Python, как узнать путь Dropbox и загрузить туда файл
Я хочу загружать CSV-файл ежедневно в учетную запись Dropbox, но я получаю ValidationError и другие.
#finding the path
import pathlib
import dropbox
import os
# Automation is the name of my folder at dropbox
pathlib.Path.home() / "Automation"
Out[37]: WindowsPath('C:/Users/pb/Automation')
dbx = dropbox.Dropbox('My-token here')
Out[38]: FullAccount(account_id='accid', name=Name(given_name='pb', surname='manager', familiar_name='pb', display_name='pb', abbreviated_name='pb'), email='', email_verified=True, disabled=False, locale='en', referral_link='', is_paired=False, account_type=AccountType('basic', None), root_info=UserRootInfo(root_namespace_id='1111111111', home_namespace_id='11111111'), profile_photo_url='', country='US', team=None, team_member_id=None)
# Now trying to see something in the folder, I just want upload file there
response = dbx.files_list_folder(path='user:/pb/automation')
for entry in dbx.files_list_folder('').entries:
ValidationError: 'user:/pb/automation' did not match pattern '(/(.|[\r\n])*)?|id:.*|(ns:[0-9]+(/.*)?)'