В коде, который вы вставляете, есть ошибки. Вот код, который, как я полагаю, дал вам ваш лектор.
def print_menu_line(direction, leads_to):
"""This function prints a line of a menu of exits. It takes two strings: a
direction (the name of an exit) and the name of the room into which it
leads (leads_to), and should print a menu line in the following format:
Go <EXIT NAME UPPERCASE> to <where it leads>.
For example:
>>> print_menu_line("east", "you personal tutor's office")
Go EAST to you personal tutor's office.
>>> print_menu_line("south", "MJ and Simon's room")
Go SOUTH to MJ and Simon's room."""
#print (rooms[room_livingRoom["exits"]])
direction = input("Which direction? ")
leads_to = input("Where do you want to go? ")
print("Go", direction, "to", leads_to)
print_menu_line(direction, leads_to)
Теперь вот решение вашей проблемы:
def print_menu_line(direction, leads_to):
""" direction and leads_to are the parameters of the function """
direction = direction.upper() # to have a upper case
print("Go", direction, "to", leads_to)
# to get values <direction> and <leads_to>
# direction and lead_to are the arguments you will send to the function
direction = input("Which direction? ")
leads_to = input("Where do you want to go? ")
# call the function
print_menu_line(direction, leads_to)
Обновление: Чтобы понятьРазница между аргументами и параметрами, я переписать код, который вверху:
def print_menu_line(param1, param2):
""" param1 and param2 are the parameters of the function. From your assignment, you know that param1 refers to the direction and param2 refers to the leads_to variable """
param1 = param1.upper() # to have a upper case
print("Go", param1, "to", param2)
# direction and lead_to are the arguments you will send to the function
direction = input("Which direction? ")
leads_to = input("Where do you want to go? ")