RHEL 8.1 Custome Lorax- Composer AMI Image не запускается - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 17 апреля 2020

Я использую Lorax- Composer, чтобы попытаться создать собственное изображение RHEL 8.1 для загрузки в amazon AWS. Для тестирования я использую общий c образ, созданный с помощью Lorax, и просто устанавливаю baseos.

Я следовал указаниям на портале пользователя RHEL без происшествий. Я также создал зеркало локального репо, следуя странице инструкции weldr , поскольку lorax- composer не может читать из онлайн-репозиториев. Никаких проблем.

Я захожу в кабину gui, выбираю «стандартный» пример сервера разработки, и журналы не выдают никаких ошибок. Я следую указаниям RHEL для загрузки, преобразования в снимок, создания ami и запуска экземпляра (m5.xlarge resoruce, чтобы убедиться, что нет ограничений по ресурсам) и ... ничего. Экземпляр переходит в «работающий», но проверки состояния никогда не проходят, и экземпляр не отвечает. Группы безопасности разрешают все соединения от 0 / anyport, и экземпляр не будет отвечать на пинг или принимать s sh traffi c. Примерно через 5 минут я вижу перезагрузку экземпляра. Нет никаких журналов мониторинга или дампов от aws относительно экземпляра, все пусто (и похоже, что процессор даже не инициализирован, все графики мониторинга пусты).

Я открыл aws rhel golden images с торговой площадки aws с использованием моей учетной записи dev, но цель состоит в том, чтобы иметь возможность загрузить пользовательский образ ядра RHEL8. Я заметил, что RHEL8 золотые изображения только go до 8.0, поэтому мне интересно, есть ли проблема с упаковкой ядра 8.1? Чтобы использовать золотой образ RHEL8, я должен использовать их ami для загрузки 8.0, а затем обновить ядро ​​с помощью Yum. Я также попытался использовать weldr, чтобы упаковать vm как .vmdk и .img и запустить один и тот же процесс преобразования, чтобы проверить, была ли это проблема со сценарием кикстарта .ami, но результаты идентичны. Я думаю, что это должно быть проблемой со сборкой 8.1, которую генерирует lorax- composer. Есть ли способ заставить ядро ​​8.0 построить репо? Я думал о том, чтобы вытащить репозитории rhel7.x, но, даже если это успешно создало ami, который я мог бы использовать, он не будет особенно полезен, поскольку цель - запустить rhel8 на aws с пользовательским изображением.

Я пытался найти, как упаковать свою собственную копию 8.0, но я не думаю, что ядро ​​8.0 находится в библиотеке текущего разработчика RHEL. У кого-нибудь есть идеи или опыт работы с пользовательским импортом изображений ami? Я приложил журналы от lorax-compsoer ниже, так как они являются единственными журналами, которые у меня есть для этого процесса ...

Я также был бы открыт для использования другого компоновщика .ami, если бы кто-нибудь имел успех с пакет программного обеспечения, отличный от lorax- composer, чтобы получить пользовательский rhel8 в aws.

++++++++++++++ ВЫХОДНЫЕ ЛОГИ ниже этой линии ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

08:22:33,935 INF isys: 8130388 kB (7939 MB) are available
08:22:33,942 INF startup_utils: check_memory(): total:7939, needed:320, graphical:410
08:22:33,942 INF startup_utils: Switching logging level to debug
08:22:33,942 INF flags: Not doing 'syslog setup' in directory installation
08:22:33,943 INF flags: Not doing 'early exception handler' in directory installation
08:22:33,943 INF flags: Not doing 'start audit daemon' in directory installation
08:22:33,943 INF main: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--kickstart', '/var/lib/lorax/composer/results/51e7e079-6ccf-4dda-a4e1-17bf69612190/final-kickstart.ks', '--cmdline', '--loglevel', 'debug', '--dirinstall', '--remotelog', '']
08:22:33,944 INF main: Default encoding = utf-8 
08:22:34,014 INF dbus.connection: Connecting to a default bus at unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-Jbz3Xn04lu,guid=bb34e2f5f378c3e3eb55aacd5e99ad9a.
08:22:34,384 INF startup_utils: Waiting 600 sec for modules to be started.
08:22:35,387 INF startup_utils: Waiting 599 sec for modules to be started.
