#get the names, remove the nickname appendage
df[0] = df[0].str.split(':').str[-1]
#create temp column to get nicknames into another column
df['temp'] = np.where(~df[1].str.contains('[:]'),df[0],np.nan)
#extract words after the ':'
df[1] = df[1].str.lstrip('job:').str.lstrip('duties:').str.strip()
#fillna to the side so each name has job and duties beneath
df = df.ffill(axis=1)
#group by col 0
#combine words
#split into separate columns
#and drop index 0
final = (df
.agg(lambda x: x.str.cat(sep=','))
.str.split(',', expand = True)
0 1 2
0 Marcus Musician plays_piano
1 Bob Musician plays_piano
2 Gavin Teacher teaching_math
3 Nick Teacher teaching_math