Джойстик CrossplatformInput не работает в Unity - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 16 января 2020

enter image description here Я подключил джойстик из стандартной библиотеки активов из хранилища единиц, но ввод не читается. Автомобилем можно управлять с помощью клавиш со стрелками, но джойстик не работает.

вот мой код

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

public class rearwheeldrive : MonoBehaviour
    public float maxAngle = 30;
    public float maxTorque = 300;
    public WheelCollider[] wheelArray;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float angle = maxAngle * CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float torque = maxTorque * CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical");
        wheelArray[0].steerAngle = angle;
        wheelArray[1].steerAngle = angle;

        wheelArray[2].motorTorque = torque;
        wheelArray[3].motorTorque = torque;

        foreach (WheelCollider wheelcollider in wheelArray)
            Vector3 P;
            Quaternion Q;
            wheelcollider.GetWorldPose(out P, out Q);
            Transform wheelshape = wheelcollider.transform.GetChild(0);
            wheelshape.position = P;
            wheelshape.rotation = Q;



Даже после изменения maxAngle * Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); maxAngle * CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis ("Горизонтальный"); он требует ввода с клавиатуры, пока джойстик не работает.

Код объекта джойстика

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput
    public class Joystick : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IDragHandler
        public enum AxisOption
            // Options for which axes to use
            Both, // Use both
            OnlyHorizontal, // Only horizontal
            OnlyVertical // Only vertical

        public int MovementRange = 100;
        public AxisOption axesToUse = AxisOption.Both; // The options for the axes that the still will use
        public string horizontalAxisName = "Horizontal"; // The name given to the horizontal axis for the cross platform input
        public string verticalAxisName = "Vertical"; // The name given to the vertical axis for the cross platform input

        Vector3 m_StartPos;
        bool m_UseX; // Toggle for using the x axis
        bool m_UseY; // Toggle for using the Y axis
        CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis m_HorizontalVirtualAxis; // Reference to the joystick in the cross platform input
        CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis m_VerticalVirtualAxis; // Reference to the joystick in the cross platform input

        void OnEnable()

        void Start()
            m_StartPos = transform.position;

        void UpdateVirtualAxes(Vector3 value)
            var delta = m_StartPos - value;
            delta.y = -delta.y;
            delta /= MovementRange;
            if (m_UseX)

            if (m_UseY)

        void CreateVirtualAxes()
            // set axes to use
            m_UseX = (axesToUse == AxisOption.Both || axesToUse == AxisOption.OnlyHorizontal);
            m_UseY = (axesToUse == AxisOption.Both || axesToUse == AxisOption.OnlyVertical);

            // create new axes based on axes to use
            if (m_UseX)
                m_HorizontalVirtualAxis = new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis(horizontalAxisName);
            if (m_UseY)
                m_VerticalVirtualAxis = new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis(verticalAxisName);

        public void OnDrag(PointerEventData data)
            Vector3 newPos = Vector3.zero;

            if (m_UseX)
                int delta = (int)(data.position.x - m_StartPos.x);
                delta = Mathf.Clamp(delta, - MovementRange, MovementRange);
                newPos.x = delta;

            if (m_UseY)
                int delta = (int)(data.position.y - m_StartPos.y);
                delta = Mathf.Clamp(delta, -MovementRange, MovementRange);
                newPos.y = delta;
            transform.position = new Vector3(m_StartPos.x + newPos.x, m_StartPos.y + newPos.y, m_StartPos.z + newPos.z);

        public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData data)
            transform.position = m_StartPos;

        public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData data) { }

        void OnDisable()
            // remove the joysticks from the cross platform input
            if (m_UseX)
            if (m_UseY)

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 16 января 2020

Использовать как:

  public Joystick mJoystick; 

  float angle = maxAngle * mJoystick.Horizontal;
  float torque = maxTorque * mJoystick.Vertical;

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Я использовал тот же актив, работает отлично, используя следующие настройки.

enter image description here enter image description here

using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using UnityEngine; 
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour 

    // Use this for initialization  
   void Start () 


    // Update is called once per frame  
   void Update ()

        float angle =  CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float torque =  CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical");

        print("Angle : " + angle + "  ,  Torque : " + torque);

