Я создаю GUI код нейронной сети python для CSTR, используя модуль sklearn, который имеет два входа и один выход. Входами являются температура охлаждения T c и расход на входе qin. Выход - это просто температура. Я уже сохранил входные и выходные данные в текстовые файлы и успешно запустил код GUI NN Python. Однако я хочу улучшить свой код GUI NN и хочу, чтобы пользователь сам выбирал текстовый файл для чтения; У меня уже есть текстовые файлы T c, qin и T. У меня есть 3 кнопки в верхней части моего приложения GUI: ввод T c, ввод Qin, вывод T. Например, когда я нажимаю кнопку Input T c, я хочу GUI, чтобы открыть новое окно. где пользователь может выбрать и выбрать нужный текстовый файл.
Чтобы сделать вещи более понятными, это близко к тому, когда человек хочет вложить файл в электронное письмо, как только он / она нажимает кнопку присоединить, пользователь имеет возможность выбрать любой файл, который он / она хочет .
Как это можно сделать в GUI на Python?
Ниже приведен мой существующий код Python для редактирования. Вместо того, чтобы указывать текстовые файлы непосредственно в коде, я хочу, чтобы у пользователя была возможность выбирать текстовые файлы.
import tkinter as tk #to use Tkinter
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor #to solve the NN
import pandas
#from sknn.mlp import Classifier
import numpy as np
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox #import a message box that will be displayed
import csv #needed to open and read text files
# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
#this example represents a two input &one output NN application
#x1 represent the cooling T (Manipulated Variable of CSTR)
#x2 represents the inlet flowrate
ReadInput1= False # used for test Tc input button ; turns to true if the button is pressed
ReadInput2= False # used for test qin input button ; turns to true if the button is pressed
ReadOutput= False # used for test output button ; turns to true if the button is pressed
def readinput1():
global ReadInput1
x1=np.empty(401)#initialize to empty ;to be filled
#read data from Tc_Training txt file
with open("Tc data.txt","r") as csv_file:
for row in csv_reader:
i=float(row[0])#change from string to float type
x1[count]=i #updates x array
count +=1 # increment of 1 to get the number of total values
x1=x1.reshape(401,1) #change all to 1 row and 401 columns (this is the format needed)
ReadInput1=True #becomes true if the button test input is pressed
if ReadInput1==True:# if the button read output is pressed
print("The Tc input data for training is now read")
return x1
def readinput2():
global ReadInput2
x2=np.empty(401)#initialize to empty ;to be filled
#read data from Tc_Training txt file
with open("q data.txt","r") as csv_file:
for row in csv_reader:
i=float(row[0])#change from string to float type
x2[count]=i #updates x array
count +=1 # increment of 1 to get the number of total values
x2=x2.reshape(401,1) #change all to 1 row and 401 columns (this is the format needed)
ReadInput2=True #becomes true if the button test input is pressed
if ReadInput2==True:# if the button read output is pressed
print("The qin input data for training is now read")
return x2
#y represents the Temperature of CSTR
def readoutput():
global ReadOutput
y=np.empty(401) #initialize to empty ;to be filled
#read data from T_training txt file
with open("T data.txt","r") as csv_file:
for row in csv_reader:
i=float(row[0])#change from string to float type
y[count]=i #update y array
count +=1 # increment of 1 to get the number of total values
y=np.array(y).ravel() #ravel is to convert to a single column
ReadOutput=True #becomes true if the button test input is pressed
if ReadOutput==True:# if the button read output is pressed
print("The output data for training is now read")
return y
flag=False #this value should be false if the test button is not pressed and true if pressed
def test(): #to do the testing for the neural network
if ReadOutput==True and ReadInput1==True and ReadInput2==True: # if the buttons read input and read output are pressed
global flag #should put it as a global so that its value can be saved when the function is called (the button is pressed);
#if the button is not pressed the variable should be remained as false
x=np.hstack((x1,x2))# combines the x1 and x2 arrays into 1 so that we can have 1 combined input
numb = entry_3.get() #for the number of max iterations
numb=int(numb)#converts the text given to a number
numc = entry_4.get()#for the number of neurons in hidden layer #1
numc=int(numc)#converts the text given to a number
numd = entry_5.get() #for the number of neurons in hidden layer #2
numd=int(numd)#converts the text given to a number
nume = entry_6.get()#for the number of neurons in hidden layer #3
nume=int(nume)#converts the text given to a number
numf = entry_7.get() #for the number of neurons in hidden layer #4
numf=int(numf)#converts the text given to a number
if flag==False: #i want to print the following only once and avoid printing them twice (when testing and when training) ; thus
#the flag value is used; before testing is done; the value is false and they are printed, when testing is done the value become true
#and thus they are not printed again. This achieves our objective.
