Я пишу этот код:
/*My Ventilator
* Pressure controlled movement of a servo motor
* This program read time interval between two low and high pressure
* and set that time interval for breathing time.
* inspiration time : experiation time = 1:2
* PEP or lower lavel of pressure select by a potentiometer
* Due to lack of Pressure Sensor I am using a potentiometer to test
* the code.
* I am gonna using NODEMCU ESP8266 module
//#include <Ticker.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#define redLedPin 14 //D5 pin
#define servoPin 12 //D6 Pin
//just adding two led to represent inspiration and expiration
#define redLedPin 16//D0 Pin;this led is ON when expiration is going
#define blueLedPin 13//D7 Pin;this led is ON when inspiration is going
//Three pep buttons
//pep =5
//#define pepButton5 5
//int pepButton5State = 0;
//pep =10
//#define pepButtonPin10 4
//int pepButton10State = 0;
//pep = 15
//#define pepButtonPin15 3
//int pepButton15State = 0;
//Ading a Interrupt Pin to count the value of pep
#define pepPin 5//
volatile byte pepCount = 0;
int potPin = A0;//This Pot. control breathing rate per minute
int potVal;
int potFlag = 0;
Servo myservo;
int mapPotVal;
int breathNo;
int breathTime;
int inspTime;
int expTime;
float servoSpeed;
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pepPin), handelInterrupt, CHANGE);
// pinMode(pepButton5,INPUT);
// pinMode(pepButton10,INPUT);
// pinMode(pepButton15,INPUT);
pinMode(pepPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
Serial.print("Starting ...");
void loop() {
// pepButton5State = digitalRead(pepButton5);
//pepButton5State = digitalRead(pepButton5);
//pepButton5State = digitalRead(pepButton5);
potVal = analogRead(potPin);
mapPotVal = map(potVal,0,1023,10,30);
if(mapPotVal <=2){
potFlag = 1;
if(mapPotVal >=8){
potFlag = 0;
breathNo = mapPotVal;
breathTime = 60000/(3*breathNo);
inspTime = breathTime/3;
expTime = 2*inspTime;
Serial.print("Breathing Per Minute = ");
Serial.println(pepCount);//for checking pepCount value we write this instead of breathTime
float inspTimeS = inspTime/1000;//inspiration time in seconds
float expTimeS = expTime/1000;//expiration time in secinds
Serial.print("\nInspiration Time in second =");
Serial.print("\nExpiration Time in second = ");
for (int i = 0;i<90;i++){
Serial.print("\nInspiration ...");
servoSpeed = inspTime/90;
for(int i = 45;i>0;i--){
Serial.print("\nExpiration ...");
servoSpeed = expTime/90;
//This routine count number of pep count
void handelInterrupt(){
if(pepCount < 2){
else {
pepCount = 0;
До добавления «Прерывания» он работал правильно, но когда я добавляю Прерывания в GPI0 5 Pin, он компилируется и успешно загружается в плату ESP8266, но он не работает правильно .... Красный светодиод мигает непрерывно, без синего мигания светодиодного штифта или без вращения сервопривода Что я должен изменить в этом коде ... Любая помощь будет оценена. Спасибо