Используя идею @ Doug , ниже приведен пример, который обрабатывает все случаи:
- положение отверстия в четном / нечетном размере маски
- среднее положение в четном / нечетном количестве элементов
%%# mask size: N-by-N
N = 3;
%%# read image and add noise
I = im2double( imread('eight.tif') );
I = imnoise(I, 'salt & pepper',0.05);
%%# build mask with hole in center
h = true(N,N);
if mod(N,2) == 0
%# hole is a 2-by-2 square
h([N/2 N/2+1],[N/2 N/2+1]) = false(2);
%# hole is one point
h((N+1)/2,(N+1)/2) = false;
%%# compute median filter with hole
num = sum(h(:));
if mod(num,2) == 0
%# even case: average from using the two elements in the middle
I1 = ordfilt2(I, num/2, h, 'symmetric');
I2 = ordfilt2(I, num/2+1, h, 'symmetric');
J = imdivide( imadd(I1,I2), 2 );
%# odd case: note this is never reached
J = ordfilt2(I, (num+1)/2, h, 'symmetric');
%%# plot and compare against normal median filter
subplot(121), imshow(J)
subplot(122), imshow( medfilt2(I,[N N],'symmetric') );