Необходимые условия компилятора Glow:
Operating system : Ubuntu 16.04LTS
RAM : Minimum 16GB
SWAP MEMORY : Minimum 12GB to 20GB
Memory Needed : 70GB
Total Memory needed : Minimum 150GB(LLVM&GLOW)
Зависимости компилятора Glow:
LLVM 8.0.1
Clang 8.0.1
Anaconda 3
Pytorch if GPU is used need to install CUDA 10.1 and cuDNN 7.1
Процесс компиляции Glow
Шаг 1:
Download glow repository from git hub
$git clone
$cd glow
Шаг 2:
#Glow depends on a few submodules: googletest, onnx, and a library for FP16 conversions.
#To get them, from the glow directory, run:
$git submodule update --init --recursive
Шаг 3:
#If Protobuf is not installed install it by using shell script
#version should be 2.6.1
#PATH: glow/utils/
#run shell script
Шаг 4:
#Create a build directory in glow
$mkdir build
#Change working directory to build
$cd build
#Now run cmake in Release mode providing Glow source directory as path
$cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
#This will build files into ......( It will take 4 to 8 hours or more based on RAM and SWAP memory)
#if cmake is not installed install it by running following command
$sudo apt install cmake
Шаг 5:
#run make command to compile the source code
#run make install to install the library
$ make install
Свечение тестирования:
#A few test programs that use Glow's C++ API are found under the examples/ subdirectory. The mnist, cifar10, fr2en and ptb programs train and
run digit recognition, image classification and language modeling benchmarks, respectively.
#To run these programs, build Glow in Release mode, then run the following commands to download the cifar10, mnist and ptb databases.
$python ../glow/utils/ --all-datasets
#Now run the examples. Note that the databases should be in the current working directory.
#If everything goes well you should see:
mnist: pictures from the mnist digits database
cifar10: image classifications that steadily improve
fr2en: an interactive French-to-English translator
ptb: decreasing perplexity on the dataset as the network trains
char-rnn: generates random text based on some document