Используя этот код:
import gym
import numpy as np
import time
SARSA on policy learning python implementation.
This is a python implementation of the SARSA algorithm in the Sutton and Barto's book on
RL. It's called SARSA because - (state, action, reward, state, action). The only difference
between SARSA and Qlearning is that SARSA takes the next action based on the current policy
while qlearning takes the action with maximum utility of next state.
Using the simplest gym environment for brevity: https://gym.openai.com/envs/FrozenLake-v0/
def init_q(s, a, type="ones"):
@param s the number of states
@param a the number of actions
@param type random, ones or zeros for the initialization
if type == "ones":
return np.ones((s, a))
elif type == "random":
return np.random.random((s, a))
elif type == "zeros":
return np.zeros((s, a))
def epsilon_greedy(Q, epsilon, n_actions, s, train=False):
@param Q Q values state x action -> value
@param epsilon for exploration
@param s number of states
@param train if true then no random actions selected
if train or np.random.rand() < epsilon:
action = np.argmax(Q[s, :])
action = np.random.randint(0, n_actions)
return action
def sarsa(alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, max_steps, n_tests, render = True, test=False):
@param alpha learning rate
@param gamma decay factor
@param epsilon for exploration
@param max_steps for max step in each episode
@param n_tests number of test episodes
env = gym.make('Taxi-v3')
n_states, n_actions = env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n
Q = init_q(n_states, n_actions, type="ones")
print('Q shape:' , Q.shape)
timestep_reward = []
for episode in range(episodes):
print(f"Episode: {episode}")
total_reward = 0
s = env.reset()
print('s:' , s)
a = epsilon_greedy(Q, epsilon, n_actions, s)
t = 0
done = False
while t < max_steps:
if render:
t += 1
s_, reward, done, info = env.step(a)
total_reward += reward
a_ = epsilon_greedy(Q, epsilon, n_actions, s_)
if done:
Q[s, a] += alpha * ( reward - Q[s, a] )
Q[s, a] += alpha * ( reward + (gamma * Q[s_, a_] ) - Q[s, a] )
s, a = s_, a_
if done:
if render:
print(f"This episode took {t} timesteps and reward {total_reward}")
# print('Updated Q values:' , Q)
if render:
print(f"Here are the Q values:\n{Q}\nTesting now:")
if test:
test_agent(Q, env, n_tests, n_actions)
return timestep_reward
def test_agent(Q, env, n_tests, n_actions, delay=0.1):
for test in range(n_tests):
print(f"Test #{test}")
s = env.reset()
done = False
epsilon = 0
total_reward = 0
while True:
a = epsilon_greedy(Q, epsilon, n_actions, s, train=True)
print(f"Chose action {a} for state {s}")
s, reward, done, info = env.step(a)
total_reward += reward
if done:
print(f"Episode reward: {total_reward}")
if __name__ =="__main__":
alpha = 0.4
gamma = 0.999
epsilon = 0.9
episodes = 200
max_steps = 20
n_tests = 20
timestep_reward = sarsa(alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, max_steps, n_tests)
Образец созданной таблицы Q:
[[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. ]
[ 0.5996 0.5996 0.5996 0.35936 0.5996 1. ]
[ 0.19936016 0.35936 0.10336026 0.35936 0.35936 -5.56063984]
[ 0.35936 0.5996 0.35936 0.5996 1. 1. ]
[ 1. 0.5996 1. 1. 1. 1. ]
[ 0.35936 0.5996 1. 1. 1. 1. ]]
Столбцы, представляющие действия, и строки, представляющие соответствующие состояния.
Может ли состояние быть представлено вектором? Ячейки таблицы Q не содержат векторов размером> 1, так как эти состояния должны быть представлены? Например, если я нахожусь в состоянии [2], можно ли это представить как n-мерный вектор?
Другими словами, если Q [1,3] = 4, можно ли представить состояние Q 1 с действием 3 как вектор [1,3,2,12,3]? Если так, то хранится ли сопоставление state_number-> state_attributes в отдельной справочной таблице?