import pandas as pd
# TODO: Set weight1, weight2, and bias
weight1 = -2.5
weight2 = -1.5
bias = 1.0
# Inputs and outputs
test_inputs = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
correct_outputs = [True, False, True, False]
outputs = []
# Generate and check output
for test_input, correct_output in zip(test_inputs, correct_outputs):
linear_combination = weight1 * test_input[0] + weight2 * test_input[1] + bias
output = int(linear_combination >= 0)
is_correct_string = 'Yes' if output == correct_output else 'No'
outputs.append([test_input[0], test_input[1], linear_combination, output, is_correct_string])
# Print output
num_wrong = len([output[4] for output in outputs if output[4] == 'No'])
output_frame = pd.DataFrame(outputs, columns=['Input 1', ' Input 2', ' Linear Combination', ' Activation Output', ' Is Correct'])
if not num_wrong:
print('Nice! You got it all correct.\n')
print('You got {} wrong. Keep trying!\n'.format(num_wrong))
Какими должны быть веса и уклон выше? перепутал, так как это персептрон с двойным весом, я пробовал много значений, но по крайней мере 1 неверно в конце