08:22:36,461 INF startup_utils: Parsing kickstart: /var/lib/lorax/composer/results/51e7e079-6ccf-4dda-a4e1-17bf69612190/final-kickstart.ks
08:22:36,792 WRN kickstart: Command clearpart will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,793 WRN kickstart: Command timezone will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,793 WRN kickstart: Command firewall will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,794 INF kickstart.kickstart.network: setting "link" for missing --device specification in kickstart
08:22:36,794 WRN kickstart: Command keyboard will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,794 WRN kickstart: Command lang will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,794 WRN kickstart: Command selinux will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,795 WRN kickstart: Command bootloader will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,797 INF bootloader: bootloader EFIGRUB on EFI platform
08:22:36,873 WRN kickstart: Command rootpw will be parsed in DBus module.
08:22:36,876 INF flags: Not doing 'setup network module mode' in directory installation
08:22:36,879 DBG main: Network module set up to not touch runtime system
08:22:36,884 INF flags: Not doing 'activate keyboard' in directory installation
08:22:36,906 DBG localization: setting locale to: en_US.UTF-8
08:22:36,906 INF flags: Not doing 'networkInitialize' in directory installation
08:22:36,907 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (140021088409344)
08:22:36,908 INF flags: Not doing 'write user interaction config file' in directory installation
08:22:36,908 DBG anaconda: setting display mode to TUI
08:22:36,908 DBG anaconda: working in noninteractive mode
08:22:36,916 WRN stdout: Not asking for VNC because of an automated install
08:22:36,917 INF anaconda: Display mode is set to 'noninteractive text mode'.
08:22:36,918 INF isys: 8130388 kB (7939 MB) are available
08:22:36,923 INF startup_utils: check_memory(): total:7939, needed:320, graphical:410
08:22:37,110 INF network: got 0 NTP servers from DHCP
08:22:37,111 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (140021088409344)
08:22:37,159 DBG installclass: Searching /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/installclasses.
08:22:37,179 DBG installclass: Found CentOS Linux (CentOSBaseInstallClass).
08:22:37,179 DBG installclass: Found Red Hat Enterprise Linux (DefaultInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Fedora (FedoraBaseInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Atomic Host (AtomicHostInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Fedora Server (FedoraServerInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Fedora Workstation (FedoraWorkstationInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHELBaseInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found oVirt Node Next (OvirtInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Red Hat Virtualization (RHEVInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 DBG installclass: Found Scientific Linux (ScientificBaseInstallClass).
08:22:37,180 INF installclass: Using a visible install class Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHELBaseInstallClass).
08:22:37,184 DBG storage: trying to set new default luks version to 'luks2'
08:22:37,348 DBG payload: getting release version from tree at None (8.1)
08:22:37,349 DBG payload: using default release version of 8.1
08:22:37,351 INF bootloader: bootloader EFIGRUB on EFI platform
08:22:37,352 INF autopart: Detected 7.75 GiB of memory
08:22:37,353 INF autopart: Suggested swap size (7.75 GiB) exceeds 10 % of disk space, using 10 % of disk space (0.0) instead.
08:22:37,353 INF autopart: Swap attempt of 0.0
08:22:37,354 INF bootloader: bootloader EFIGRUB on EFI platform
08:22:37,410 DBG storage_utils: LABEL=OEMDRV matches [] for devicetree=None and disks_only=True
08:22:37,413 INF flags: Not doing 'initialize time' in directory installation
08:22:37,450 DBG payload: Restarting payload thread
08:22:37,451 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaPayloadRestartThread (140021088409344)
08:22:37,451 INF geoloc: Geolocation is disabled for image or directory installation.
08:22:37,451 INF geoloc: Geolocation is disabled for image or directory installation.
08:22:37,451 INF flags: Not doing 'start chronyd' in directory installation
08:22:37,452 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaPayloadThread (140020882605824)
08:22:37,452 DBG payload: Updating payload thread state: 0
08:22:37,452 DBG payload: Updating payload thread state: 1
08:22:37,452 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaPayloadRestartThread (140021088409344)
08:22:37,452 DBG payload: Updating payload thread state: 2
08:22:37,453 DBG payload: Updating payload thread state: 4
08:22:37,458 DBG simpleline: GLib event loop is used!
