и это образец моих данных и я хочу, чтобы StandardScaler мои данные ... вот оригинальный код ...
# Load the training set
df = pd.read_csv('training_data/R_training_set.csv',
df = df.dropna(how='any',axis=0)
# One-Hot encode a couple of variables
df_ohe = pd.get_dummies(df,columns=ohe_fields)
# Get the one-hot variable names
ohe_feature_names = pd.get_dummies(df[ohe_fields],columns=ohe_fields).columns.tolist()
это то, как мои данные выглядят
# Sinuosity is typically close to 1, even for moderately curvy roads. A high sinuosity means a longer road.
feature_transforms = {
'sinuosity': np.log
for feature,transform in feature_transforms.items():
df_ohe[feature] = transform(df_ohe[feature])
# Continuously valued features
float_feature_names = [
float_features = df_ohe.xs(float_feature_names,axis=1).values
# Use scikit-learn's StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
float_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(float_features)
#print (float_features.mean(axis=0))
df_ohe[float_feature_names] = float_scaled
with open('scalers_4.pkl','wb') as fp:
y = df['target'].values
binary_feature_names = [
df_ohe = df_ohe.xs(float_feature_names+binary_feature_names+ohe_feature_names,axis=1)
X = df_ohe.values
y = df['target'].values
feature_names = df_ohe.columns.tolist()
wrangler = {
'float_scaler_mean': float_features.mean(axis=0),
'float_scaler_std': float_scaled,
'float_feature_names': float_feature_names,
'ohe_fields': ohe_fields,
'feature_names': feature_names,
'feature_transforms': feature_transforms
PS Я использовал алгоритм xgboost для обучения данных
with open('wrangler_2.pkl','rb') as fp:
wrangler = pickle.load(fp)
float_scaler_mean = wrangler['float_scaler_mean']
float_scaler_std = wrangler['float_scaler_std']
float_feature_names = wrangler['float_feature_names']
ohe_fields = wrangler['ohe_fields']
feature_names = wrangler['feature_names']
booster = xgboost.Booster()
def make_test_set(df,wrangler):
float_scaler_mean = wrangler['float_scaler_mean']
float_scaler_std = wrangler['float_scaler_std']
float_feature_names = wrangler['float_feature_names']
ohe_fields = wrangler['ohe_fields']
feature_names = wrangler['feature_names']
df_ohe = pd.get_dummies(df,columns=ohe_fields)
float_features = df.xs(float_feature_names,axis=1).values
float_features = (float_features - float_scaler_mean) / float_scaler_std
for i,fname in enumerate(float_feature_names):
df_ohe[fname] = float_features[:,i]
empty_features = list(set(feature_names) - set(df_ohe.columns.tolist()))
#for f in empty_features:
#df_ohe[f] = 0
df_ohe = df_ohe[feature_names]#.drop(columns=['SegID.1','geometry','SHAPE']+drop_columns,errors='ignore')
X = df_ohe.values
feature_names = df_ohe.columns.tolist()
return X, feature_names
X,names = make_test_set(test_df,wrangler)
print (X.shape)
print (X[0])
я получаю ошибку
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'StandardScaler'
Я что-то сделалнеправильно? Направь меня на правильный путь, спасибо ...