Как уже отмечали другие, индекс for-l oop выходит за пределы длины массива. Вам также необходимо составить цепочку минимумов. А битовая ширина в архитектуре сравнения должна зависеть от универсального c SIZE.
В версии 1 ниже используется одна длинная цепочка.
В версии 2 ниже две половины используются цепочки, которые дают более короткую общую задержку распространения.
В версии 3 ниже используется древовидная структура, которая дает самую короткую общую задержку распространения.
Версия 1 - Одна длинная цепь
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
entity BitMin is
SIZE: integer := 8
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7: in unsigned(SIZE - 1 downto 0);
minout: out unsigned(SIZE - 1 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture Compare of BitMin is
subtype TBits is unsigned(SIZE - 1 downto 0); -- Changed TByte to TBits because the bit width is dependent upon the generic SIZE.
type TBitsArray is array(0 to 7) of TBits;
signal inputs: TBitsArray;
signal min_chain: TBitsArray;
function Minimum(a, b: TBits) return TBits is
if a < b then
return a;
end if;
return b;
end function;
inputs <= ( a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 );
-- Version 1 (one long chain)
process(inputs, min_chain)
min_chain(0) <= inputs(0); -- Assume the first element in the array is the minimum.
for i in 1 to 7 loop -- Cycle through the remaining items to find the minimum.
min_chain(i) <= Minimum(min_chain(i - 1), inputs(i));
end loop;
minout <= min_chain(7);
end process;
end Compare;
Версия 2 - Две цепочки половинной длины
-- Version 2 (two half-length chains: 0..3 and 7..4)
process(inputs, min_chain)
min_chain(0) <= inputs(0); -- Assume the first element in the array is the minimum.
min_chain(7) <= inputs(7); -- Assume the last element in the array is the minimum.
for i in 1 to 3 loop -- Cycle through the remaining items to find the minimum.
min_chain(i) <= Minimum(min_chain(i - 1), inputs(i)); -- Work forwards from element 1.
min_chain(7 - i) <= Minimum(min_chain(7 - i + 1), inputs(7 - i)); -- Work backwards from element 6.
end loop;
minout <= Minimum(min_chain(3), min_chain(4)); -- Find the minimum of the two chains.
end process;
Версия 3 - Дерево
-- Version 3 (tree structure)
constant NUM_INPUTS: natural := inputs'length;
constant NUM_STAGES: natural := natural(ceil(log2(real(NUM_INPUTS))));
type TTree is array(0 to NUM_STAGES) of TBitsArray; -- This declares a matrix, but we only use half of it (a triangle shape). The unused part will not be synthesized.
variable min_tree: TTree;
variable height: natural;
variable height_int: natural;
variable height_rem: natural;
variable a, b: TBits;
-- Stage 0 is simply the inputs
min_tree(0) := inputs;
height := NUM_INPUTS;
for i in 1 to NUM_STAGES loop
-- Succeeding stages are half the height of the preceding stage.
height_int := height / 2;
height_rem := height rem 2; -- Remember the odd one out.
-- Process pairs in the preceding stage and assign the result to the succeeding stage.
for j in 0 to height_int - 1 loop
a := min_tree(i - 1)(j);
b := min_tree(i - 1)(j + height_int);
min_tree(i)(j) := Minimum(a, b);
end loop;
-- Copy the odd one out in the preceding stage to the succeeding stage
if height_rem = 1 then
a := min_tree(i - 1)(height - 1);
min_tree(i)(height_int) := a;
end if;
-- Adjust the ever-decreasing height for the succeeding stage.
height := height_int + height_rem;
end loop;
-- Get the value at the point of the triangle which is the minimum of all inputs.
minout <= min_tree(NUM_STAGES)(0);
end process;
Test Bench
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity BitMin_TB is
end entity;
architecture V1 of BitMin_TB is
constant SIZE_TB: natural := 8;
component BitMin is
SIZE: integer := 8
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7: in unsigned (SIZE - 1 downto 0);
minout: out unsigned (SIZE - 1 downto 0)
end component;
signal a0_tb, a1_tb, a2_tb, a3_tb, a4_tb, a5_tb, a6_tb, a7_tb: unsigned(SIZE_TB - 1 downto 0);
signal minout_tb: unsigned(SIZE_TB - 1 downto 0);
DUT: BitMin
generic map
port map
a0 => a0_tb,
a1 => a1_tb,
a2 => a2_tb,
a3 => a3_tb,
a4 => a4_tb,
a5 => a5_tb,
a6 => a6_tb,
a7 => a7_tb,
minout => minout_tb
wait for 10 ns;
a0_tb <= "00000100";
a1_tb <= "00001000";
a2_tb <= "00010000";
a3_tb <= "00100000";
a4_tb <= "01000000";
a5_tb <= "10000000";
a6_tb <= "00000010";
a7_tb <= "00000001";
wait for 10 ns;
end process;
end architecture;
Сравнение синтеза
Все три версии синтезируют с одинаковым количеством элементов logi c, но самая быстрая версия 3.
RTL версии 1 - одна длинная цепь
RTL версии 2 - две цепи половинной длины
Версия 3 RTL - дерево