08:22:37,475 DBG payload: retrieving treeinfo from http://localhost/rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms (proxy:  ; sslverify: True)
08:22:37,514 WRN payload: Install tree metadata can't be loaded!
08:22:37,514 DBG payload: getting release version from tree at http://localhost/rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms (8.1)
08:22:37,514 DBG payload: using default release version of 8.1
08:22:37,859 DBG payload: Updating payload thread state: 5
08:22:37,865 INF core.util: Skipping detection of SMT.
08:22:37,865 INF core.util: Skipping detection of unsupported hardware.
08:22:37,901 INF lifecycle: Adding controller: SummaryHub
08:22:38,695 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: LangSpoke
08:22:38,699 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: TimeSpoke
08:22:38,700 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaSourceWatcher (140020865296128)
08:22:38,700 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaSoftwareWatcher (140021088409344)
08:22:38,865 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: NetworkSpoke
08:22:38,870 WRN ui.tui.hubs: Spoke StorageSpoke initialization failure!
08:22:38,880 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: PasswordSpoke
08:22:38,884 WRN ui.tui.hubs: Spoke PasswordSpoke initialization failure!
08:22:38,885 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: UserSpoke
08:22:38,886 WRN ui.tui.hubs: Spoke UserSpoke initialization failure!
08:22:38,886 INF lifecycle: Initialization of all modules (7) has been started.
08:22:45,801 INF payload: Refreshing environmentAddons
08:22:45,951 DBG payload: Updating payload thread state: 6
08:22:45,951 DBG ui.tui.spokes.software_selection: Payload restarted, set new info and clear the old one.
08:22:45,951 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaPayloadThread (140020882605824)
08:22:45,951 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: SourceSpoke
08:22:45,952 DBG ui.tui.spokes.software_selection: Apply called old env None, new env None and addons set()
08:22:45,952 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaSourceWatcher (140020865296128)
08:22:45,952 INF lifecycle: Module initialized: SoftwareSpoke
08:22:45,953 INF lifecycle: All modules have been initialized.
08:22:45,953 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaSoftwareWatcher (140021088409344)
08:22:46,765 DBG simpleline: Scheduling screen SummaryHub
08:22:46,766 DBG simpleline: New signal RenderScreenSignal enqueued with source ScreenScheduler
08:22:46,767 DBG simpleline: Scheduling screen ProgressSpoke
08:22:46,767 DBG simpleline: Starting main loop
08:22:46,768 DBG simpleline: Processing screen ScreenData(SummaryHub,None,False)
08:22:46,778 DBG payload: Source http://localhost/rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms needs network for installation
08:22:46,778 INF flags: Not doing 'require network connection' in directory installation
08:22:46,778 INF flags: Not doing 'require network connection' in directory installation
08:22:46,829 DBG simpleline: Input is required by ScreenData(SummaryHub,None,False) screen
08:22:46,831 DBG payload: Source http://localhost/rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms needs network for installation
08:22:46,831 INF flags: Not doing 'require network connection' in directory installation
08:22:46,831 DBG simpleline: New signal CloseScreenSignal enqueued with source SummaryHub
08:22:46,831 DBG simpleline: Closing screen ScreenData(SummaryHub,None,False) from SummaryHub
08:22:46,831 DBG simpleline: New signal RenderScreenSignal enqueued with source ScreenScheduler
08:22:46,832 DBG simpleline: Processing screen ScreenData(ProgressSpoke,None,False)
08:22:46,847 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaInstallThread (140021088409344)
08:22:46,850 INF flags: Not doing 'save system time to HW clock' in directory installation
08:22:46,854 INF flags: Not doing 'copy /etc/resolv.conf to sysroot' in directory installation
08:22:46,855 INF installation: Top-level task queue: Installation queue
Number of task queues: 8
Number of tasks: 15
Task & task group listing:
 Task queue: Installation environment setup
  Task: Setup addons
 Task queue: Early storage configuration
  Task: Insert custom storage to ksdata
  Task: Run pre-storage tasks
  Task: Activate filesystems
  Task: Write early storage
 Task queue: Pre-install scripts
  Task: Run %pre-install scripts
 Task queue: Realm discover
  Task: Discover realm to join
 Task queue: Pre install tasks
  Task: Setup authselect
  Task: Setup firewall
  Task: Setup network
  Task: Setup timezone
  Task: Find additional packages & run preInstall()
