Является ли действительным и семантически правильным наличие вложенных small
<p>What particular element of the time in which they were born has an effect on their character is something for which I still do not have a definitive conclusion, but the fact is as observable as it is impossible to ignore. People born around the same time are very similar (regarding those characteristics that are based on their birth dates, and isolating them from other elements such as physique, education, and others).</p>
<p><small>[Note 2]</small> In the same way that it is possible to gather certain elements of an irrational person’s character from their physique, date of birth, and name, it is in turn possible to deduce these characteristics from the observations of the subject’s character.</p>
<p><small>[Definitive examples can be found at <small>{A., No. 215}</small>.]</small></p>
Вопрос не в том, является ли пример my семантически правильным, а в том, может ли он быть семантически правильным (в любом примере) для вложенности small