print('the max number of iterations is:',numb)
print('the number of neurons in the 1st hidden layer is:',numc)
print('the number of neurons in the 2nd hidden layer is:',numd)
print('the number of neurons in the 3rd hidden layer is:',nume)
print('the number of neurons in the 4th hidden layer is:',numf)
nn = MLPRegressor(
hidden_layer_sizes=(5,5,5,5), activation='relu', solver='adam',random_state=1,max_iter=10000)
n = nn.fit(x, y)
flag=True #becomes true if testing is done (if the test button is pressed)
return nn #return the nn function fitting used later for testing
print("The input and the output for testing are not read")
def train():
if flag==True: #if the test button is pressed
nn=test() #take the Neural Network fitting function if the testing is done
numa = entry_1.get() #for the Tc training input
numa=int(numa) #converts the text given to a number
num = entry_2.get() #for the Qin training input
num=int(num)#converts the text given to a number
print('the Cooling Temperature testing input is:',numa,' K')
print('the inlet flowrate testing input is:',num,' m^3/s')
y=np.hstack((numa,num))# combines the Tc and qin into one array
test_y=nn.predict([y])#predicts the output of T for the given Tc and qin
print('the value of the predicted Temperature is:',test_y,' K')
#to show the results on GUI
output= "The result is:"
output+=" T= %d K"%(test_y)#takes the output of test_y
output+= " for the testing inputs "
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Results",output)#display output in a box when the problem is executed
#and data are filled by the user
if flag==False: #if testing is not done
print("No testing is performed")
# Create the widgets
btn_1 = tk.Button(root, text = "Input Tc data", command = readinput1)#when pressed, the input of Tc for testing is done
btn_2 = tk.Button(root, text = "Input Qin data", command = readinput2)#when pressed, the input of qin for testing is done
btn_3 = tk.Button(root, text = "OutputData", command = readoutput)#when pressed, the output for testing is done
entry_3=tk.Entry(root)#specify that entry_3 should be filled by the user
btn_4 = tk.Button(root, text = "Perform Testing", command = test)#when pressed, testing is done
entry_1 = tk.Entry(root)
entry_2 = tk.Entry(root)
btn_5 = tk.Button(root, text = "Predict Output", command = train)#when pressed, training is done
var1 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_1 = Label( root, textvariable=var1 )#Label Widget
var1.set("The number of maximum iterations (e.g. 500) ")#indicates the string variable
var2 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_2 = Label( root, textvariable=var2 )#Label Widget
var2.set("The number of neurons in the first hidden layer (e.g. 3)")#indicates the string variable
var3 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_3 = Label( root, textvariable=var3 )#Label Widget
var3.set("The number of neurons in the second hidden layer(e.g. 3)")#indicates the string variable
var4 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_4 = Label( root, textvariable=var4 )#Label Widget
var4.set("The number of neurons in the third hidden layer (e.g. 3)")#indicates the string variable
var5 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_5 = Label( root, textvariable=var5 )#Label Widget
var5.set("The number of neurons in the fourth hidden layer(e.g. 3)")#indicates the string variable
var6 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_6 = Label( root, textvariable=var6 )#Label Widget
var6.set("The testing input Tc")#indicates the string variable
var7 = StringVar()#indicates that the variable is of string type
label_7 = Label( root, textvariable=var7 )#Label Widget
var7.set("The testing input Qin")#indicates the string variable
#if training is attempted before doing testing( before pressing the test button); the code should tell us that
#we did not do testing.
# Grid is used to add the widgets to root
#locate labels,buttons and user-input numbers
label_1.grid(row = 1, column = 0) #puts the 1st label the no of max iterations in the first row and and 1st column
label_2.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
label_3.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
label_4.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
label_5.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
label_6.grid(row = 7, column = 0)
label_7.grid(row = 8, column = 0)
entry_3.grid(row = 1, column = 1) #puts the no of max iterations in the first row and and 2nd column near its label
entry_4.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
entry_5.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
entry_6.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
entry_7.grid(row = 5, column = 1)
entry_1.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
entry_2.grid(row = 8, column = 1)
btn_5.grid(row = 9, column = 1)#put the button solve for the data given in the last row
root.mainloop() #open the main window