 Task queue: Payload installation
  Task: Install the payload
 Task queue: Late storage configuration
  Task: Write late storage
 Task queue: Post-installation setup tasks
  Task: Run post-installation setup tasks
08:22:46,855 INF installation: Queue started: Installation environment setup (1/8)
08:22:46,855 INF progress: Setting up the installation environment
08:22:46,856 INF installation: Task started: Setup addons (1/15)
08:22:46,856 WRN addons: Addon com_redhat_subscription_manager is using deprecated method signature
08:22:46,856 WRN addons: Use setup(storage, ksdata, instClass, payload) instead
08:22:46,856 DBG installation: Task completed: Setup addons (1/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:46,856 INF progress: Setup addons
08:22:46,856 INF installation: Queue started: Early storage configuration (2/8)
08:22:46,857 INF progress: Configuring storage
08:22:46,857 INF installation: Task started: Insert custom storage to ksdata (2/15)
08:22:46,857 DBG installation: Task completed: Insert custom storage to ksdata (2/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:46,857 INF progress: Insert custom storage to ksdata
08:22:46,857 INF installation: Task started: Run pre-storage tasks (3/15)
08:22:46,857 DBG installation: Task completed: Run pre-storage tasks (3/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:46,858 INF progress: Run pre-storage tasks
08:22:46,858 INF installation: Task started: Activate filesystems (4/15)
08:22:49,080 DBG installation: Task completed: Activate filesystems (4/15) (2.2 s)
08:22:49,081 INF progress: Activate filesystems
08:22:49,081 INF installation: Task started: Write early storage (5/15)
08:22:49,081 DBG installation: Task completed: Write early storage (5/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,081 INF progress: Write early storage
08:22:49,081 INF installation: Queue started: Pre-install scripts (3/8)
08:22:49,082 INF progress: Running pre-installation scripts
08:22:49,082 INF installation: Task started: Run %pre-install scripts (6/15)
08:22:49,082 DBG installation: Task completed: Run %pre-install scripts (6/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,082 INF progress: Run %pre-install scripts
08:22:49,082 INF installation: Queue started: Realm discover (4/8)
08:22:49,082 INF progress: Discovering realm to join
08:22:49,083 INF installation: Task started: Discover realm to join (7/15)
08:22:49,088 DBG installation: Task completed: Discover realm to join (7/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,088 INF progress: Discover realm to join
08:22:49,089 INF installation: Queue started: Pre install tasks (5/8)
08:22:49,089 INF progress: Running pre-installation tasks
08:22:49,089 INF installation: Task started: Setup authselect (8/15)
08:22:49,094 DBG installation: Task completed: Setup authselect (8/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,094 INF progress: Setup authselect
08:22:49,095 INF installation: Task started: Setup firewall (9/15)
08:22:49,098 DBG installation: Task completed: Setup firewall (9/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,098 INF progress: Setup firewall
08:22:49,098 INF installation: Task started: Setup network (10/15)
08:22:49,119 DBG installation: Task completed: Setup network (10/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,119 INF progress: Setup network
08:22:49,120 INF installation: Task started: Setup timezone (11/15)
08:22:49,256 DBG installation: Task completed: Setup timezone (11/15) (0.1 s)
08:22:49,257 INF progress: Setup timezone
08:22:49,257 INF installation: Task started: Find additional packages & run preInstall() (12/15)
08:22:49,257 DBG payload: no package requirement added for storage
08:22:49,257 DBG payload: no package requirement added for realm
08:22:49,258 DBG payload: no package requirement added for authselect
08:22:49,258 DBG payload: added package requirement 'firewalld' for firewall, strong=True
08:22:49,258 DBG payload: no package requirement added for network
08:22:49,258 DBG payload: added package requirement 'chrony' for ntp, strong=False
08:22:49,265 DBG payload: no group requirement added for language groups
08:22:49,272 DBG payload: added package requirement 'langpacks-en' for langpacks, strong=False
08:22:49,297 DBG payload: added group requirement 'platform-vmware' for platform, strong=True
08:22:49,302 DBG installation: Task completed: Find additional packages & run preInstall() (12/15) (0.0 s)
08:22:49,302 INF progress: Find additional packages & run preInstall()
08:22:49,303 INF installation: Queue started: Payload installation (6/8)
08:22:49,303 INF progress: Installing.
08:22:49,303 INF installation: Task started: Install the payload (13/15)
08:22:49,304 INF progress: Starting package installation process
08:22:50,138 DBG payload: apply with result True called on requirements [('package', 'firewalld', PayloadRequirement(id=firewalld, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='firewall', strong=True)])), ('package', 'chrony', PayloadRequirement(id=chrony, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='ntp', strong=False)])), ('package', 'langpacks-en', PayloadRequirement(id=langpacks-en, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='langpacks', strong=False)])), ('group', 'platform-vmware', PayloadRequirement(id=platform-vmware, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='platform', strong=True)]))]
08:22:55,874 INF progress: Preparing transaction from installation source
08:25:01,893 DBG installation: Task completed: Install the payload (13/15) (132.6 s)
08:25:01,899 INF progress: Install the payload
08:25:01,899 INF installation: Queue started: Late storage configuration (7/8)
08:25:01,900 INF progress: Configuring storage
08:25:01,900 INF installation: Task started: Write late storage (14/15)
08:25:01,900 DBG installation: Task completed: Write late storage (14/15) (0.0 s)
08:25:01,900 INF progress: Write late storage
08:25:01,901 INF installation: Queue started: Post-installation setup tasks (8/8)
08:25:01,901 INF progress: Performing post-installation setup tasks
08:25:01,901 INF installation: Task started: Run post-installation setup tasks (15/15)
08:25:01,943 DBG payload: The default target is already set.
08:25:01,944 INF payload: Installation requirements: [('package', 'firewalld', PayloadRequirement(id=firewalld, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='firewall', strong=True)])), ('package', 'chrony', PayloadRequirement(id=chrony, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='ntp', strong=False)])), ('package', 'langpacks-en', PayloadRequirement(id=langpacks-en, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='langpacks', strong=False)])), ('group', 'platform-vmware', PayloadRequirement(id=platform-vmware, reasons=[PayloadRequirementReason(reason='platform', strong=True)]))]
08:25:01,946 DBG installation: Task completed: Run post-installation setup tasks (15/15) (0.0 s)
08:25:01,946 INF progress: Run post-installation setup tasks
08:25:01,946 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaInstallThread (140021088409344)
08:25:01,947 INF threading: Running Thread: AnaConfigurationThread (140020873688832)
08:25:01,955 INF installation: Not writing out user interaction config file due to directory install mode.
08:25:01,956 INF installation: Top-level task queue: Configuration queue
Number of task queues: 6
Number of tasks: 18
Task & task group listing:
 Task queue: Installed system configuration
  Task: Configure authselect
  Task: Configure SELinux
  Task: Configure first boot tasks
  Task: Configure services
  Task: Configure keyboard
  Task: Configure timezone
  Task: Configure language
  Task: Configure firewall
  Task: Configure X
  Task: Configure system purpose
 Task queue: User creation
  Task: Configure root
  Task: Configure user groups
  Task: Configure user
  Task: Configure SSH key
 Task queue: Anaconda addon configuration
  Task: Configure Anaconda addons
 Task queue: Initramfs generation
  Task: Generate initramfs
 Task queue: Post installation scripts
  Task: Run post installation scripts
 Task queue: Write configs and kickstarts
  Task: Store kickstarts
08:25:01,957 INF progress: Configuring installed system
08:25:01,957 INF installation: Queue started: Installed system configuration (1/6)
08:25:01,957 INF installation: Task started: Configure authselect (1/18)
08:25:01,962 INF progress: Configure authselect
08:25:01,962 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure authselect (1/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:01,962 INF installation: Task started: Configure SELinux (2/18)
08:25:01,967 INF progress: Configure SELinux
08:25:01,967 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure SELinux (2/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:01,967 INF installation: Task started: Configure first boot tasks (3/18)
08:25:01,970 DBG kickstart: The initial-setup.service service will be disabled.
08:25:02,089 INF progress: Configure first boot tasks
08:25:02,090 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure first boot tasks (3/18) (0.1 s)
08:25:02,090 INF installation: Task started: Configure services (4/18)
08:25:02,095 DBG kickstart: Enabling the service chronyd.
08:25:02,113 INF progress: Configure services
08:25:02,113 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure services (4/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:02,113 INF installation: Task started: Configure keyboard (5/18)
08:25:02,636 INF progress: Configure keyboard
08:25:02,636 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure keyboard (5/18) (0.5 s)
08:25:02,637 INF installation: Task started: Configure timezone (6/18)
08:25:02,828 INF progress: Configure timezone
08:25:02,829 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure timezone (6/18) (0.2 s)
08:25:02,829 INF installation: Task started: Configure language (7/18)
08:25:02,871 INF progress: Configure language
08:25:02,871 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure language (7/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:02,871 INF installation: Task started: Configure firewall (8/18)
08:25:03,535 INF progress: Configure firewall
08:25:03,536 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure firewall (8/18) (0.7 s)
08:25:03,536 INF installation: Task started: Configure X (9/18)
08:25:03,542 DBG kickstart: Using the default target multi-user.target.
08:25:03,542 DBG desktop: Setting systemd default target to: multi-user.target
08:25:03,542 INF progress: Configure X
08:25:03,543 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure X (9/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:03,543 INF installation: Task started: Configure system purpose (10/18)
08:25:03,552 INF progress: Configure system purpose
08:25:03,552 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure system purpose (10/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:03,553 INF progress: Creating users
08:25:03,553 INF installation: Queue started: User creation (2/6)
08:25:03,553 INF installation: Task started: Configure root (11/18)
08:25:03,561 INF users: user account root setup with no password
08:25:03,561 INF users: user account root locked
08:25:03,692 INF progress: Configure root
08:25:03,692 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure root (11/18) (0.1 s)
08:25:03,693 INF installation: Task started: Configure user groups (12/18)
08:25:03,694 INF progress: Configure user groups
08:25:03,694 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure user groups (12/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:03,694 INF installation: Task started: Configure user (13/18)
08:25:03,831 INF progress: Configure user
08:25:03,832 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure user (13/18) (0.1 s)
08:25:03,832 INF installation: Task started: Configure SSH key (14/18)
08:25:03,832 INF progress: Configure SSH key
08:25:03,833 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure SSH key (14/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:03,833 INF progress: Configuring addons
08:25:03,834 INF installation: Queue started: Anaconda addon configuration (3/6)
08:25:03,834 INF installation: Task started: Configure Anaconda addons (15/18)
08:25:03,834 INF progress: Executing com_redhat_subscription_manager addon
08:25:03,834 WRN addons: Addon com_redhat_subscription_manager is using deprecated method signature
08:25:03,834 WRN addons: Use execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, users, payload) instead
08:25:03,835 INF progress: Configure Anaconda addons
08:25:03,835 DBG installation: Task completed: Configure Anaconda addons (15/18) (0.0 s)
08:25:03,836 INF progress: Generating initramfs
08:25:03,836 INF installation: Queue started: Initramfs generation (4/6)
08:25:03,836 INF installation: Task started: Generate initramfs (16/18)
08:25:03,836 WRN payload: new-kernel-pkg does not exist - grubby wasn't installed?  using dracut instead.
08:25:03,908 INF payload: recreating initrd for 4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.x86_64
08:25:19,069 INF progress: Generate initramfs
08:25:19,069 DBG installation: Task completed: Generate initramfs (16/18) (15.2 s)
08:25:19,070 INF progress: Running post-installation scripts
08:25:19,071 INF installation: Queue started: Post installation scripts (5/6)
08:25:19,071 INF installation: Task started: Run post installation scripts (17/18)
08:25:19,071 INF kickstart.script: Running kickstart %%post script(s)
08:25:19,624 INF kickstart.script: All kickstart %%post script(s) have been run
08:25:19,624 INF progress: Run post installation scripts
08:25:19,624 DBG installation: Task completed: Run post installation scripts (17/18) (0.6 s)
08:25:19,625 INF progress: Storing configuration files and kickstarts
08:25:19,625 INF installation: Queue started: Write configs and kickstarts (6/6)
08:25:19,626 INF installation: Task started: Store kickstarts (18/18)
08:25:19,705 INF progress: Store kickstarts
08:25:19,705 DBG installation: Task completed: Store kickstarts (18/18) (0.1 s)
08:25:19,706 INF threading: Thread Done: AnaConfigurationThread (140020873688832)
08:25:19,708 DBG simpleline: Main loop ended. Running callback if set.
08:25:19,962 DBG payload: getting release version from tree at None (8.1)
08:25:19,962 DBG payload: using default release version of 8.1